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Unread 11-01-2014   #10
♠♣ Jack the Ripper ♦♥
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Re: Comicbookbabe's Growth Audio Store

Originally Posted by LinkG07 View Post
I also took the plunge in buying a clip since there was really no preview to gauge from and I must say I was a bit disappointed sadly. The enthusiasm is there, but I think the mic quality (or you being too close so there's a lot of puffs and pops) is what disappointed me with it since it took me out of the experience. Hard to get invested when air is blowing with every P or S. I would also have to agree with obsidian that the lack of sfx does take some minor points off, but that's just personal preference since not everyone will want it. I'm not much for negative reviews but since I spent money on this I wanted to give my two cents.
Some SFX would be nice, that was my only beef with the MP3s since it's harder to get into something your listening to, than watching something, though that isn't to say that her product is bad, it just could use a little more topping so to speak.

Originally Posted by Comicbookbabe View Post
When I say no underage stuff, I mean I will not portray or interact with any characters under the age of consent. I think in most areas that's 18. At least that's where I draw the line. I know from the AR/AP section that may be a bit of a disappointment, there's nothing wrong with it, it's just outside of my comfort zone.

I have added my email in my signature, I prefer to get commission requests there, it's easier for me to keep everything organized that way.
Oh okay, well that's understandable, I only ask since I like younger GTS under the age of 18 and the likes and I'm also a fan of AP as well. But everyone has their likes and dislikes and comfort, so no hard feelings there. Thanks for answering that and for being respectful to another fetish type group. Since most folks find that underage or AP/AR stuff weird and gross, though their are much worse things on the web O_o But again, the old saying... if you don't like it, then don't look

I figure that is where you like to have commissions sent, well I will send one to get an idea if you don't mind. I'm a bit tight on cash, so I hope you understand, I am window shopping.

Originally Posted by LinkG07 View Post
You may be right. However, please don't assume my dissatisfaction with a product I paid money for, for not respecting the work that producers like Missa and Gary make. I understand it takes lots of money to pay for equipment, models, sets, schedules and props. I understand it takes time to shoot, set up objects and reshoot/take for hours, days, weeks or even months. I understand that not everyone is gonna have a studio and high tech gear to make 100% crisp material. But like I said, with nothing to gauge the material in question I was taking a risk. I took the risk and I voiced my opinion.

You also forgot to mention another producer: Veronica, whom I purchased from. However the thread seems to have disappeared.
That Veronica sounds so familiar, would you happen to have some pics of her vids? If you don't mind me asking.
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