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Unread 11-04-2014   #7
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Re: Your Ideal Werewolf - Discussion

Probably one of my biggest things is when a film or tv show trots out some random fuck that just has some claws, contacts, fangs, and some oddly placed patches of hair. (i.e. Teen Wolf, Supernatural, When Animals Dream, Big Wolf on Campus (though I loved the show itself), etc. That's not a werewolf, that's just fucking lazy. Even the wolfman style of werewolf never really appealed to me at all.

Another thing is when the werewolf ends up being just an average ordinary wolf after transforming. I like seeing something, whether bipedal or quadrupedal, that is a bit larger, and fiercer than the average wolf. That, to me, makes a werewolf. It's supposed to be a true monster, a savage force. (No, werewolves aren't cuddly, misunderstood nice guys)

I know many on this board are obsessed with tails, so more power to you, but for me, I don't really give a shit one way or another. I suppose it is anatomically correct, but I pay attention to so many other things than that in werewolves.

Finally, I can go back and forth with the idea of being bound by the full moon or changing at will. I actually like the idea of being able to change at will after a time, but having to change on the full moon, period. As far as being able to control the monster, I dig that too when it happens, if presented in a way where it took the person a long time, or succumbing to their own savage nature as a human to gain control.

I do think it's interesting to see everyone's tastes on the matter, though.

Last edited by Thrillerboy; 11-04-2014 at 01:14 PM.
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