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Unread 11-05-2014   #15
♠♣ Jack the Ripper ♦♥
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Re: Comicbookbabe's Growth Audio Store

Originally Posted by Comicbookbabe View Post
I think it's mostly cause I do fetish work, and well fetish work leads people to do certain things. Things that are illegal to do with underage persons. And while I don't condone those sorts of actions I can't look down on them as disgusting because I have my own fetishes which many people out there do not understand. I know what it's like to hear "EW NO! THAT'S GROSS!" when it comes to fetishes, so no matter what my feelings are, I try not to scream that when I come across something that is outside of my comfort zone.

As far as sound effects, unless someone asks for them in the commission, I probably will not be adding them to the files. Here's why, doing these files is a bit of stress relief for me. Letting my inner giantess out to play in audio form, and sound effects, well they are incredibly stressful when it comes to getting them right on a file. Sometimes I go a little overboard, I feel as if ripping clothes aren't enough and I start look for explosions and stuff to add in, and then getting all the levels right so I'm not blasting your eardrums at the point of ecstasy, or making it so you can't even hear me over the sound of my clothes ripping, or making it sound natural and not just the same effect over and over. And then, what was supposed to be a nice easy 30 minute stress relief session for myself turns into a 5 hour stress session that leaves me feeling even more stressed than when I started. Also, the files that I come up with myself, do not sell nearly as well as the files that you guys commission from me. So there is that, I'll see what I can do about expediting the sound effects process in the future, so it's better for you guys, but I'm not making any promises right now.

Now for some Happy news!

Remember when I mentioned in the first post about the free MP3's I put out every month? Well it's that time of month my friends! and I have two of them because I skipped October. Here's how they work. Every month I look at how much I've made through Bandcamp sales and divide that total by 10 (this may change if sales continue to go well here as I never thought I'd be making as much as I did the last few days) and for every $10 I've made I add another minute to the file and another foot to the girl I'm playing for that month. For example, for the month of September I made $70, so you get a free MP3 of that character growing 7 feet taller for 7 min. They usually start at 5 ft, so she ended up at 12 ft. tall. These girls are not donation based, so It's not like you're paying for nothing in the hopes of making these girls grow, You're buying content of something that you enjoy and your purchase of entirely separate content helps make the Calendar girls even bigger! I'm putting the Album with the free streamable files here and in the first post so I don't repeat the same mistake I did with Link in the future. I certainly hope you enjoy!
Well I still thank you for not being closed minded, I mean I can't stand Weight Gain stuff, Furies to a certain degree and Futa, but again I try to keep my thoughts to myself. But if someone likes something, don't bash them, though the people who do say gross and the likes are probably hiding their true feelings to it or they to have a fetish that is probably worse than the one they say gross to or just a fetish period.

Now to the SFX part of this quote, if it is too stressful, then don't push it for us. If you can add a little bit here and there, that would go a long way for all of us, but if you don't feel comfortable adding it or adding a certain amount, then don't push it, we all have our own respective stress relievers.
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