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Unread 11-11-2014   #17
Ami-Doll's Master
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Re: Shrinking Comic -Sailor Moon

Originally Posted by tjlemke View Post
So wait we'd be contributing to a shrinking comic where the main focus would be scene development and not the actual parts we want which is shrinking out of clothes? I'm just saying it would make a heck of a lot more sense to me to either make a new comic with different characters or use the scouts and use a different scene or circumstances. With that we could extend the shrinking scenes and focus on the bits that I'm assuming most people want to see. As I said I may be assuming but from what I've heard from people on this forum process is a major factor and shrinking out of clothes, especially drawn out scenes, is very much preferred.
You're more than welcome to input any scene development for the story. That's what I like every contributor to do, since this is not just my comic we're doing.

Originally Posted by LK View Post

Agent A is donating money to Agent B to commission a comic that Agent A wants to see?

Is Agent A aware that he could give the money to the artist himself and get exactly what Agent A wants to see? Why have Agent B be a middle man?

Did you put any research into this before going forward?

That's Sept. 28th. Read the full message. Mercurius's idea is DOA, and I don't mean the video game.
Actually, if you go here, you'd see 5. d-----------s listed in the current commission list...that's me. The commission list hasn't changed, since then. I asked for a 2nd spot, after he did a great job on it. Good thing I did, too.

Although, I do have a backup plan. If Kibate doesn't get to me before January, which is when the funding thing ends, I can commission it to another artist. Plain and simple.

Last edited by Mercurius; 11-11-2014 at 04:17 PM.
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