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Unread 02-25-2015   #11
Join Date: Jan 2015
Posts: 11
Re: Ludella Hahn Transformations

Originally Posted by baxter1327 View Post
In hopes of refreshing my memory on your first video's awfulness, I just searched for it and it isn't on my drive. Not surprising, as occasionally I don't feel a vid is worth the disk space it takes up so I don't save it. Haha I'm sure that sounds terrible to the artist, but don't take offense. The fact that I came back for the second, third, and fourth means I found something redeeming about you and your work. Some...most failed first timers don't get a second chance. In your case, I could tell by the quality of the vid (sounds, angles, light, overall cleanliness of the production) that you care about your product; and potential was there for better stuff in the future. I wasn't wrong.

In retrospect, I imagine a lot of what I didn't like about the first vid probably wasn't your fault, but likely the specifics set forth by the commissioner. Those of us who don't want to spend the money to commission a vid ourselves have to roll the dice on whether a vid is going to intersect much with our own respective interests within the TF fetish- whether it be situational/story line, or the elements of the TF itself. Hopefully both. That first vid just didn't jibe with me on most levels.

If memory serves, the TF was brought on by scientific potion ("Who keeps a secret formula in a coke bottle?!?" haha!). I prefer moon induced or anger TF.
The walking on all fours thing just seemed awkward and unnecessary to me. And the giantess part was completely irrelevant. I like growth in a TF, but giantess is a whole other thing IMO. (though in fairness I knew all this before buying...I was just hoping the TF would make up for it.)
And, yes, the TF FX were minimal and primitive. Akin to stop-motion as I recall. That pretty much put the final bullet in it for me.

So as you can tell from my own preferences above, your subsequent vids were much more in line with what I like, and your continual improvement in FX and TF acting (dare I say you did a knock out job in this last one) only adds to my appreciation of them. And as for the Velma thing, I'm fine with it; but the costume (big glasses, freckles, wig) cover up your own gorgeous face, so my vote is nay. though I understand final say goes to the commissioner.
Thanks for the further clarification. I really do appreciate it. I think you are right about the FX in that one. I was only using a basic program then and had to try to figure out how to make the effects the commissioner wanted using only that program. I had warned him that I wasn't sure I could do it before I took it on, but he was fine with me trying. But yes, haha, they were very primitive. The other issue was our lighting for that clip. It was one of my first green screen sets, and it wasn't lit properly, which made the editing very difficult. I'd still like to go back and see if I can make it look any better now, but the lighting on the raw footage might still cause some issues. Though I think I've come a long way from then, I'm still learning new things all the time. I'd like to get to the level of Missa's effects, but I certainly have a long way to go. Part of it is a time based thing, so it's slow coming, but I have been able to add some new sort of effect each time. Part of the reason I want to mess around with one that isn't a commission is so that I have a chance to try things I haven't yet without the pressure of time (or failing), but first I'll need some spare time to do that. Haha. :P

I appreciate that you recognize that I care about my work, as I really do.

And yes, I understand that each storyline might not appeal to everyone. I thought the coke bottle story was funny, albeit nontraditional. I personally tend to like offbeat concepts, so I really appreciate when I'm commissioned with creative storylines, but of course that's not everyone's cup of tea.

Thanks so much for recognizing some good in my humble beginnings and taking a chance on my clips that followed. I appreciate it, and I hope I'll continue to advance in my techniques as I go along.
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