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Unread 03-04-2015   #15
♠♣ Jack the Ripper ♦♥
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Re: Looking for feedback

Originally Posted by Conker View Post
I will buy a clip if it has (good) clothing destruction with the growth. Tbh that is the most important part to me.
Okay... (Looks at the last posts) well anyways, I agree with you Conker. It's important to most really. Just like a BE only film, if you have no expansion in a BE film, it's garbage or I guess to be more nice, just a chick with naturally huge breasts... Who wants to see that, you can find that in real life and in most porn flicks.

A GTS film with out clothes destruction and effects showing a girl getting taller and then eventually growing so tall she hits the ceiling or even better becomes 50ft or bigger. Is really nice, but if she just grows with no effects added. It's stale and it's worth the price. But if done like Gary or even Better, like Missa (Man her ears must be on fire by all the quotes on her ) it is worth buying.

Just like any movie to be good, a good fetish movie needs some things as well. Nudity is needed for realism, but it doesn't have to be flaunted per say. But pasties are just annoying and distracting... clothes ripping is also a must, since no one wants to see a magic growing outfit. Then the acting has to be at least decent for crying out loud, since some acting I've seen on some videos are just sad. Also effects don't have to be Hollywood good, but at least believable looking. Then lastly, don't lie! If it has growth in it, we expect to see something like Gary and Missa! But not like how Taylor has been doing lately or for the last few years now... sigh :/ Though the bed ones she did with the girls growing was alright, since they were placed in a mini-room and were appearing to be touching the ceiling and not standing on something, so I will let some of that slide.

But the last few ones, I won't since it said growth and Giantess in the tags, but barely any clothes rippage and it's a video with a girl appearing to be getting taller while standing in one spot and touching the ceiling. In which it's clearly looks like she is standing on something, so that ruins it. But there is hope more people will take the GTS area to what it is suppose to be and we won't keep getting lies and even better, Hollywood will stop giving us knock offs like Attack of the 50ft Cheerleader... But that is it. I spoke my peace.
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