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Unread 04-26-2015   #9
Blake Isaac Gordon
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Re: Tell me a story! (Comic)

Originally Posted by Prof_Sai View Post
I don't really need a premise. What is killing me is the written execution. I need a path with a conclusion. All my ideas spiral on forever into a void.
That problem can be controlled if you plan out your end scene and nail it.

Now if you are like me and you have a hard time killing your babies try asking these questions:

1. What is the purpose of the scene?
2. Does the scene drive the story forward?
3. Is there a a bunch of 'info dump' without much else within the scene?
4. Will your main character(s) (let alone readers) remember the scene 10 pages into the story?

Me~ I'm super guilty of wanting and trying to explain everything.

If your stories are nothing more than a long chain of transformation scenes I'd say collect the best ones and turn them into comic scripts.

But if you are trying to write something more than just a 10 page BE comic, I hope these 'suggestions' help.

All I see now are (BE)comics, (GTS)comics, (FMG)comics... over and over again.

Its nice to see people talking about writing.
If you don't have money? TOUGH SHIT! If you don't have the cash, that's your problem.
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