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Unread 11-16-2015   #13
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Re: All things Jekyll & Hyde....

There are a few of us on here that really really enjoy the whole Jekyll&Hyde theme but are reluctant to discuss things in detail as it seems to produce a negative reaction.

Could you elaborate on that? I'm not seeing arguments about it on the forum, and I'm curious what the negative reaction is.

I wanted to love this movie and Sister Hyde, but I didn't think the script of this film was very good and Sister just didn't delve into the TG stuff deeply enough for me. What I'd really like to see is a Sister Hyde story where the transformed man retains some self-awareness when he is a woman, so he is still evil and sexy and all that, but he isn't 100% a different person. It'd be more interesting (and hot) to me if the female persona was acting on impulses the male was repressing, and if he had to live with the guilt after he became a man again. With a movie like this, it's almost like he's a werewolf or something and he really has no responsibility for what his female self does. The only real drama is whether Ms. Hyde will take over forever, basically killing him, or if he will transform at an awkward time and damage his reputation. That's not nearly as compelling to me as a man genuinely wrestling with his feminine side, a repressed aspect of his personality that enjoys being an evil skank!
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