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Unread 11-17-2015   #275
Process Master
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 725
Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack

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Yes, you can count on us for support/advice/review... that is, we can be sometimes very hard to satisfy
On that note....

So I went ahead and bought this.

Transformed by the Power of the Moon

I know it's been a while since it was initially posted, so most have probably already decided whether or not they want it, but for those who are on the fence, I thought I'd give a very brief review:

The actress was good and I think the costume was decent. We pretty much see everything in the .gif, so you know what to expect. Personally, I didn't really care for the mask at the end; it looked a bit too... well, masky. The special effects mostly consisted of freezing the frame then animating the TF, which looks a bit choppy, but it's not too hard to overlook.

There were a few flaws that were a bit harder to overlook. Biggest one was pacing. The video is 27 minutes long. The actual TF doesn't start until eleven minutes in, and leading up to that, it's mostly just the actress moaning and touching herself. That's hot, at least for a few minutes, but it kind of gets old after a while. The rest of the video is more of the same, except every few minutes, there's an extra bit of costume on her. There's no dialogue, no story except the one that's offered in the description - it's really just half an hour of a woman writhing and masturbating.

So overall, it's okay but there's a lot of room for improvement. I'm sure some people on this forum would enjoy this, but it didn't really hold my attention.

Here's something that did, though:

Notice that there were no real special effect in that clip and the costume wasn't much more detailed than the one in the Transformed by the Power of the Moon video. There was, however, decent build-up and good pacing, and a sense that the character was actually fighting a losing battle to stay in control - all things that, at least according to my tastes, constitute a good werewolf TF.
Shameless self-promotion:

Last edited by Amahain; 11-17-2015 at 09:36 PM.
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