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Unread 02-10-2016   #1
Gotta Be Me
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Asking for Help Finding a Vampire Movie

Hi, all.

I remember seeing the tail end of a vampire movie a few years ago, and I'm trying to find it now.

As far as I can remember, it was either a Sci-Fi Channel Original, of a made-for-cable movie. The setting I remember was a lab, and a male lab tech was trying to do some kind of experiment on a female vampire. I believe the bad guy scientist looked kind of like William Atherton (EPA Agent Walter Peck from "Ghostbusters") and the female vampire had black hair. It ended in a big fight (maybe a shootout, I don't quite remember), which resulted in the vampiress turning a male to save him. Afterward, she threatened to put the fatal bite on the bad guy scientist, but I think she was talked out of it.

Not much to go on, I know. Any help is appreciated.

(Edit: Found it. It was "Vampyre Nation", aka True Bloodlust, and I had details backwards. The woman was blonde, and was actually the one turned to be saved after being shot. Sadly, most YouTube editions aren't in English, as it was originally a Russian movie. Plus, the William Atherton guy was one of the good guys. So yeah, lots of memories in the wrong order.

Relevant part starts at 1:03:30.)
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Last edited by Lycanthrokeith; 02-12-2016 at 12:07 AM. Reason: Found answer
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