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Unread 06-05-2016   #15
Process Disciple
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Re: New growth video I just completed

You make it sound like we should be grateful. You owe nothing to us, and we to you. If you are that bothered by the resource investment to make something you want, then that is 100% your problem to deal with, not your audience. Do you think people go to a Michael Bay movie and factor in the budget when evaluating their experience? When has any audience thought of the cost in their media? The end product is all that matters.

I don't hate that someone complains or voices frustrations in private, but I do when they vent to their audience. Whether you realize it or not, you are playing the "This was hard, show some sympathy" game that I find distasteful. Successful people do not turn their audience into their support group.

You chose to go forward with this. None of us are so stupid to think this doesn't cost money. That's why most keep it in the realm of ideas or keep the investment low. You decided to go big and put your vision out there, but maybe you didn't realize the price tag ahead of time. But if the cost was unreasonable for your situation, then that is on you. Don't gamble with the rent money.

It is your broadcasted bitterness over the reality of what it took to make your project happen and what I now anticipate will be future complaints that is the problem, not anything else. I don't even want to know how this sausage was made now if you used your girlfriend's image in a fetish clip and posted it to PornHub.
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