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Unread 06-06-2016   #21
Resident Mad Scientist
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Re: New growth video I just completed

Keep in mind that just a short while ago, LK linked to a CG video that was honestly, very impressive.

ONE board member mentioned that adding clothes-ripping into the video would push it over the top for him, making it one of the best growth vids ever while simultaneously acknowledging how difficult that would be. A second poster also acknowldged that clothes ripping is incredibly difficult to do in 3-d.

LK responded with:
"Christ, the guy pulled off realistic animated reactions, body movement, and environmental physics from a woman in a car seat suddenly gaining mass in slowish growth spurts. Isn't that enough to say Great Jerb and not go barreling into ways it could be better?"

Soooooo apparently, it's okay to just jump up and bash someone because you, yourself happen to not like how the artist has presented himself, but it's not alright to even provide constructive criticism on something that you happen to like?

Honestly, this particular video, even though it's not really my cup of tea was really well done with some interesting effects and I look forward to seeing how your work evolves. Kudos.
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