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Unread 08-15-2016   #1
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[Story] Megafauna (Slow Growth, Mini-GTS)

By Dartnet

Chapter 1 Unknown Artifacts

Off the coast of Round Island Alaska....

Rachel sat in the helicopter and felt very small. It was not an uncommon feeling for the young Paleoanthropologist. Everything about her could be called small. She was only five foot one inch tall, but skinny at 90 pounds of weight, with short ear length red hair that complemented her green eyes. She had an A cup chest, and dainty size 3 feet. She had a mousey look about her as she sat with her back pack between her legs in the seat looking out at the sea.

"How much longer till we get to the island?" She asked.

"Not long." Said Bob the Alaskan Park Service liaison that sat across from her. "About tem minutes and the artifacts are not far from the beach. We came across them when we were setting up the walrus observation camera. I have seen allot of Inuit artifacts and these look nothing like what I have seen before."

"I looked over the pictures you sent me and they look Neolithic Siberian. But I really don't think the one is a spear head it's much too large."

"Heads up, we land in about three minutes." The pilot yelled to the two passengers.

The helicopter maneuvered to a wide area on the beach and the passengers climbed out. Bob had to give Rachel a hand down as her legs didn't quite reach, and they proceeded down the beach.

"Watch out for the walruses they can be territorial." Bob stated.

Rachel looked around seeing a few of large aquatic animals. "I didn't think they would be so big." She said.

"Yea," He said pointing up the ridge. "The artifacts are up this way."

The two proceeded up the beach till finally Bob stopped. "Here is where I found them."

Rachel took out a pair of latex gloves and her camera out. She then proceeded to look around and she stopped and took a picture took out a not book noted something down. Then she moved a little up the trail took another picture, noted something. Then she moved a bit further and then she turned and yelled back to Bob. "I think you should take a look at this."

"What is it?" Bob asked.

"It appears to be a...." Rachel said as she fell disappearing from view.

"Dr. Kendrick?!?" Bob yelled as he ran forward. "Are you ok?"

"Yea. Nothing hurt but maybe my pride." Rachel's voice replied out of the hole in the earth she had fallen in to.

Bob hurried up to the lip of the hole reaching for the flash light on his belt. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. Nothing fells broken. I will probably have a nasty burse on my left shoulder but other than that I am ok." She said squinting as Bob shined the flashlight in her eyes. "Do you have a spare? I am not sure where my equipment went."

"No, but catch." he said throwing the flashlight down to her.

Rachel fumbled a little but was able to catch the flashlight. She scanned the light around to see her situation. "I think I found a cave."

"What do you see down there?" he asked.

"Yea, there is allot of bones, and some skulls. That's from a mammoth I think, and there are paintings on the walls. This is defiantly not Inuit." Rachel said moving her flashlight back and forth.

"Ok. You stay there. I am going to go and get a rope. I have some in the chopper."

"No problem. There just seems to be the one room. I am just going to look for my gear."

Bob rushed to the helicopter and hastily grabbed the rope and ran so fast back to the cave entrance that he almost collided with a female walrus. As he approached the edge he yelled. "Rachel are you still ok down there? I have a rope."

"You need to see this." She replayed.

"What is it?" he asked.

"A skull and a REALLY big one."

"A mammoth?"

"No it's human!"

Last edited by dartnet; 08-17-2016 at 08:44 PM.
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