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Unread 12-09-2016   #89
Magical Pony
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 29
Re: Donkey TF experiments

At the OP's request, I'm posting some plotless Donkey Tf description erotica here. Hope this is the right place for it!

The first sign that things are going horribly wrong is the aching in my teeth.

It was an exhausting night on the Pleasure Sim of the VirtualNet tonight, filled with simulated—but very real-seeming debaucheries. I was just about to log out when i received a mysterious code box from another user, named simply "Operator." The VirtualNet's been clean of viruses for upwards of ten years now, and it's usually perfectly safe to open surprise gifts from other users, but the moment I opened this one, my entire rig went black and I was unceremoniously ejected from VR, my head throbbing and my body covered in a film of cold sweat. I've just staggered to the tiny, antiseptic bathroom of my downtown apartment to splash some water on my face, and that's when I notice the teeth.

Dump shock can do a number on your system, but one thing it can't do is hurt your teeth. Or make them feel like they're... growing?

With terrified eyes, I look at myself in the mirror. My teeth are practically shaking in my jaw, almost as though they're resisting some great force, and as I watch, that resistance gives out. Suddenly my molars and incisors become great, heavy things, far too big for my mouth.

I can't even cry out. The best I can do is whisper, "What's happening to me?" and even this is awkward and garbled with teeth, and now a tongue, that seem too large for their space. The ache is spreading to my sinuses, and I am helpless to do anything but watch as the bridge of my nose broadens and the skin around my nose and mouth darkens and grows leathery.

Now there's an itching, burning sensation at the tips of my ears. My hands instinctively fly to them. I feel them begin to twitch, to come to points, their outer surface covering over with a wash of coarse, gray-brown hairs. And now, like a shot, they suddenly flutter out, becoming humiliatingly long, articulated things.

The coarse hair is beginning to spread from my ears down the nape of my neck, replacing my smooth, pink skin with rough animal hide. This can't be real, I think to myself. This must... still be the simulation somehow! Right? It's the only logical answer, but as quality as my gear is, there's no way it could duplicate this feeling of hair trickling across and down my neck, or... or this new burning sensation right at the base of my spine...

There is a feeling of pressure and sudden release, and suddenly, I have a tail. A long, gray, tufted thing, forced awkwardly out the waist of my jeans. It looks unreal, a part of my body that shouldn't be there, but I can feel the unfamiliar twitching of agitated muscles, and can see the tail lash accordingly. I realize with a sickening sensation that this is the shape my body is now. I can finally put words to it.

I'm becoming a donkey.

I'm try to scream, to yell for help, but the invisible force is clutching at my shifting windpipe, and suddenly I can't form words. The only sound I can make is a harsh, raucous bray. The rough animal hide that is replacing my skin creeps below the level of my blouse. My skin is on fire now, and I tear at my blouse and bra, eventually succeeding in ripping them from my rapidly-changing body. I watch, horrified, as my breasts begin to dwindle away, absorbed into the clenching and swelling muscles of my chest. My nipples are darkening and growing long, shaping themselves into equine dugs and migrating to a point on my belly, just above my crotch.

I lunge for the door of the bathroom. My hands slip against the handle, unable to get a grip. I watch as the nail of my middle finger grows huge and heavy and dark, all the rest of my fingers dwindling away into nothing. First my left hand, then my right. I bray again in terror, batting helplessly and clumsily at the door with hands that are now nothing but hooves.

A hot streak of pain tears down my back. My hips lurch, forcing my upper body forward. I stumble, then fall. My new hooves strike the tiles of the bathroom floor with a sharp clopping sound. There is a nauseating shifting and creaking of bone; my ribcage barrels out and my shoulder blades shift to my sides.

My heels jerk out of my shoes, rising into hocks. My feet stretch out into hind cannons, and I can feel the twisting sensation of my toes following my fingers, hardening into hooves as well. My body is almost unrecognizable now. I can feel the fabric of my jeans straining, the stitches popping, as my pelvis shapes itself into a donkey's hindquarters. Finally, the fabric tears free, and hair rushes to cover the space. Rough donkey fur burns up my back like wildfire, spreading into a dark cross at my shoulders before arcing up my neck and growing into a stiff, wiry mane. With one final roar of change, my neck and face stretch out to impossible proportions, my wide, round nostrils gulping air.

The room is quiet now. From my four-footed position, I catch one last glimpse of my still-human eyes in the mirror, before a flood of liquid brown pushes the whites away. And just like that, I am an animal. A frightened, confused jenny stuck in a bathroom, unable to tell any more what is real and what isn't.
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