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Unread 01-03-2017   #10
Writer of the Fetishes
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Re: Little Lodi at the Lab

Originally Posted by Prof_Sai View Post
No, you are just being a jerk. I stopped reading here.

Edit: And before you engage in the tediously obvious reversal, I only criticized one technical aspect of those poser drawings, and then was able to fix it myself. So yes I am an expert, and you aren't.
You fixed someone else's work. You said that it wasn't good enough for you so much that you 'fixed' their work. And I don't even see a post of you asking if you could use their work and adjust it to be posted on a forum. You then went to claim that it was better because you did so. Did you tell them that you were going to post it in this forum? I don't seem to be able to find them on here, so they wouldn't know that you are altering their work to claim on how much better of an artist you are unless someone told them.

You basically suggested that their art wasn't good enough and you needed to make it better, yet, my criticism is completely ignored? What are the qualifications of being an expert? Is it to understand art? Make it? Appreciate it? If one cannot make one art (drawing) But can make another (Writing) Does that mean they are forbidden from having an opinion or that their opinion is lesser?

You decided to not even read the rest of what I wrote, similar to a child who plugs their ears when first hearing something they don't like. Regardless of if it worships you or places you in a pit of shame, you should listen. You don't have to like, agree, or even do anything about it, but to shut down any negativity is probably why you haven't evolved much in the past decade.

Maybe I'm going about this the wrong way.

Prof_Sai, dear. Could you perhaps look into anatomy when you draw? Perhaps put a mirror near your work area to test which movements, poses, and facial expressions you want to use for your art? I know that the creators of Loony Toons do it. Heck, even Disney! And when was the last time Disney ever made anything bad, right?

Last edited by Doll-Elf; 01-03-2017 at 09:28 PM.
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