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Unread 02-01-2017   #23
Process Disciple
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Re: Diminished: A Final Fantasy XV Doujin comic on Patreon!

No, civility for shady people leveraging ambiguity, hope, and the almighty penis power towards impulsive decision-making to lie and hustle is not warranted. Given the history this community has of talentless hacks grifting money from rubes and ending up producing nothing but air and regret, I would have thought more people would be for systems holding people to their promises.

Imagine Dave Sammons came on here proposing a similar desire for investment.

That's the culture now isn't it? Crowdsourcing has its place, but you need to look really closely at the context. You want to label the numbers different ways to argue a position, I will raise bias and self-interest as clouding factors.

It is a crutch for this person. Look at ZZZ and Dreamtales, since equivocation seems so damn important here. Whatever issues I have with their content, I respect that they self-finance and create with respect to what sells. I ASSUME that they have successfully married their interests with their business and that losses they may take from shoehorning in their interests over audience wants are risks they wholly assume.

Merc wants to be creative director for his kinks while he disperses the personal risk to useful idiots. Sorry, "ignorant people." *He can't create himself,* why the fuck should he get welfare on a monthly basis for creative projects?

He has the easiest job, creatively speaking. He doesn't have the money though.
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