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Unread 06-28-2017   #46
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Re: Female werewolf film betsy

Originally Posted by howlingfan View Post
If “Betsy” is a bust, there’s always “Bonehill Road.” The only advantage “Betsy” will have over “Bonehill Road” (at least regarding the TF, which is probably the only thing that most people here care about) is that the actress in “Betsy” is more attractive than the one in “Bonehill Road” (okay, MUCH more attractive). Also, based on the few film clips and trailers I’ve seen of both women, the one in “Betsy” is a better actress (okay, MUCH better). Okay, so those are TWO things “Betsy” has going for it over “Bonehill Road.” “Bonehill Road,” on the other hand, will have the following:

1) The TF scene will be at least 1 or 2 minutes longer.
2) It will feature full nudity, as opposed to the shot of a bare chest in “Betsy.”
3) Riffing off of #2 above, there will be full-body shots of the TF, as opposed to mostly using close-ups.
4) There will be no skin ripping, as opposed to some skin ripping in “Betsy.”
5) The werewolf will have a muzzle.
6) The budget for the TF effects alone is over $15K. The budget for the entire production of “Betsy” was originally only $10K, though it was helped by a few fundraising campaigns.

Sorry, didn’t mean to turn this “Betsy” thread into one for “Bonehill Road,” but I couldn’t help myself. If I knew “Bonehill Road” existed, I wouldn’t have spent the money I did on “Betsy” (though I would still buy the DVD). It didn’t occur to me that there would be TWO female werewolf movies this year featuring a fairly extensive TF scene with practical effects.
Have you seen the Bonehil Road actress (Dylinn Fawn Harvey) as brunette? You will be surprised how the hair color would change someone . Sadly, a bad actor is always a bad actor :P.
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