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Unread 09-11-2017   #219
Process Disciple
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Re: Expansion Fan Comics - official updates

"As much as it pains me", hahaha... Man, Dream Girl is never going to live itself down, is it? I've never seen something go from such widespread adulation to disdain before or since in this community...

As to the McCloud comparisons (I love understanding and Making) I try to have mine be as much Action as Moment, but script constraints sometimes force me to keep the panels simpler. I have one upcoming on ExpansionFan centered on multibreast and BE where the growth starts on page 3 and doesn't stop until the last page, all while the main characters are ranging over half a castle trying to find a way to stop it. I think that might have what you're looking for.

Haven't had a chance to listen to the link yet, but I'm interested to hear their definition of "damaged", since I feel like there needs to be less fetish content where the end result feels like a tragedy...

Finally, looking forward to seeing what you've got cooking at EFan. Will this be your first foray on the site, or have you done anything for them before?
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