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Unread 09-17-2017   #7
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Re: Untitled TG Movie Project

Hey folks. I want to let you know that it's still proceeding apace! Thank you to those who have offered to contribute. I am still not ready for you yet, but things are slowly coming together.

I hope to set up a website soon where you can watch announcements as to this pre-pre-production and as we move into pre-production.

I have a framework for the movie and most of the major beats planned out. It's just getting from one beat to the next now.

Over the next two weeks, I'm going to be putting together the website and I hope to have something ready by October. I also have a title for the movie, but I'm going to keep the plot under wraps at this time. The title isn't going to give too much away, nor will the website.

Thanks again for your interest! Let's keep it going!

Tell me, where in the world is Daniel Sandiego?
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