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Unread 10-29-2017   #18
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Re: The Cleavage Accounts

All of those point earning scenarios are good guesses and reasonable possibilities. Radhi's motives may not be so clear but I do think she will establish herself as a clear atagonist so I don't think her "generosity" is that at all. She has a strategy, but the trouble is she can't control everyone else - particularly the other managers/dept heads.

Elena (The Condition) can be scary sometimes, can't she? It is almost like something sinister is growing inside her much like her bust is. Remember she also mentiones that while her mother and brother and aunt have the same condition, she was the only one that had big boobs or strong teeth. I wonder why that is? Maybe one day Randall will get to talk to someone who knows more about her.

Incidentally and mostly unrelated, I have weaved in a few easter eggs to tie the stories in togerher to imply that they take place in the same universe but it doesnt necessarily mean any of the characters are related or have crossed paths in any way shape or form...yet

Last edited by JJStrebas; 10-29-2017 at 03:12 AM.
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