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Unread 11-20-2017   #29
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Re: The Cleavage Accounts

Originally Posted by Darkstorm View Post
The stories have been quite enjoyable to read, so thankyou for creating them
Thank you! That means a lot.

The reason I asked your preferred method of contact, is to avoid that very situation - there's been a few times I've brought up a plot point or scene from your stories and thought to myself, "Maybe I should add spoiler tags... not everyone has read the latest chapter!"

So, hopefully I haven't given too much away when I've discussed any of the scenes!
I leave it to your discretion. I will start using spoiler tags too if i think an answer or comment gives away too much, but at the same time I hope people kind of assume to tread lightly reading this thread because I ask for feedback and reviews so spoilers are quite likely.

Not many authors get any meaningful feedback, particularly within our little niche community, so I'd like to encourage others to contribute their thoughts where possible. Forum posts seem the easiest way to do that

Can't wait to see how things go with Bridgette, her already amazing dimensions give her great potential! I do wonder what using a few points for height reduction would do - would it reduce BWH proportionately, or keep their measurements the same and only affect height? if the latter, that would be quite an easy way for someone like Gloria to fill out
Yeah, I am looking forward to her being a testbed of points pushing so to speak. She's already a little stunner, but she has so much potential.

I'm sure Bridgette has quite a few points stored up; she was quite happy to donate 5 previously, which seems quite generous. Let's hope any competition remains friendly in nature... it would be disappointing to have a falling out, but understandable given how rapidly things are developing - we also don't know the full agendas of the other managers...
Oh i,doubt that they would really get mad at one another, or if they did it wouldn't last long...maybe just get a few feathers ruffled.

I see what you did there admittedly, "Resident Boobage" sounds like a more pleasant way to go than the original!
Yes, I figured that was a pretty obvious reference. there is another company/entity out there that has been introduced as one that deals soley in misticism. Maybe they will show up again somewhere else.

Last edited by JJStrebas; 01-24-2018 at 09:12 AM.
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