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Unread 11-30-2017   #32
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Re: The Cleavage Accounts

Originally Posted by Darkstorm View Post
Two side stories plus the next Supermarket chapter - awesome
Thanks. I wanted to push myself to come up with two "original" ideas this time.

Wow, just wow. I initially thought Bridgette would just ease into filling her curves bit by bit, but she really jumped right in! what an amazing woman, (and amazing figure!).
Agreed. She is one of my favorite characters.

Some interesting information in that chapter - sounds as though reducing height keeps proportions, and allows for re-distribution of that existing mass from height. So, changes that would lead into yellow/orange may become green again by choosing to be slightly shorter... an intriguing path forward for when the changes reach a persons upper limits. Gloria seems to be appreciating and desiring voluptuous curves more every day - I think Jess will hit the roof when she sees Bridgette next! And will there be jealousy from Travis, now that she's spending intimate time with others; or perhaps they'll all meet back at Gloria's eventually...
Why yes, it all comes down to what they started with naturally. I don't think Bridgette could ever be as tall as Stella or vice versa. Nor do I think Heather could be as small as Bridgette used to be...although Bridgette is still relatively small because of her overall weight.

And we still don't know the consequences of donating points to other staff - is there a reward incentive for doing so (as suggested way back by Bridgette for Radhi's points, maybe unlocking sliders again or getting bonus points?). Maybe a team-building bonus or employee of the month type thing. That large point donation to Heather could have unexpected dividends...
Ahhh, but now that Gloria has given some away, we should get a chance to see what happens. I guess Bridgette was too distracted to explain that.

Derek's magic franchise really seems to be taking off, though I do wonder about his motivations - does his magical abilities grow from each successive use of powers, like Lillian? and what is his end-game? What consequences for Amber, or Karen?
Derek is kind of a rogue maverick. He just goes around handing out magical items to random women he would like to get with. Perhaps he is looking for someone that can replace Lillian.

Edit: ok so spoiler tags dont work here, or i am doing it wrong.

[Spoiler] hidden [/spoiler]

I did notice a few typos, but was happy enough to get new content Though, to be honest, I can't seem to get the version to refresh...
That sucks. I am so sorry about that. The amount of typos is embarrassing. I accidentally uploaded an older draft. By the time I figured it out and reuploaded it, it had been live for several hours. Amazon is slow. If you make just a minor change it could be a day before it goes live. It sucks that you can't see the new version. I'll ask support and find out what to do about that. I am redoing some of my covers that I am not proud of and as you can see with this latest book I am buying professional stock photos now. But even those don't seem to show on current buyer's devices. Sigh.

One suggestions for future releases - would it be possible to put the start of each new story in the table of contents? it would make it easier to skip through the book when going back to check on details / review ( I have no idea how hard that would be. I could always just use notes within the kindle app, but thought I'd ask anyway )
OMG yes, I need to learn how to do links for Table of Contents. I will figure it out for next chapter. And maybe go back and retrofit the old ones which probably won't help current buyers. Sigh.

Anyway, thanks again for your hard work - I look forward to the next one!
Thank you for your support!

Last edited by JJStrebas; 11-30-2017 at 07:43 PM.
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