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Unread 12-23-2017   #38
BE Writer
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Re: The Cleavage Accounts

Originally Posted by Darkstorm View Post
Fantastic - early Christmas present!

It took a little while to find the time to read through all those stories; I was sad to see some of them wrapped up, but it's for the best. It also gives you more energy to focus on the Supermarket, and any other new stories you're cooking up.
It is very tough to end a story, particulary a BE story. Once the growing stops it just has to end and I like the size that Elena reached. It "hurts" me to think I am ending a character but it has to be done. But it doesn't mean they can't show up in someone else's story.

Very interesting global phone number - I at first thought it might be some sort of binary algorithm, especially given that it varied in the two stories that mentioned them (batch variation? client code?)
Good eye. I was wondering if people would notice that. What started as a simple typo I decided to leave as it will have some implications later, but you are all over it so it won't be that big a deal.

The Condition finished nicely - glad that they found each other once again. Love conquers all
Thanks. Elena is near the very top of my favorite characters and I toiled on how to wrap things up. I thought about going very dark with her but decided it best to do it the way it went. I'm glad she's happy and still with Randall.

The Corset - Great to see Karen, Red and Sonya breaking into the fashion world. Tina's surprise certainly shows Derek's products are spreading far and wide. A lot of potential for stories in that arc.
I wonder though if Tina got Pepper from Derek. She doesn't seem to be his type. Too old, too heavy and not pretty enough I don't think.

The Detour - Nice to finally meet Ashlynn, and see the new family dynamic. Though, admittedly, the closing scene with Mara seems ominous...
Yeah, I think Liddell might be in a spot of trouble. I don't think Mara means him any harm but she's gotten so big and is getting so heavy so fast with her milk coming in that she probably won't feel him struggling. And it sounds like she's telling a long story.

The Prize - Is New Envisions Spa a subsidiary of Derek's? while it was lovely to see the girls finally put aside their differences and discover true friendship, the mysterious spa and its employees opens up many questions...
They seem to have their own set of abilities and motivations, but Derek did give her the gift. He is at least aware of them. I just wonder if they answer to him, work with him, or something else.

The Supermarket - Love it; still my favourite story! Kianna's reveal was a welcome surprise, in more ways than one. Gloria is very lucky to be so likeable; some surprising friendships/alliances forming. Rahdi is an interesting character - it will be fun to see how they influence each other (though, admittedly, I still have a soft spot for more interactions with Bridgette!)
I love this story too. I get overwhelmed when I sit down to write it because there are so many characters to explore and the are all so likeable. If I may be so bold, this story is my Naruto or my Bleach, if you are into anime at all. Soooo many characters in those. I love Radhi and Bridgette too. I was glad to show some crack in Radhi's cool and see Bridgette strutting her stuff so confidently around. Plus with all the extea fun Gloria was having, I am glad she brought Travis in on it.

The first yellow meal was excellent - love that Bridgette's transformation has opened Gloria up to being more comfortable with dramatic changes. I'm not surprised, but am happy to see Gloria contemplating more established career at Pat's; let's face it, an opportunity like that would be hard to resist!
Yes, Gloria is going to have some choices to make.

Have you decided how you'll proceed with future chapters? Are you branching them out on their own, or are you going to continue with collections of stories?
For now I am going to release stories seperately in self contained novellas or long form shorts. I'm about a third of the way done with one and I hope I can get it out next week. Since you like Bridgette, i think you'll like Colleen too.

All the best for you and your family/friends for Christmas! Enjoy some well-earned down-time!
Thank you. Same to you.

Last edited by JJStrebas; 12-23-2017 at 09:34 PM.
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