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Unread 04-08-2018   #255
Process Fan
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 48
Re: Expansion Fan Comics - official updates

Hotel Infinity author here. Thanks for the kind words, guys. This series has been a lot of fun to write, and I was super lucky to be paired with the artist Wang, who I'm sure we can all agree is doing a fantastic job!

A quick note about Lexie's revenge being reasonable or not. While I agree with PyroWildcat that fantasy stories (especially fetish ones) often subscribe to their own inner rules for morality and ethics, I just want to point to one detail in this series.

When the first issue takes place, Lexie and Blair have basic rights and freedoms. But, as Kallinara tells them when shit starts going down, those rights have basically been annulled by the dissolution of the Human Union. All of a sudden, humans are now completely at the mercy of wizards. I guess what I'm saying is that, even within this context, what's happening to Lexie and Blair isn't exactly "par for the course" in the wizard world. Lexie was a bitch, sure, but the response was unprecedented. Her anger and desire for revenge - whether justified or not - is understandable at least?

And good call about the weight gain mention. My guess is that that was just a small mixup, since there's actually a few instances of weight gain in issue 3.
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