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Unread 11-15-2018   #5
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Re: New animation: Concentrated Pleasure

Doll: Anyone who's ever seen an animation by Jackurai before (and there's plenty of free ones in his gallery) or for that matter looked at the previews I posted for this knows exactly what the animation style for this will look like. If you don't like it, that's fine, but your post kinda seems like you felt cheated, as if I'd advertised this with higher-quality art than is actually there.

I spent a not insignificant amount of money for his time and effort to get this made. It took him several hours of work overall. Granted, you could probably get someone to draw you still images of comparable quality for free or cheap, but animation is a different beast. I'd like to see you create something of similar quality and then give it away for free...

The bonus scenes were exactly that - a bonus. They were added after the main animation was done as a couple of minor Easter eggs - which is why I didn't list this as a growth or BE animation.

Oz: Glad you liked it.

If I get any more of these made, I'm gonna try for spoken dialogue rather than text. :-)
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