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Unread 12-30-2018   #136
Purveyor of Porn
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Re: Giantess Club Updates

I am a paying customer of the Club, and I actually was answering someone else's point about the latest release. And, unlike some people, I'm not being a rude, vicious dick, I'm just saying the latest issue has a major problem if it's supposed to be a "giantess" comic. My comment wasn't some scheme to plug my site - it was a statement that, in my *professional* opinion, this latest comic shouldn't have passed the script stage with so little giantess content in it.

People can criticize my products or the Fan sites I work for - especially if they're paying customers, though that isn't a *requirement.* And if we put out a "shrinking woman" comic that was 80% about a different fetish, our customers would have every right to complain. Really, it's just YOU who seems unable to voice criticism in a way that doesn't get you banned, but it's not because it's criticism, it's because of your attitude.

I'm sorry if you don't approve of me saying what I said here, but, happily, I don't have to care. Now, if you've got something on topic to say, feel free, but if you just want to be nasty to me again, I'd advise you to either hold your tongue or take it to a private message.
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