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Unread 01-09-2019   #18
Process Master
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Re: List of SW clips involving only women

Originally Posted by swfn View Post
In what sense? The process? One issue that I find most commonly in these sites is that the previews are so short (sometimes even consisting in a gif with few screenshots) that it is impossible to infer whether it meets a minimum standard of quality.

From my point of view, the process is important, although I tolerate a wide range of variants, from the slower ones to the faster ones. After that, the most important element for me is the reaction and the struggle of the SW to the potential issues of being reduced (the smaller, the better), whether she is alone or with a normal-sized woman teasing her. If she is enjoying being small I like the vicious circle of being even more reduced as she is more and more turned on; on the other hand, if she is scared I like watching her facing and escaping from potential issues and threats while she is trying to look for an antidote or begging the normal-sized woman for growing back to normal size.

I don't know whether the aforementioned clip meets some of these conditions.
Hard to explain with out showing the clip. To try and be on point the process isn't good. I dare say it doesn't really have one. Can tell it just her using larger clothes. I would say the reaction has fear. So I would say it isn't worth it. Not really sure what else to say.
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