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Unread 05-16-2019   #171
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Re: The Cleavage Accounts

For those of you who have read About Marlin: Critical Mass you may have noticed that in the scene where Terry talks to Lina at the party right before they go outside there is a continuity issue with their dialogue. I rewrote that part by more or less just adding some filler lines to make it make sense. It doesn't change what happens, but if you can somehow convince your device to let you download the new version, you can read it. I tweaked the cover a little too, if that annoying line goes away at the bottom, you'll know you have the newest version.

No big deal, all I was trying to convey was two people making awkward small talk in a loud room and can barely hear each other... nothing changes as far as what ultimately happens.

I make plenty of mistakes, but this one stuck out at me that I somehow missed while... ahem, editing. I'm sure there are other mistakes too. Thank you for reading.

This week I am working on a new story about two friends who find themselves with a curious predicament as they strive to lose weight.
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