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Thread: Missa - TF
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Unread 10-18-2019   #1156
AAWIL fanatic
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Re: Missa - TF

Originally Posted by Rei-Lin View Post
Most likely Missa won't be making another Transformation video and it's very unlikely that she will making more Futanari videos either, or at the very least, would make them few and far between. The reason is straight from Missa: money. She doesn't make enough money on those types of videos to make them worth her time to produce. On top of that, even when she makes those videos, people give her grief for not doing it this way or that way and as you can imagine, if people don't appreciate your work, why the hell would you keep making it for them?

It doesn't help that most people on The Process are stingy with their money and like to beg for free stuff or ask producers of these types of videos to do an idea of theirs for free or something along those lines. Missa thought that an entire forum dedicated to the process of people turning into stuff would be a great thing for her business, and it just wasn't. I don't blame her from a business standpoint either. Her last Futanari video had very little process and was more focused on the story and the sex than anything else. That's her new focus and though it saddens me that she has chosen this path, it only makes good business sense.

To be honest, I'd like to think that a lot of our hopes and dreams for having process type work of all kinds will be coming from 3D work. There's a lot of good transformation type work out there from multiple artists. People like Surody, Firebrand, Big Johnson, GenYun and many others could honestly do custom work and make it look amazing. The only thing 3D lacks is a good Werewolf transformation that's on par or slightly worse than a practical one. Someday maybe?
It's a very good explanation, but I really feel that it misses some points, like the fact that these things happens in Internet, generally speaking, so someone who's getting his/her work depending on that, has to be prepared for things like trolls trying to ruin your promotions, critics of all colors, hackers trying to steal your work... and good people too. And The Process is no better than the Internet itself. I want to think that we are a bit better thanks to the effort of some people here, and we are not perfect, but sometimes these kind of critics sound like if we've been punished ala "full metal jacket" style, where we are paying for the faults of some people. But as you correctly have pointed out, money is the main reason. I don't think that her taboo/lesbian/whatever porn consumers could ever compare to us in quality... but in quantity we are clearly overrun.
And I don't want to close this without commenting that she said, when she was promoting her last werewolf video, that one more (with FX) would be done once her ranch/studio would be finished... (it was because that last video didn't have almost FX work) I am still waiting, and I am sure that she won't keep her word about that.
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