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Thread: Found on 4Chan!
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Unread 03-28-2020   #260
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Re: Found on 4Chan!

How does any one have ANY authority over anything on a chan, except their mods and janitors? Seriously. It's just an opinion. Sai is just an internet friend. She's done some nice things for people here. So you'll see that she has friends here, on shrunken women, deviantart, and lots of other places.

And the admin, The_gov and several of us already talked to her about her chan activites.

And we've kinda had a falling out anyway, partly over politics.

I love my internet friends, but I also have a few of RL friends and a couple of relatives here who know about my fetishes. And FB friends too. Some would happily troll 4chan with me, if I asked, but that's not my interest.

But right now, especially, with the end of the world going on, I'm just happy to have my S.O. with me at home instead of traveling all time.

Now what would be fun is having someone shrink Sai, Julie, and me so small that we couldn't post on 4chan at all. HA.

Maybe chavez/original/inks could shrink anyone who posts something you don't like, noraids?

Now, I'm going to go back to housecleaning, and then later start dinner for Julie.


Last edited by OhZone; 03-28-2020 at 10:32 AM.
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