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Unread 07-27-2021   #113
"Growing" Content Produce
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Re: The Official "Destruction Damsels" Growth Video Thread!

Originally Posted by make_her_grow View Post
Everything looks great so far! Can't wait to watch it!

I'd love to see you guys try a full moon's giantess curse type of growth clip in the future. A girl who keeps growing every time she gets hit with the light of the full moon after clouds stop blocking the light...
Yeah, I definitely hope to try different things in the future, maybe some transformation stuff as well if I can pull it off, lol.

Originally Posted by qzar9999 View Post

Cannot wait until tomorrow. When I saw the hand bandage in the other pics you posted, somehow I just knew that had to do with whatever was gonna make her grow... xD

Also, this being the second time I'm hearing Canary Addison talk about shrinking back down makes me really want to see her in a shrinking woman clip. Sadly that does not involve destroying clothes, so something tells me that's not in the cards... *sigh*

That's okay. Giantess stuff is sexy too. Count on a day-one purchase from me!
Yeah, there's a reason you see the bandage in the one photo but not the other three... it makes more sense in the video, just ignore the shoddy last minute fake blood effect when you see it, lol.

So, I'm certainly up for trying different things in these scenes, see what works and what doesn't, and funny enough one of my close friends says she knows someone who has a shrinking fetish, so my brain (aka the hamster in a rusty wheel) was already contemplating possible scenes. I know Growth Dreams has done "energy transference" scenes, where one person shrinks and the other grows, so that was one idea. I know the closest I've come to this so far was in "A Growing Resident" where Sugargirlmodel/"Rebecca" shrinks back to normal size, but not a "true" shrinking scene where the character ends up much smaller than normal size. Maybe an Alice in Wonderland scene, even if some may find that a bit cliche... doesn't mean I haven't thought about it, lol.

And glad to hear it! I'm most likely doing a "pre-upload" onto clips4sale once the scene's ready, so hopefully it'll properly go live by noon EST tomorrow. Maybe I'll give it a 15 min grace period before just incase, lol.
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