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Unread 10-03-2021   #4
Writer of the Fetishes
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Posts: 191
Re: Upcoming Descent - Shrink Fan Comics

While the animation style was decent and the shrinking scenes are tasteful, overall the story heavily lacked content.

It felt very contrived in the beginning with a forced conflict of the whole kitchen being ripped apart to the point drawers were removed and plates were tossed back inside shelves.

We are to believe this all happened between when she left to go to work and come back?

I have lived with messy people in the past, and it's pretty bad. But this seems to be a whole other level of "Get it? Science dude make big mess for science"

The comic itself, with it's writing also felt extremely shallow with the characters being one dimensional.

The shrinking scenes had me excited for the comic, despite it being f/M, however the plot itself felt contrived for the scenes themselves rather than the story progressing into a more tangible understanding.

There is a difference with suspension of disbelief and this.

If I were to re-write the scene and it's plot, I could rather see a home lab instead of the kitchen being used with the experiment failing when Renee comes into the lab because Tyler typically gets so into what he's working on he forgets to eat. When she walks in, Tyler is napping on his desk and when she tries to wake him, he flails and the experiment falls, spilling onto her.

This keeps it still on the "technically Tyler's fault" while also having "Renee probably should have knocked" So the blame is dubious.

The sheer hatred Renee has for Tyler (Though justified without he literally destroyed a whole kitchen and tossed every single plate and cup into drawerless drawers) felt very out of place. Why would you have a roommate that you despise so much living with you not be kicked out before this point?

It's clearly implied that she can manage her apartment without him as it's implied early on that she's ready to kick him out.

Also, this is just a personal request, but can we get more pure F/f stuff?

Not F/M/f or F/f but also later M/f. Just some F/f
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