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Unread 10-02-2022   #63
Smutty Lady
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Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 622
Re: Lycandope Story Thread

Riding The Bull
A work event goes horribly, horribly... right? when coworkers take on a more bovine appearance
Amelia glanced up and then groaned, pinching her the bridge of her nose as Kinsley and Naomi stopped by the wall of her cubicle.

"You're coming, right?" Kinsley asked. She was dressed in clothes that clearly broke even the relaxed 'casual Friday' work rules. Her bluejeans had holes in them and her dirty blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail over a white t-shirt with an obscure metal band on the front.


"Yeah, she's coming," Naomi said, tapping her fingers on the metal covering that lined the top of the cubicle. Despite her certainty, she eyed Amelia like a wolf hunting its prey, waiting for it to break and run. Her own bluejeans were acid-washed in a throwback to decades past but in one piece. She wore a long-sleeved top that opened to show the edge of her lacey bra. Her pale, lilting eyes were fierce but friendly.

Amelia was certain Naomi knew her bra showed. She pushed her small, rectangular glasses up her nose to look at her coworkers before glancing back at her spreadsheet. Her dark fingers caressed her keyboard as if eager to return to work.

"I really don't-" she tried to say, brushing a black curl away from her eyes.

"It's Tyler's going away party, Amelia!" Kinsley nearly shouted. "Come on! Alana rented a bar for all of us. A private little party. Just for us. Alcohol-"

Naomi nudged her friend.

"Well, you don't have to drink," Kinsley amended. "But there's food and you can get a soda or water or whatever you want."

"It'd mean a lot to Tyler," Naomi butted in. "And just all of us. Come on, I know you don't like going out with us but we're a small company and it's important to show we're all one tiny, overworked family."

"Pleaaa-ase," Kinsley said in sing-song.

The party was a surprise, especially with Alana footing the bill. They were a small company and highly specialized. Their non-disclosure documents took a week to read through and Amelia was shocked that they were letting Tyler go so easily. Especially since he seemed headed for a company that was tangentially in a related industry. However, they'd finished their first major contract and Tyler was eager to be elsewhere.

What was strange was that, despite her coworker's begging, she hadn't received an invitation to the party. She'd been both relieved and hurt to learn of it.

There was nothing waiting for her at home. And she liked that. Yet what the two women said was true; cohesion was important. She knew that if she didn't go, there might be resentment and that could slow down her work.

"Fine," Amelia sighed, pushing her glasses up once more.

"Perfect!" Kinsley smiled. "We're leaving now so don't be late!"

The two women left, giggling and waving their arms as they talked about their plans and what they were going to do that evening. Amelia blushed as she heard Naomi talk of leaving her bra at home.

With a heavy sigh, she returned to her spreadsheet to finish massaging the raw output from one of their databases.


The bar was small and the lot was mostly empty as Amelia pulled in. She drove away from the rest of the cars to park in the very corner with her blue Prius. It was a recent purchase - a splurge for her - but she loved it. Whenever someone asked, she'd talk about how good the gas mileage was and how low maintenance it was but, internally, she thought it was extremely cute.

Thin red clouds lined the sky as she walked through the parking lot.

A huge, serious man dressed in black slacks and a black t-shirt stared at her as she walked towards the bar. Amelia glanced down at her feet while nervously tucking her hair back.

"Badge," the man told her when she arrived.

It took a moment of fumbling but she found her company ID and showed it to him. He grunted, stepping sideways while opening the door.

Pop country music greeted the young analyst, much to her dismay, but the sight at the center of the bar drew her attention - a giant mechanical bull.

Her coworkers called out to her, raising their glasses, and she clutched her purse while raising her free arm awkwardly to wave back.

"Amelia, hey!" a young bearded man said, breaking away from Naomi and an older man - Jed, their team leader. "Hey, I didn't think you'd make it!"

Tyler scratched at his red beard as he smiled at Amelia. She smiled back and then ducked her head before looking back up. The man took a step with his arms out, as if to hug her but she leaned back and he dropped his arms.

"Well, they convinced me," she told him bluntly. He was a good coworker. Strong with numbers and a team player that never hesitated to give credit when people worked with him. She'd miss having him as a coworker.

And he wascute. She blushed and shuffled, praying he wouldn't go in for a hug again.

"Either way, I'm glad to see you," he told her. "I'm going to finish up with the others but don't leave before I have time to talk, okay?"

Amelia nodded and then breathed out, releasing her tension as he walked away. In a way, she would be glad when he was gone. She'd had a massive crush on him since she'd seen him and it was strange to her. She'd never had a crush on anyone before. There were a few boys over the years that she'd thought were handsome but this was the first time she'd felt an anxiety inducing attraction just be looking at someone.

Still holding her purse tight to her body, she went to the bar.

"What can I get for you?" the bartender asked. "Everything's free."

"Oh, just- just a juice, please," Amelia told him.

She rested her arms on the pitted bar with her hands together while staring at the lacquered wood and the contrast against her ebony arms.

"Here you go, sweetheart," the bartender said, setting down a glass of orange juice.

Crimson swirls floated in the glass but, when she sipped at it, she was pleased at the sweetness of the punch in comparison to the base acidicness of the orange juice.

"I'm gonna do it!" Naomi shouted from across the room. The two with her - Naomi, having moved from Jed and Tyler, and Douglas cheered her on.

The girl still wore the same ripped jeans and t-shirt as she walked to the mechanical bull. Amelia took another sip of her drink, a longer pull this time as it warmed her belly, and watched. Naomi held the leather strap around the bull's "neck" and tried to swing her leg up, laughing at herself when she failed. She hopped and swung her leg until she was on and gestured for it to start.

Her ride was short-lived.

It started well, slowly rocking back and forth while Naomi made exaggerated riding motions that made Amelia blush. She drank deeply from her glass and was surprised to see it already half empty.

The bull picked up speed and, after a few close calls, Naomi slid off in a fit of giggles.

Amelia hid her shy smile behind her hand but a chuckle escaped. The bartender filled her empty glass unasked and she took a small sip as her coworker hobbled over to her group.

"Oh, Amelia," a mature voice said from the bar.

Turning, the analyst was surprised to see their president. And somehow embarrassed.

"I'm sorry-" Amelia started to say.

"I didn't-" Alana said at the same time. "I didn't expect you here."

"I'm so sorry," Amelia told her, nervously gulping her drink. Alana eyed the glass. "I wasn't going to come but they asked me to and-"

"No, it's okay," Alana said with a sigh. "Maybe even better this way. I'm sorry."

"No, no, I'm sorry," Amelia said. She rested a hand against her chest, surprised at how warm she felt. The room seemed brighter and louder to her. And hot. "I shouldn't have come."

"It doesn't matter," Alana said. "Just- just enjoy the evening while you can."

The older woman walked over to a corner table. A few eyes followed her but nobody approached. Alana never socialized. She was always severe and maintained strict order when she was around. Even now she wore a blouse and black skirt with her matching black high heels while everyone else had dressed down.

Everyone except me, Amelia noted, toying with a button on her shirt. The button slipped free and she turned to look for Tyler. Another button came undone before she reached out for her glass. Blood pounded in the tips of her ears.

As she sipped her drink, she reached up to rub her forehead. When a dull pain blossomed in her lower back, she forced herself to sit up straighter, wriggling on her hard, uncomfortable stool as she knocked the glass back.

Her tongue stretched out, thick and long as it swiped against the inside of the glass to clean every drop of her drink.

Jennifer, their senior coder, was taking a turn on the bull. She was far more successful, leaning in and back again with one arm raised as the machine swayed.

Amelia watched the girl. Her right hand settled against her thigh and she reached up to absently caress her lower belly. The drink seemed to pool there, heavy and hot and sweat broke out on her brow.

The girl's fingers slipped through the gaps between her buttons and she leaned back with a soft moan as she felt taut, smooth skin. She stared at Jennifer's curves, eyeing the bulge of her breasts and down to her hips and lower to her bare legs. The edges of her trimmed nails dragged against the sensitive skin of her belly and she jerked, her eyes wide as she felt herself suddenly grow wet. She tensed and felt the muscles within her pussy slick with her arousal. It was a shock to her system, far different from the slow burning build-up she was used to when toying with herself at home.

Jennifer slid from the back of the bull. She fell to her ass with her legs spread and her hands planted before her. There was a tear at the back of her skirt but she didn't seem to notice. Skin bulged beneath and above the tear.

Amelia turned to the bar, suddenly thirsty. The room spun briefly but she smiled when she found her full glass waiting for her.

Her belly bulged lightly, the skin stretching while pushing at her tucked-in shirt.

Through the gap in her buttons, a circular patch of her belly grew wrinkled. It bulged, pushing forth from her slightly distended mound and her first teat slipped free from her shirt between two buttons.

The analyst shoved her ass back as she turned to watch Tyler approach the bull. Her body slammed against the bar, temporarily masking the pain from bones fracturing and shifting in her hips.

She reached back to rub above her ass, pulling her shirt tighter against her body as she stretched.

Fatty tissue developed beneath her slim breasts. They filled slowly and her shirt pulled tighter, straining against her chest and belly as both expanded. The curve of her breasts, nearly always hidden due to their slight size, showed clearly now through the snug shirt.

A third button popped and she breathed out, uncrossing her legs as she stared at Tyler. Her breasts grew more full and a fourth button tugged free as they began to slide down her body, their heaviness pulled by gravity. Her back complained at the sudden weight.

Her cleavage was clear to anyone who turned to look and she instinctively stood up straight to show them off.

A small dent formed in her shirt beside the teat dangling freely. The sheer fabric moved as another nipple formed and then lengthened, pulled flat against her body to slide teasingly down her overly sensitive skin. A third bump formed below her first two teats.

Amelia's thumb worked against the nub of bone growing beneath her scalp while she watched Tyler. She bit her lip as the sharp tip of her horn painlessly slit her skin. The horn was somehow darker than her skin - onyx to her ebony and her index finger joined her thumb as she scratched the itching base of her first horn.

A dark patch formed along the seat of Amelia's slacks. Her hips stretched, pushing painfully against the band of her pants as bones rearranged. A finger-length stretch of skin bulged at the base of her spine and she grunted as tendons and muscles pulled within her waist.

Tyler held tight to the bull and Amelia watched, her fingers reaching between her thighs as she stared at him. He worked masterfully, rocking with the motions until he was the bull. Stomping and snorting and racing through the field.

Powerful. Muscular. Towering over her. Forcing her to yield to him.

Her body quivered as if she were there with him in the open field. Wanting him.

A fourth teat, lower than the first two, wrinkled and dark, wriggled as it lengthened until it too found its way through her shirt to lay exposed. Throbbing. Aching for attention.

Amelia's udder stretched, revealing lighter skin in irregular patterns. The tail of her shirt pulled free from her slacks to show the bottom curve of the smooth skin beneath her teats. Black curls of her untrimmed pubic hair escaped as her growing hips pulled her pants down.

As her milk came in, her udder began to feel uncomfortable. Hot and aching. Intrusive thoughts began to fill her mind. Sensations of hands on her body. Touching her. Pulling and pinching and caressing. And milking. Squeezing and tugging as she moaned in pleasure. Her stomach throbbed with uncomfortable pain.

Another button popped free and Amelia's puffy, wide areola became visible in the bright lights. She grasped at her huge breasts, uncaring who watched as she squeezed and pulled at her nipple, moaning and leaning her head back briefly. Her second horn was free now and both were steadily growing from either side of her forehead.

Tyler pushed off the bull and stood. His clothes were too small for his body and when he turned to face Amelia, she gasped to see the head of his cock bulging from his pants. He was huge and his normally smiling eyes were hungry. Her fingers quickened between her legs.

In the corner, Naomi and Kinsley were wrapped around each other, kissing deeply. Naomi was topless and her fingers worked at Kinsley's pants, frantically clawing at them as their tongues twisted together.

Naomi's breasts were growing, the skin stretching as they filled and pushed out, smashing into Kinsley's already large tits while they rubbed against each other. Without the heat coursing through her body, Amelia would think it absurd. Neither woman appeared to know what to do with each other. As far as she knew, both were straight. Their sudden, undeniable urge to mate forced them together as they learned what needed to be done.

Amelia watched, temporarily distracted as Kinsley knelt before Naomi. The girl kissed Naomi's stomach and then appeared to suck at her skin. She pulled her head back with a wet pop and a long, pink teat dangled against Naomi's stomach.

"Aooooohhhh," Amelia moaned, her hand jerking as she watched Kinsley bend back to Naomi's stomach, kissing it as it expanded. The lithe Asian woman's hands gripped the other woman's hair, pushing her down as she thrust her hips out, encouraging her to use her tongue between her legs.

The young analyst's jaw ached and her nostrils flared as she huffed and moaned. Gaps appeared in her teeth when her jaw began to widen, stretching her nose and mouth.

Tyler stomped on the floor and began to walk to her. She turned from her coworkers to stare at him and her eyes bulged when his cock began to slide further along his body.

She fell from her stool, barely catching herself to stand unsteadily. The two remaining buttons on her shirt popped and it fell open to expose her massive breasts and the bulge of her still-growing udder. Her four coal-black teats hung beneath her.

Her jaw cracked painfully but she ignored it, turning and raising her ass as Tyler approached.

She jumped as she felt his fingers on her waist and the tip of her stubby tail slapped the curved, exposed edge of her ass. He pulled at her pants, forcing down and over the pronounced curve of her hips. Her tits quivered and her teats wriggled at the sudden jerk. She slammed her bared ass back against him.

"Ohhhh," she moaned, her eyes fluttering and showing white as her face began to expand outward. She bent forward, rubbing her itching horns against the bar. Scoring the wood with the bent, sharpened tips.

White hairs sprouted along her back. Goosebumps rose in waves down her body as the hairs exploded, mixing with fine black hairs that spread in patterns like white oases in a midnight desert. Her longer tail rose and fell, slapping painfully against her thighs.

All of the sensations were lost when she felt Tyler's wrist-thick cock against her back.

She shuddered and raised her head, her mouth open. There was an urge building deep in her chest. She licked her lengthening face with her thick tongue and tried to repress it but, as his cock slid down the smooth, short fur growing to cover her, she couldn't resist.

"Mooooooo!" Amelia cried out. Her udder slammed against the stool so she pressed back, biting at her lip while blushing at the animalistic cry she'd just uttered.

Yet it felt right. It felt good. It felt natural.

The head of Tyler's cock pressed against her slick pussy. Bones cracked and crunched and her engorged labia stretched, growing longer and wider as her lips surrounded the tip pressing into them.

She could feel the head of his cock changing. The rounded tip was pulling back as it became slanted and flat.

Another moo slipped free as she tried to force herself back onto him but he stretched her painfully. She licked her lips and looked back as her pussy continued to grow and her body shifted to handle the bull behind her. She felt a brief, searing pain as her mound cracked and her body eagerly opened itself.

"Wait!" Jennifer cried out behind her. "Don't- something's wrong!"

The girl was naked and on her ass in front of Jed. The older man was huge now and his cock appeared to be at least two feet long with gigantic testicles dangling beneath them. Dark brown fur was creeping along his chest. He reached down, grabbing the girl's hair while pressing his cock against her mouth. Her eyes bulged and she tried to look away.

Two tiny horns dotted Jennifer's brow.

As she struggled, stretch marks appeared in the girl's breasts. They swelled, the skin bulging as they flattened against her body. Jennifer shuddered and her legs suddenly uncrossed before she forced them back together. Just above the girl's brown pubic hair, her tanned skin grew pale pink. She moaned, a hand reaching for her breast until she forced it away. Four bumps formed on her udder and her legs uncrossed again as she turned to face Jed.

She opened her mouth and her lips stretched to take the head of the older man's cock. Her arms reached up but she yanked them back and pulled her head away with a loud gasp. Pre-cum dribbled from Jed's cock and Jennifer's nostrils widened, opening and closing as drool formed at the corner of her mouth. She wiped at it, never looking away from Jed's cock. Finally, her growing tongue forced her mouth agape, unrolling between her soft, pink lips. She turned back and reached up, grabbing him with both hands before leaning forward, forcing her head down over his cock.

Amelia felt cramps in her feet. Pain lanced down her soles and her toes grew limp as they combined into two groups. For a moment, she tried to look down at them, staring past her full, heavy udder. She caught sight of her clear nails growing dark and thick.

And then her world exploded as Tyler's cock finally entered her engorged, slick, stretched pussy. Her tail slammed against his body and she stomped her foot, hearing the sharp crack of her still forming hooves hitting the floor.

"Ooooooh goood!" Amelia moaned before biting her lips as Tyler's gigantic cock filled her painfully. She felt him against her uterus and the pain was almost blinding. Until he pulled back and began to rock into her, the pleasure of him quickly outweighing any pain his thickness caused.

Hair grew from the tip of her tail as it worked ceaselessly against Tyler's soft, furred body. She couldn't seem to control it and it mirrored her frenzied lust. Her feet clopped against the floor, losing purchase but Tyler held her tight as he grunted and huffed and pushed deep inside of her, both of them finding the rhythm of their new bodies..

Clear liquid dripped from her black nipples. They began to lengthen, growing nearly as long as her teats as her breasts filled with milk.

"A waste," Alana said from the other side of the bar, watching the room devolve into an orgy of snorting, rutting beasts. She hadn't invited Amelia because the girl had shown so much potential. She'd hoped to bring her along after the acquisition was completed. The rest- well, with Tyler leaving and the company being bought out, they were risks. Their personality profiles showed that.

The older woman idly scratched at her stomach. Wisps of thin white fur pressed through the tiny gaps in her shirt. A small bump formed below the hairs and she toyed with it, smiling sharply as Amelia bucked and screamed from a powerful orgasm. The black girl squirted, covering Tyler with her orgasm as they collapsed to the ground to continue fucking.


It was an erotic sight, she had to admit as her fingers pinched the teat beginning to grow. Two more were growing beneath it and they pushed at her shirt. She pulled at the fabric, freeing it to expose the teats so she could touch them. Her bra pulled tight against her body and her nipples dragged against them as her own sagging breasts swell - the skin becoming smooth as they became engorged. Her bra was forced down against her body as she developed. Wet spots formed over her erect nipples and she found herself twisting her thighs together against her thick labia.

Alana rocked in her chair, pulling at a teat while watching Tyler slam his deliciously huge cock into Amelia's gaping-

"Wait," Alana said, staring down at her body. She leaned back to stare past her ridiculously expanded chest. Four long teats lay against a tiny udder and she could feel her slick pussy juices against her thighs as an aching void began to gnaw at her hot belly.

The older woman turned to the man sitting next to her. He smiled.

"This- this wasn't supposed to- oooooohhh," she moaned, dropping her head. Wrinkles vanished from her forehead, the corners of her eyes and her cheeks as the serum raged through her, de-aging her into prime breeding age. Two points pierced her temples as she panted with her hair hiding the red in her blushing cheeks. "Not- not supposed- supposed to be the deal."

"We don't need you, Alana," the man crooned. "We just needed the data and the algorithms your team developed. And with the project finished, so is your use to us."

She stared at him stupidly as her heart pounded.

His fingers pulled at his zipper and she couldn't help but stare and lick her lips as her face cracked and lengthened. When his cock flopped free, hard and ready, she moaned and stood, walking to him while her hips popped and cracked to handle her growing frame. She stumbled, her numb, useless toes awkward in her high heels.

"I can't-" she panted, staring at his cock as he stroked himself. "I can't stop. I can't- oh god, oh god, I can't stop thinking about-"

She dropped to her knees and the thick, black toenails growing over her toes clacked against the ground. The forming hooves broke the straps of her heels as her feet expanded. She mooed in excitement as she lowered her head to take his cock into her wet mouth, eagerly bobbing up and down as her shirt burst to expose her gigantic, heavy breasts.

"We're done here," the man said into his phone, one hand on Alana's head as she sucked at him. "We'll be ready for cleanup in about- about an hour. Bring some trailers and have the helicopters ready. We'll have some new ones to bring to the island. Ah, and have some males ready. There weren't enough here."

"Please," Alana begged, temporarily pulling free of the man's cock. "Please, I need- I need you to fuck me. Oh god, I can't- I can't do this- I can't stop- Oh god!"

Alana's skirt tore and she bucked, raising her ass as her pussy began to lengthen and stretch, readying her for a bull's enormous cock.

Smiling, the man yanked Alana off. She groaned, caught between her desire to continue pleasing him and the urge to be fucked. Finally, she turned and raised herself further, gasping as the need to be bred override every other instinct. He wasn't big enough for her anymore but he was enough. She just wished there was another.

Maybe the bouncer, she panted, her thick ass slapping the man's crotch as she bounced against him. And someone else. All at once. All of their cocks, god, yes! And someone in my ass. And mouth. I just- oh god, it won't ever stop now.

They'd briefed her. They'd made sure she knew what would happen to her team once it started. How they would change and where they would be kept. A view into the life they'd lead as hybrids.

It was horrifying but she thought of it distantly now as the lust destroyed her. She knew this would be her life now. And it scared her how happy that thought made her.

When the man grabbed her horns, surprising her by the strange sensation of something tugging against her head, she bucked and came, screaming and clenching against him. Praying he'd fill her with cum. Knowing that she'd need a bull from now on. That a pure human couldn't do it.

She counted the time down to their extraction and prayed the males waiting on the island were bigger.
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