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Unread 10-22-2022   #17
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Re: AI Generated 'Art'

Originally Posted by 変な変態 View Post
Best part is that as it stands now, the works an AI makes can’t be copyrighted.
It seems to me there is an obvious loophole here, which is that you copyright some element and then ask the AI to reproduce it. For example, if you ask it to draw Mickey Mouse, I've no doubt that Disney would effectively own the copyright to that. Or you can do some post editing. For example, use AI to make a background, and then add a figure to that. Also, if you start with a drawing and have AI enhance it, surely that is still your work?

Oh wow, looks like there's been an explosion of them. I'm going to sound like a leech, but has anyone found one of these apps (phone or desktop) that A. Gives you free image credits (even just a few) on a regular schedule or B. Doesn't attempt to keep results SFW?
I haven't tried these, but I might soon:
I can't see the sigs, they are too high.
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