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Unread 03-29-2023   #86
Hey Kool Aid!
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 103
Re: TF stories that aren't super short.

Originally Posted by TF-Viewer View Post
Never-fucking-mind. Not ever writing TF stories again. Not when people can just tell an AI to do it for them in seconds. I'm done, nothing could make me want to waste my time on writing after this.
Why would you ever consider quitting? AI doesn't come anywhere CLOSE to reaching the level of complexity with words that a human can. Just to get anything even remotely cohesive and/or erotic from AI, I have to re-type my prompt A LOT. And I'll have it re-do its responses A LOT. And I STILL usually end up with about 1/10th of what I want, with the rest being nothing but added fluff. I've tried creating a few actual stories, and I've discovered that A) the AI lacks the creativity to keep things interesting, B) it starts to get VERY repetitive and repeat itself, and C) it's responses are often not very natural sounding, and lack any sort of real genuine emotion. If you try to make it emote any sort of sexual feelings, you end up with canned responses like "she started to become horny" or "it was making her hot and wet". Every story that I've tried to create for myself, I've given up on every single one of them because of the limitations.

I didn't share my AI story experiences to show how amazing it is, or exclaim "This is the future of writing!" because it DEFINITELY isn't. The technology is VERY imperfect, and very robotic. And I imagine it will be for some time. That's why I primarily use it for roleplay (with shorter responses) or something similar to my infomercial request (which the more robotic "by-the-numbers" speech pattern works better).

Keep writing! Because no AI can replicate the intricacy, creativity, emotion, or raw talent of a real flesh-and-blood human.
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Last edited by jwyattguy; 03-29-2023 at 09:28 AM.
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