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Unread 03-31-2023   #92
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Re: TF stories that aren't super short.

Originally Posted by jwyattguy View Post
You just proved my point.. The fact that you take offense to it shows that, despite what you say, I don't REALLY think you're ready to give up on it. Use that passion of yours... turn it into creativity. Show people why you enjoyed creating stories to begin with.

As I, and others, have said... AI-generated stories simply can't give you the raw emotion and natural flow that a human writer can. And, you say that AI is getting better all the time, so it's only a matter of time before it replace you. If you think that is true, then shouldn't you be creating what you can, WHILE you can?

I do quite a bit of writing, myself... I just don't ever post any of my stories. The way I see it, if I were a prolific writer, and I shared my stories with the world, and I foresaw AI possibly taking that away from me, one day... well...

I'd rather write my heart out, and go out with a BANG, rather than a whimper...
That's you, that's not me. We aren't the same.

I did enjoy writing, I used to think I was even good at it at one point. I liked that I had found a way to contribute to the community after years of just appreciating the works of others. I spent hours on some of those stories,
but the feedback gradually became simpler and more sparse and I felt people were getting bored of my work, that I had an inflated sense of my own writing skills. That I must not be as good as I thought sense I rarely
got comments and only a few times got requests. To this day I don't know if I was any good at it really, or if people were just trying to be nice by not telling me how bad it was.

There were more stories I wanted to write, but I kept delaying working on them because I didn't think they'd be good enough for the community that already has a lot of writers with more talent than I have. Now this AI shit pops up and anyone can just have a machine write for them, and despite what anyone says to the contrary the AI will be capable of flawlessly imitating human writers within a year at the rate they're progressing. It makes me never want to try again, I was already hesitant to write anymore to begin with and the idea a machine could do it better and faster than I ever could is just crushing to my spirit and has killed my interest in writing all together.

I did love writing, I really did. But I just can't anymore after this.
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