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Unread 11-18-2023   #17
Writer of the Fetishes
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Re: Gen V Shrinking Scene

Originally Posted by Marauder727 View Post
In watching what they've done with the character, I'm not sure they're even 100% sure how to handle it. When I first saw the episodes and tried to figure it out, I was under the impression that she purges to shrink and eats to grow. However, based on more recent episodes, it seems as if she may not have as much control over her power / affliction as she thinks she does, which could provide us with some interesting options going forward...if they're allowed to do so.

Most of us, IMO, would like to see full-out, no-holds-barred shrinking, with clothes slipping off, and skin being revealed while the woman squeals in horror as she drops down. Unfortunately, the limits to which television (even that on Amazon or NetFlix) is held keeps them from being able to give us what we would love to see. Instead, we see flashes, hints, suggestions of what we love so much.

I agree, the manner in which this was handled with the most recent scene left me wondering if they're willing to give it the respect it deserves. If you watch behind her (in the blurred background) you can see that she's beginning to shrink and it's obvious that she's getting smaller until they finally pull back and reveal (TA-DA!) she's gone full shrunk without realizing it was happening. It conflicts with what we've seen before, and only raises more questions, but the real question at this point is...will they delve into her condition properly or will they continue to dabble in it in an effort to tantalize us to keep watching, only to be disappointed or confused by how they handle it.

I don't think most of us want to see a shrinking woman screaming in HORROR, that's just you, buddy.
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