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Unread 05-24-2017   #5
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 20
Re: How would you describe the AP/AR fetish to someone?

It’s actually not hard to explain or describe at all! In fact, the fetish, if you want to call it that has become an obsession.

Just look how many creams, lotions and potions are in stores and advertised on TV. Promising to make you look younger! It’s a multibillion-dollar your business. And of the top 10 elective cosmetic surgeries, half of them are procedures to make you look younger: dermabrasion, Mastopexy, Rhytidectomy, Blepharoplasty, Liposuction.

Anyone who says the desire to be younger is somehow sick or twisted, is out of touch with reality or a huge hypocrite! And if i invented a treatment that would make you biologically younger… I guarantee you I could empty the bank accounts of just about every aging Hollywood star (male and female) there is, because they would pay anything to be young again.

Just look at the horrible disfiguring facelifts these people get, imagine what they would give for something that actually made them younger.

Of course, the conversation always drifts the idiotic notion that if you looked 15, you somehow would not have the rights and privileges of an adult, even if you were 55! People seem to forget that it is not how you look, but instead how many years have passed since your birth that determines if you are legally an adult.

And your mental state has nothing to do with it. If you’re 45-year-old man with the mind of a 10-year-old. You’re still 45 years old, legally an adult. The state in which I live has that exact determination. I used to work in a convenience store across the street from a group home. Many of those people had the mental and emotional maturity of pre-teens.

Yet, under state law, they could buy alcohol and cigarettes. And they did. It was perfectly legal to do so, in fact, in the 50s, my state tried to legislate the access to these things for the mentally disabled. The court easily dismantled those arguments.

So, before you tell somebody about your fetish, mentally take them down the path that they will one day followed to the geriatric ward… And then offer them the chance to drink from the fountain of youth.
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