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Unread 10-19-2014   #8
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Re: New Story: The Residue of Love ch.7

The Residue of Love
To Kick an Innocent Puppy


Elizabeth groggily came to. She was laying face down on the floor. Face down but a good foot off the floor. Remembering everything she propped herself up with her arms to inspect herself. “Um. That’s a good view.” Nicole said laying on the floor in front of her. From her chest to the floor Elizabeth sported well over a foot of cleavage, her breasts still pooling on the floor promised even more. “Your no better off.” She muttered sullenly. The comment stung Nicole because her grin faded. Nicole’s ass and hips were still ridiculously big and round, wider than her shoulders and sticking out a good foot or so behind her. Elizabeth struggled to her feet. Elizabeth had always been amazed at her new strength, despite a bust line she could not wrap her arms around she could stand and she was not sore or stiff at all from sleeping on the floor. With all the screaming and flailing she’d done last night her troat should be raw and her muscles sore from all the struggling but as always she woke up fresh and without even a strained voice. Nicole popped to her feet, huge ass shaking. “I can assume we’ll continue shrinking?” Elizabeth asked. “Thanks for telling me last night.” “You looked like you needed to burn some of that off.” Nicole shrugged. Elizabeth raised an eyebrow, was that a smart ass remark? From Nicole? “Common lets make the best of it and go clean the kitchen.” Nicole said and as she walked past she gave Elizabeth a hip bump that nearly knocked her over.

Elizabeth knew she had gotten through to Nicole last night. For that whore to pause in a blow job Elizabeth bet she’d been thinking harder than she had in years. “Nicole?” Elizabeth asked as she emptied a cupboard to sweep it out. “Yes?” Nicole’s voice echoed from inside the stove, her huge blue ass blocking the view of anything else. “Have you ever thought of going back? You know, to live on your own if The Master released you?” Clunk. Nicole had smacked her head in her rush to get up out of the stove but no blow to the head could phase her slime girl or not. “Has The Master said something?” She asked frightened. Elizabeth turned, tits sweeping closed the cupboard door. Damn these things, she thought and couldn’t believe she looked forward to being her normal, freakishly enormous size again soon. “No I was thinking more like if we could ever leave. He doesn’t treat you very well.” She figured it was best to go with the genteel way rather than saying, Wake up! That sick fuck rapes us daily. Nicole shied away anyway. “He was so distant before you came and now he barely fucks me.” She almost sobbed and Elizabeth resisted the urge to smack her. “What if you could live your own life, without the master? I think I have a plan to get away but I’d need your help.” Nicole looked shocked. “No, no you can’t think like that Elizabeth.” She said and hesitantly turned away. Elizabeth wasn’t disappointed, those had been blue tears in her eyes and she nearly turned back to her for a minute there. All Elizabeth had to do was work at this.

For the next few days Elizabeth did nothing but talk to Nicole, at least the days Nicole didn’t leave the room when the subject of getting away from it all came up. Elizabeth had to hand it to her, Nicole had been completely devoted to The Master quite literally body and soul. That gave Elizabeth an idea and she began asking Nicole to tell her all Nicole’s fondest memories of The Master. What fallowed was a stomach twisting horror story of sexual depravity Elizabeth could have gone her whole eternal life without hearing. These were her happy memories?! The remembrance did have it’s desired effect however, and several afternoons Elizabeth had to clean twice as hard as Nicole stood around weeping how she no longer got attention like she used to. There nights only proved to reinforce these daily talks as Elizabeth was used hard every day while Nicole barley contained tears and had to settle for sloppy seconds. Elizabeth almost didn’t mind, it was all working towards her plan.

And then like with so many things the tense situation between Nicole, Elizabeth and The Master came to a head in spectacular, horrible fashion.


It had been a normal day today of cleaning the study. Elizabeth had been talking to Nicole of the world outside and all the fantastic places they could go if they left The Master. That idea would have terrified her a few months ago but lately she began to find The Master’s attentions, when she got any to begin with, not as all encompassing as she once had. She wanted to travel, to see strange places and fuck strange men, maybe even women. “So what would we have to do to leave?” She asked cutting Elizabeth off mid sentence. “Well, I’m not sure.” Elizabeth said. “I’d need some time to figure it out and I’d need to know your with me. You do want to do this right? We couldn’t tell The Master what we planed if we wanted to leave.” Nicole bit her lip and turned to face away from Elizabeth. This was it. If she said yes it could change her life as she knew it forever. Not likely for the good if they failed. Nicole walked out of the room she would decide this later tonight.


Making damn fine progress with that one. Elizabeth thought and actually hummed to herself as she cleaned. Nicole would bend very soon, probably tonight after she’s my captive audience once again. Maybe a little more pleased moaning tonight would push her over the edge. Elizabeth pondered.

The Master returned home as usual that afternoon and earlier than usual had the girls stand at attention before him in their room. As always he immediately started with Elizabeth. Fuck me right into your early grave you piece of shit. She thought and was given pause at just how much her mannerisms and upbringing had slid in this hell hole, she needed to get out of here. Soon it would all be over but first a little method acting. Elizabeth knew she could not be too compliant, lest The Master suspect something but she figured if she played up her response tonight Nicole would be whispering her consent to Elizabeth as they slept some time before morning.

Part way into The Master fucking her Elizabeth started to reciprocate as she’d seen Nicole do so often. Slowly grinding along with him and then starting to throw in the occasional moan for good measure. The Master picked up on this and went for the one thing sure to put a scowl on her face. Her reached down and grabbed an entire fist full of tit, so hard his fingers sunk into the slime and Elizabeth shrieked with the orgasm that wracked her body. She needed no cue or motivation to shoot him a look that could have frozen water but shortly after continued to entice The Master with her seemingly reluctant pleasure. “What the hell has gotten into you?” He asked as he pumped away. She knew she needed a normal response. “Shut the fuck up and get it over with you bastard!” She screamed. “That’s my girl!” He shouted jubilantly and reached down to stick a finger up her ass hole. Ou! Maybe I went a little too far. Elizabeth thought.

Left panting in the corner Elizabeth watched as The Master closed on Nicole. He took her as usual in the ass, lately it was the only place he used because she hated it. Nicole usually eager to please was surprisingly silent today, barely registering what Elizabeth knew from hard experience felt fantastic. Half way through The Master released her roughly shoving her off his dick and to the floor. Nicole scrambled to her feet and stood quietly before him. “Have you got even dumber lately Nicole? You were as unresponsive as she usually is.” He gestured to Elizabeth. “All you care about is her now.” Nicole said almost pouting. “For the love of the gods.” The Master said rolling his eyes. “I’VE HAD ENOUGH!” Nicole boomed and Elizabeth sat slack jawed in the corner as Nicole set into a tirade about how everything was perfect before Elizabeth came here. How now no mater how hard she tried the master was never pleased with her. And how she wished that if he only wanted Elizabeth she could go away. Blessedly the poor idiot never mentioned a word of their talk this morning or any actual plan to escape.

The Master stood there quietly, taking it all in. As Nicole sputtered off into tears she stood bolt upright frozen by The Masters will. “You ungrateful little shit.” He said in a calm voice that was far more intimidating than an scream or lustful glare could ever be. “When you came to me, TO ME!” He began rising in volume and he emphasized this jabbing a finger at himself. “You were nothing but some two bit whore I picked out of a brothel.” Nicole’s face which had still been her own registered shock at some deeper truth in the statement. “I want to be a sexual goddess, you said. Well I delivered and this is the thanks I get. You see her.” Her pointed to Elizabeth. “She Deifies me with every breath and you decide you want to mimic her! If you want to try on the roll of the ungrateful little shit? I’LL HELP YOU!” He screamed balling up a fist and slamming it down on her forehead in a hammer blow. The Master had never hit them. What would be the point when they couldn’t feel pain? But as his fist left Nicole’s forehead the indentation of his fist was left behind in her head.

Nicole was able to move again because she reached up to touch her forehead in shock. The fist sized dent sunk in Nicole’s hairline and took up her whole forehead. Nicole began feeling the dent more frantically and Elizabeth got to her feet shocked and mesmerized. The dent was getting bigger and as soon as Nicole was sure of this she began wailing. The dent began sinking inward and as it did Nicole’s eyes began to tilt inward. “Please Master. She begged. Please I’ll never do it again! Please I’ll be good! PLEASE!” Nicole’s eye’s sunk onto the hole forming in her head and her movements as well as her pleas multiplied tenfold. The Master had allowed her movement but made it so she couldn’t move from her spot in the center of the room but from the waist up Nicole writhed. After her nose tilted up and disappeared a gurgling sound came in between her words and shortly sound cut off fallowed by her frantically still moving mouth sinking into the hole.

“For the love of everything sacred what have you done to her?” Elizabeth could no longer hold her peace. The Master wheeled on her, grabbing her by the mouth and slamming her head against the wall. “Don’t think I don’t know you put her up to this.” He growled. “She hasn’t rubbed two thoughts together for ten years and now she talks about leaving? You were even egging her on by faking it tonight you crafty bitch. From now on you won’t be whispering in her ear when I’m not around. From now on you won’t say a word except of course for your screams and protests when I fuck you! Now shut up and watch what your scheming has done to your friend.” Elizabeth knew it was no idol threat she could feel the shifting in her throat. From here on out, unless she was being raped she’d be a mute. Sure enough as he released her Elizabeth tried to talk. Despite her still having a mouth Elizabeth could not speak, her throat had sealed shut.

Nicole stood in the middle of the room arms clawing at the stump of what was left of her neck between flailing about her. The Master took control of Elizabeth and she wordlessly fallowed him to stand behind Nicole. As the last slimy strands of Nicole’s hair sucked into the hole between her shoulders along with her neck her arms stopped flailing and shot to her chest. Oh gods what’s he doing to her now? Elizabeth thought as Nicole’s hands slowly began feeling and groping down her abdomen and over her stomach. Nicole’s hands reached down to her waist and then her ass and began feeling around. Oh Gods No! Elizabeth screamed in her head. Nicole’s hands grabbed her ass cheeks and began to spread them. Elizabeth didn’t want to look but she physically couldn’t look away or even close her eyes. Something was sticking out of Nicole’s ass hole. A small misshapen lump. Slime girls did not produce waste. Elizabeth had not made water or defecated since she had been taken. What in the name of the gods was that? Elizabeth knew of course, but didn’t want to admit to herself.

As the lump pushed forward Elizabeth could tell it was a nose. Nicole’s terrified face came into view moments latter to wet sucking and squishing sounds as it pushed out of her hugely spreading ass hole. As Nicole’s mouth cleared her ass her cheeks bulged and a fountain of blue slime gushed from her mouth fallowed by her horrible screams. The puddle of blue slime immediately began creeping back toward Nicole’s feet to be reabsorbed into her. Nicole’s slimy tear streaked face set squarely between her own ass cheeks and Elizabeth wished she was physically able to faint.

Nicole shuddered and grimaced. “Please Master make it stop.” She begged. Elizabeth realized Nicole’s hands had left her ass as her arms were being drawn up into the hole still growing larger in her upper body. From behind Elizabeth watched as Nicole’s tits tilted back and were sucked into the hole along with her forearms. “Now you’ll get to see what the life of an ungrateful shit is like first hand.” The Master said staring at Nicole then Elizabeth. Nicole’s sobs gurgled again and another torrent of slime came from her mouth. This was beyond any punishment Elizabeth could ever conceive. If Elizabeth’s treatment could be considered the norm. Gods help her if it was. Than this was on par with pushing elderly people down stairs or kicking an innocent puppy. Nicole continued to sob, her face a mask of despair at how she’d been betrayed, then she grimmest again.

Nicole’s ass began to widen. Oh gods, the shoulders. Elizabeth thought. At the point Nicole’s ass was twice as wide as normal her shoulders began to push out. They came out deformed to accommodate the size difference and half way out Nicole screamed. “UUUhhhhhaaaaaGGGGuuuuuggggghhhhhh.” Another gush of slime out her mouth. As her shoulder fully cleared Nicole seemed to lean back as if arching a back that had not yet formed. Nicole’s enormous tits popped free of her ass hole in one long loud disgusting slurp and with her head still tilted back a fountain of blue slime burst up out of her and cascaded down the length of her newly formed body. Nicole collapsed hanging down from her ass, blue slime steadily running from the tips of her tits and her mop of slime soaked hair.

Nicole shuddered again and came to. Nicole’s torso was almost completely collapsed in on itself and Nicole slowly squirmed her body free of her ass to loud slimy sucking and slurping sounds. At elbows point she groaned again and with a loud suck pulled her right arm and then her left free of her ass. Placing her hands on the backs of her knees for support Nicole finally had the leverage to really heave and threw up a veritable lake of blue slime at her feet.

Having no more upper body to melt Elizabeth wondered if Nicole would simply straighten up and her body twist around. Nothing was simple with The Master. Nicole began to shrink. No not shrink, her feet were melting. Some how Nicole remained balanced as her legs melted from the floor up. Nicole arched back again and Elizabeth saw slime coated toes begin to twist free of her ass hole just below her stomach. At knee level to the floor Nicole’s feet and shins protruded out beneath her and she tipped forward onto her newly formed feet. Leaning forward as her old legs were sucked in and pushed out her ass Nicole yet again took the opportunity to puke up more blue slime between screams.

Now standing straight up all that was left was the twisted mess that was Nicole’s old ass. With one loud BLUMP her old ass burst like a greasy bubble and formed her new one. Fully formed on the other end Nicole’s screams dropped off, she looked exhausted. The Master released her and she collapsed into the small puddle still left from her most recent regurgitation. Nicole lay there unmoving eye’s half lidded a steady but light stream of thick slime running from her slack mouth. “Don’t ever raise your voice to me again.” Was all The Master said and walked from the room.

Elizabeth was released from her position and she flew to Nicole’s side. She was afraid to even touch her and now she could not call out to her. Elizabeth gently placed a hand on Nicole’s shoulder, Nicole shuddered. Elizabeth got down in front of Nicole’s face. “Oh, Elizabeth.” Nicole murmured blue slime drooling from her mouth. Elizabeth could not speak, could not even make sounds as her mouth moved. “Can’t talk hun?” Nicole said weakly. Elizabeth nodded. “Well don’t worry about me, I feel grrrrreat.” She felt great? She’d been literally passed through her own ass and thrown up several times how could she feel great? Elizabeth gently wiped some of the slime from Nicole’s mouth and held it up questioningly. “I’m not sick, we don’t get sick silly.” She giggled weakly. “The Master twisted me up pretty good, I couldn’t cum the normal way.” Cum? Elizabeth looked down at her fingers, the thick, sticky blue slime dripping off them. Oh gods. She thought. “Elizabeth?” Nicole asked and Elizabeth leaned down. “I’ll Help You Escape.” She whispered and passed out asleep.
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