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Unread 04-16-2006   #17
Captain Ash
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Join Date: Jun 2005
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its been a while, but here are the next two chapters.
I'll post the next chapter in a few weeks, because I have not much spare time. But the story will go on ^^

Enjoy reading.

Captain Ash

CHAPTER 8: The dominant maid

Misty followed Abigail to the kitchen she left in a mess.
>> I expect from you to work harder, do you got that? <<
>> Yes, Mistress Abigail. << the girl answered, her butt was still hurting from the waitress’s treatment.
The pain also reminded her to play up to the waitress, it helped her not long ago and it would probably save her of any further treatment.
>> Mistress Abigail, << the waitress was thinking loudly, she liked the sound of it, but … >> No, “Yes, Ma’am” will also do it. We don’t want to confuse our guests. <<
>> Yes, Ma’am. << Misty parroted.
She hated it to call her like that, but this blissfully ignorant waitress should think that she got the respect she ever wanted, even if it were from a stupid child.
When I am adult again, my Orc-hordes will turn this town in nothing but in its ruins, the little sorceress thought. But the best of all will be when I have my revenge on this waitress, in turning her into a girl and then we shall see how much fun she will have to be “my” maid.

The girls dark thoughts were interrupted when they reached the kitchen and Abigail told her to pay attention:
>> One of the rules you have to learn is, to finish with what you have begun! <<
Then she sat on a stool and crossed her legs over. Her right foot was seesawing up and down demandingly.
Obviously it seems that Abigail like she had kissed her feet before.
The girl came closer to her and kneeled on the dusty floor.
Well, the faster I got behind this, the faster I can see what Azura and the others were doing in the tavern.
Then Misty slipped off the shoe of the teeter feet. She holds the big bare-foot on her tiny hands that was flimsy sweated by the shoe.
First she kissed the top of her toes, then she changed to the bare sole.
The sorceress did it the same way she preferred it by her maid, when she kissed her feet to propitiate her mistress.
Curiously she risked a look up to Abigail; on her face the girl could see that she looked astonished down to her.
>> Actually I meant to clean the kitchen, but it is good to see that you have learned your lesson to respect elderly. <<
How embarrassing, Misty thought, not only that she had misunderstood Abigail’s gesture, she had to mop the kitchen later on.
>> What’s up? << the waitress asked when the girl stopped abruptly, >> Finish with what you have begun. <<
Now the girl started to lick around and between her soft toes. The foot was warm and the sweat tasted mildly salty, it also smelled somehow … indescribable inebriant.
Abigail gave noises of pleasure.
The girl was aware, that if she played her cards right, she could get more than she had expected. Maybe she hadn’t to clean the kitchen.
So the girl continued to stimulate her and without her conscious she was also became obsessed with kissing.

What the little sorceress would thing if she could watch herself right at the moment?
Actually, she would never do something beneath her dignity.
But far away of the pride of her adult ego and the current circumstances, she did the best of the situation without thinking much.
>> That is good! << the waitress said suspiring, >> Where have you learned how to do it? <<
Long ago her legs weren’t crossed over and Abigail held fast with both hands on the stool. Passion flows through her body looking down to the extraordinary girl.

Suddenly she took her feet back!
By this surprising movement, the girl felt back.
>> I have such a slightly feeling. << Abigail whispered to herself, she had regained again full control of herself.
Then she took with both hand on Misty’s legs and straddled them.
>> As I thought, << Abigail told down the girl, >> you aren’t a virgin! <<
The sorceress had lured many men into her bed in order to get what she wanted, so of course she wasn’t a virgin anymore.
Thus, it was naturally, that she didn’t become a virgin again when she turned into a girl.
>> That was the reason, why you wanted to come into the inn. Looking for some suitors, don’t you? <<
>> No! I’m not that kind of girl. << Misty said shocked, how did she come with such an idea?
>> And why you didn’t want to take one of the jobs you have got offered? << Abigail said with a smile.
>> That is not true! << the girl answered back.
>> Don’t lie to me, << the waitress shouted cold, putting her bared feet resting on the girl’s chest demonstrative that she won’t accept any more made-up excuses, >> this isn’t the first time today you haven’t told the truth! Besides, the fact of your soft hands proofs to me that you have never worked hard in your life and you must have earned your living with some other kind of “services”! <<

Abigail didn’t left any space to defend herself. She couldn’t tell a lie nor the truth; Abigail would believe none of both. This wasn’t surprising since she didn’t her made-up stories well in hope just to need temporally. The only way to appease her was to tell her what she wanted to hear, because it was the only thing she would believe.
>> Yes, you are right, << she snivelled, >> people give me some coins if they can touch me and fingering my body. <<
>> Some? <<
>> Well … maybe a little more. <<
>> See! << the waitress said in a more friendly tone. >> The truth wasn’t too bad; now you feel much better, don’t you? <<
>> Yes, Ma’am! Much better. << the little sorceress answered anxiously.
>> But don’t even think to offer one of your “services” here! This is a decent inn, you got me! <<
>> I won’t, Ma’am! <<
>> Oh! I hope that for you, or you will have the troubles of your life time. <<

Abigail took her feet on the sorceress.
>> Stand up and follow me! We have still some business to do. <<
Without saying a word, Misty stood up.
The girl couldn’t help herself but somehow she got this bad feeling that the worse still lies before her.

CHAPTER 9: Thief in the night

Misty’s stomach snarled. Even Abigail couldn’t miss the sound of it.
>> Hungry? << she said. >> Well, I guess it cannot be helped; come with me! I will give you something. <<
On the table Abigail cuts a piece of bread and laid a slice of cheese on it.
She looked at the poor supper.
>> Is that all? <<
>> Guess how much you would get, if you work harder. Besides, it’s not my duty to prepare your meals, next time you have to help yourself. <<
>> Thank you, Ma’am. << Misty said, when she took it.
>> Now eat. I have to do something. If you finished, I will come and get you. <<
The regressed sorceress chewed on her dry bread. It wasn’t something she was used to but for now acceptable.
Time was passing and as the girl was nearly finished, Abigail returned.
>> You still not ready? Now hurry up! <<
Misty quickly swallowed the little rest of her supper, before Abigail grabbed her hand. Her stomach still fells empty but this little snack was better than nothing.

However, eating made her feel tired, no wonder, considered that she had walked all the day long.
When the waitress stopped, the sorceress noticed that they were in a stable. It was warm inside, heated up by the light of daytime.
>> Here you will sleep! << Abigail said, pointing her finger to a corner with haystack.
If this hay is looking as comfortable as it looks like I don’t mind to sleep there, the girl thought, who was usually used to sleep in a soft bed.
>> Not so fast. << the waitress stopped her, when Misty wanted to go to the haystack. >> Hands up! <<
The girl did as she was ordered, and Abigail pulled out her rag.
>> It is not necessary to go to bed with your only clothes you have, if you can call it so. <<
>> Yes, Ma’am. << she said, too exhausted to rise her voice. Her eyes were half-shut.
>> And now go to sleep! Tomorrow you need to be fit. <<
After these words, Misty went to the haystack, slipped her sandals and covered herself with a bunch of hay. The hay felt nice on her bare skin.

In this night, the sorceress had difficulties to find sleep. Moonlight flood through the window. Her legs were aching from walking all day and also her butt hurts.
She felt tired, but the moon-brightens warm stable and her paining body made it difficult to find some rest.
However, it was not only this that kept her awake, it was also this unsatisfied situation she was at the moment.
Even if she could manage to steal the necklace, she wouldn’t come far. Stealing under the protection in the dark of the night wasn’t also an option; the gates are closed after sunset.
Just going and leaving this place would also not be easy, since Uncle Ben would feel some kind of responsible for her.
So it was time for some serious thinking. Maybe there is a possibility to climb over the wall.
The sorceress heart becomes exited. If this would be possible, she could steal the necklace during night before anyone notices it. And before anyone knows what happened, she would be away for miles.
The girl took her sandals and rag and went out of stable. Maybe there was a way to leave this town unnoticed.

Compared to the stable, the outside was cooler but still warm.
Lanterns were brightening the street, but only dimly. It was hard to recognise the way in the dark, but night was the only alley the girl had to scouting the town without working in the inn or getting troubled with any adults.
Suddenly, someone grabbed her and pressed his hand on her mouth to keep her quiet. Her sandals fell down when she was lifted up.
This all happened so fast, that the sorceress didn’t even realized what happened to her.
>> What are you doing? << someone hissed angrily, he was cloaked in a robe.
>> She was sneaking around. << the other one whispered. >> In the coal-mines, we could get some coins for her, after we have done the job. <<
>> And where do you want to keep her in the meantime? << the man in the cloak said, the sorceress couldn’t see the other person holding here.
The cloaked one eyed up her.
>> By the way, what does a little girl doing in such a late time like this? <<
>> You are right, strange is that she is not even trying to resist, like other cheeky brats would usually do. <<
Resisting? How, when I am held on so tight, especially when this guy had his hand on my mouth, the sorceress thought, so crying for help is useless.
Besides his hands were strong and the little girl was afraid that he could break her neck if she tries to resist.
>> Listen, my little girl! If you keep quiet, you are allowed to speak free. But don’t even think of crying for help, or you will land in the coal mines. <<
The girl nodded.
>> Good! Now tell me what you are looking for in this place to such a dark time? <<
>> This is none of your concern. << the girl answered rudely.
The thief’s face was hidden by his cloaked, but a smile on his lips could be still seen.
>> Girl, you may not know it, but it is my concern. << the cloaked man looked deep in her eyes. >> I know who you are and what you doing here. <<
>> You do? << the sorceress asked incredulous.
>> Sure. You are a thief, or at least wants to be one. What else kind of vermin you think has business to do at this late hour? <<
That was a point, and in some way she was trying to steal something, with the only difference that she was looking for an escape route.
>> I see you are smart, but I don’t see why my concerns are your matter. <<
The man pressed with his hand on her both chops.
>> I’ll tell you, you pertly brat, the problem is that the thief guild won’t allow that any amateurs running around the town and stealing as they likes to. <<
>> And what do you now want from me. <<
>> Well usually we solved the problem with you worthless urchins to sending them into the mines. But you seem be clever than those other ragamuffins. So how about a deal? <<
>> Giving me a deal? Sounds more like to you need my help. <<
>> Don’t be so overconfident, or you find yourself in the coal mines quicker than you can imagine that. << the man behind her said.
The sorceress had no intention to end as a slave in any coal-mine, everything but not in a stick hole like that.
>> Okay, what should I do? <<
>> Just follow us quietly. <<
The stout man let her down. Now that she could move her head again, she saw that the other thief was also cloaked, but in shape a bit wider than the other one.
While Misty could fell the ground on her toes again, she wanted to slip in her sandals again, but the cloaked thief already took them.
>> Give them back to me! They are mine! << the girl said.
>> With those things you will just chatter unnecessary noises. And there where we are going you won’t need them.
>> Do I look like that I walk simply bar-feeded on this dusty and filthy road. <<
>> Then you should have worn some more soundless shoes. But of course you can have your trash back, as long as you carry them. << He passed then the sandals to the girl.
>> Just think how dirty your precious little feed will be in the mines, so you gonna be used to walk like this. << the stout thieves said.

The sorceress was not happy to be commanded again. But maybe these thieves could be for any use for her. Right now she has no other choice but to help them, obviously in helping them to steal anything.
They stopped in front of a big house. It looked like their owners seem to be very wealthy due to all the adornment outside the building.
>> That’s the merchant’s house. << the cloaked thieve said. >> Inside there is a valuable statue. It is exposed somewhere inside, so we want you to go and get it for us. <<
>> Sounds simple, what is the rub in it that you couldn’t do it yourself? <<
>> The door is barred from the inside, so the only way inside is a weak point to a small window leading to the cellar. A man cannot pass through but you are big enough to get inside. <<
>> And what you are doing? <<
>> We are waiting for you, of course, or is it a problem to you? << the stout thief said, and the sound of his voice allude to Misty to went straight to the coal mines, if she wasn’t happy with that.
>> No, it’s okay. How this statue does looks like exactly? <<
>> The statue is of pure gold and has the form of a beautiful woman wearing a garment. You cannot miss it. And heed the most important thing: You are on your own, so be quiet! The people inside are already sleeping, but there is no reason for waking them up. <<
Leaving me alone if something happens, you mean, the girl thought.
The stout thief opened near the ground small windows. >> Here you go, little Miss. <<
>> If you got the statue, come back the same way you got in there. We are waiting here for you and …, << he took the sandals from her, >> … as a thief you will need every free hand, so I keep them for you. You won’t need them anyway; sneaking bar-feeted is still the best way. <<

The sorceress truckle through the small windows. It was dark inside, so she couldn’t see anything. Carefully she tries to feel with her feet the ground.
However, she couldn’t reach the floor while hanging on the windows frame. The cellar was lower than expected. Her finger lost the grip and she felt down.
The sorceress fell on her butt that was not good considered to Abigail’s latest treatment the pain of her punishment returns.
>> That hurts, << she said to herself.
While rubbing her paining body part, she looked around.
The room was so pitch-black that the sorceress couldn’t even see the hand before her eyes. The smell of wood and other stored stuff covered with dust lies in the air.
The girl stood up.
Well, she said to her inner voice to herself, I am the Mistress of Darkness, if I have mastered the power of darkness, I can also master this dark room.
But how could she get of this cellar, if not a thing can be seen not to mention a simple exit?
The girl thought hard, there must be a door and they are usually on a wall, if she just walked around the cellar, she had to find sooner or later a way out of here.
So the girl felt her way along the wall, it was not easy because there were several object standing on her way and often she had to climb over the big and small boxes, barrels and other things.
The little girl heart was beating of excitement. She wondered if she could find this statue, but for now she was lost in the darkness of this cellar…
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