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Unread 02-15-2014   #9
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Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 61

Surrogate Goddess
Not so ‘Dead’beat Dad

“Your almost there Jena push.” Ninhursag urged. Suddenly Ninhursag froze. She felt a terrible force in the air. “No, not here.” “How?” She said. “Hurry Jena, the birth is the only thing that will save us.”

Brooke staggered back toward the cave. Banged up as she was she was still as proud as Ishtar was that they had defeated a living god. Oh, I could use a drink. She thought, her throat was so dry. “It’s past noon, is it getting hotter and dryer or is it just me?” She thought to Ishtar. “Oh no.” Ishtar responded but it was to late. Brooke turned to face the body of Enki and it was like standing in front of a blast furnace, the air was so hot and dry she could barely take in a breath and she dropped to her knees. “You know I must admit I really am impressed.” A familiar voice said. Enki’s headless body rose and roughly grabbing it’s own head by the hair placed it back on his shoulders. “I always wondered If you deserved your title as goddess of war Ishtar.”Enki said casually sticking fingers back on. “I honestly never took you seriously spreading your legs every time you weren’t swinging a sword.” Ishtar spit toward Enki but the moisture, like all other moisture was sucked from the air. “I’m afraid I have to cheat and use my powers, luckily you can’t do much to stop me, even though it is tempting with you on your knees and all.” He chuckled and Ishtar growled. “Your mortal should count herself lucky, killing you would be so much more of a honourable defeat than making you helpless like this so I’m not going to kill you.” “Before you pass out know this, no mater how many times Ninhursag tries, no mater if you help or not, I will always stop her from bringing that abomination into this world.” Brooke and Ishtar started to laugh to herself. “Your ego always made you waist time Enki.” She croaked in her dry throat and pitched forward fainting. Had she stalled him long enough? Enki ran for the cave.

Enki flew down the passage with preternatural speed. He let this go on to long, this would be close. The idea of a mortal taking Ninhursag’s power and bearing his son made his stomach turn. Why had I ever allow this? I never thought she would even conceive the child and then to come up with this sickening scheme. Enki saw the small tent the mortal would be kept and heard her screams of pain, he rushed. He stoped dead at a new sound that rang through the cave as he was mere feet from the tent, the sound of a baby’s cry. Ninhursag threw back the flap and stepped out, she carried they’re child in her arms. Enki could see the damned mortal from outside the tent, she had the shape of his wife’s holy form and was still breathing heavily from the ordeal.

Jena felt a shiver run through her body. Oh god no more. She thought. This however was the moment she’d been waiting for. Jena could actually see her body change and shrink, her stomach, already much smaller after the birth shrank and her hips narrowed to her once trim figure. Any stretching she would have had from the pregnancy miraculously faded and as Jena shrank she could see from behind the goddess in front of her take shape. As the last of the magic left her she felt the clasp on the necklace release and it fell from her neck to the ground.

Enki stood in awe as his wife returned to her former glory before his eyes. As her breasts once again filled with milk the babe in her arms latched on and she gasped in amazement. She stood before him the goddess of birth in truth once again. The look on her face as she looked on him was anything but motherly however and he dropped to his knees and started to beg. “My wife, I was wrong.” “Looking on you now with our son I kno...” “OUR SON!” Ninhursag roared in a godly voice. “You dare clam any part to this child whom you killed so many times out of pride!” She boomed. “You shall never have part in our lives for all of eternity.” “Be gone from our sight.” Something Jena could only describe as a wave of power rushed from Ninhursag and when it hit Enki’s body a red mist was blown from his skin. All the wrinkled skin, the bone dry visage that was Enki was blown away and Theodore was left kneeling before the goddess, he fell forward on his face unconscious.

Jena sat in awe at what she had just seen and as Ninhursag turned and she flinched thinking she would still have that rage on her face. “Child.” She said. “You never need fear me, I owe you more than my immortal life for all you have done.” The kindness on her face seemed to radiate from all parts of her round bulging form and Jena got the impression of a loving mother from this god. The baby in her arms was perfect, it’s small round face had a knowing look that suggested understanding far beyond a newborn. “What happens now?” Jena asked. “You and your friends are free from all this and can go home.” Ninhursag said. “It pains me to say I can not give you any reward but my thanks, the gods are not allowed to take favourites.” “However I can give one thing.” She gestured to the necklace. “I plan to take up my place in reality again as the goddess of birth and if you should ever think to have children place that necklace around your neck and I promise you your next birth will be painless joy.” Jena looked down at the necklace and shuddered. “Maybe after a little time the thought won’t sound so bad.” Ninhursag said. “Will Theo and Brooke be okay?” Jena asked. “Theodore is perfectly fine, Enki has left him unharmed, Brooke is alive but she is injured and I am afraid neither Ishtar nor myself can take that hurt away, she will have to heal on her own but I will see to it she heals perfectly.” Ninhursag said. “Thank you for all you have done Jena.” “No words can express my gratitude.” Ninhursag faded.

Brooke came to in the shade of a small hill. A woman Brooke thought she should know sat beside her on a rock. Ishtar’s body was exactly what Brooke’s had been, huge round breasts raped in a scant leather vest that extenuated her cleavage, her toned muscles bulged as she crossed her arms. “You look like hell girl.” She said. Brooke’s shattered arm was wrapped in a sling made from one of her weapon belts and her body was covered in small cuts and scrapes. “Did Jena make it?” “Did she have the baby?” Brooke pleaded. “Jena will be just fine.” Ninhursag’s voice rang out as she appeared, her body was great and round just as Jena’s had been but it looked as though it fit on Ninhursag. “You on the other hand have paid a great price for your friend and I will not stand idly by and let you heal a cripple from injuries you got defending my babe.” Ninhursag handed the baby off to Ishtar, who looked vary awkward holding a baby, and knelled beside Brooke. Before Brooke could protest Ninhursag scooped her up with strength a woman her size shouldn’t have had and pressed her to her chest. Brooke gave into the soft comforting embrace and drank deep from the life giving milk of her breast. When Brooke awoke her arm was still broken but now rather than being mangled and crushed it was set back into place and wrapped expertly with leather straps. “You will heal properly now.” Ninhursag said standing before Brooke with her baby. “I must go now thank you so much for all you have done child.” Ninhursag faded. “Well don’t expect any mushy thank you from me girl.” Ishtar said. Brooke grinned. “You still remember all my tricks for pleasing men?” She said raising an eyebrow. “Oh god, Unfortunately yes.” Brooke replied. “Than that is my gift to you and I expect plenty of worship from you as soon as that arm is healed.” Ishtar said. “Thank you Ishtar.” Brooke said. “For everything.” “Oh don’t make me lose respect for you now child.” She said and grinned as she faded away.

Jena and Theodore crawled out of the cave. Despite being in perfect health they where both exhausted from they’re ordeals and the small slop was a hard climb. Brooke sat at the top of the cave entrance in the shade of a hill. She had a broken arm but she said it wasn’t to painful and refused the guilty help Theo offered when he said it was his fault. “You didn’t do this to me, you dork.” Brooke chided. “You have nothing to apologies for.” “Oh can’t you two get along just once?” Jena asked. “I guess I’ll have to get used to him.” Brooke grinned. The three friends staggered back to they’re car.
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