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Unread 03-26-2021   #6
Process Fan
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 67
Re: The State of Shrinking


First, let me say that I'm encouraged that someone has come forward to ask this question.

Personally, having been a SW fan going all the way back to the old Yahoo SW Forums back in the day (Hey Lorekeep, how ya doin' pal?), I miss the interaction that we had back then. Samara, Minimizer, Lorekeep, Talon (I know you're still out there too, buddy), Sally, Mercutio, the list could go on, but honestly, there was a time when we had a place to get together and spend time having fun, even if we were just fantasizing about our favorite little fetish.

I'd say that part of the problem is simply the fact that we grew older, moved on, and things changed. Some of us have gone from being 20-somethings who were living in our parents' basements (or renting out a room) to now being 40 or even 50-somethings who have families, kids, careers that take up a large part of our lives, and doesn't leave a lot of time for those activities we used to participate in.

I do appreciate the fact that there are some places that we can go to enjoy artist endeavors. The Deviantart site is a good place, but it's kind hit or miss unless you know WHO to search for, or specifically WHAT you're looking for. Oh, there are some folks who are doing some very nice work (Minimizer, for example, is still out there doing his best).

Next, we have Shrink Fan Comics, which I like...but the AMOUNT of content, while excellent on it's QUALITY, is short on QUANTITY. One comic per month, even if it IS quality work, only goes so far. I cancelled my subscription because there were few updates in the Gallery section where people could make suggestions of one-piece art that we could enjoy, and with only one comic a month, I figure it's better to wait six months or so before re-upping to get a decent number of comics to enjoy for awhile. Sadly, I've seen where the other fetish sites of this group (Vore Fan, Expansion Fan, Giantess Fan) have more than one comic a month. THAT would be wonderful, but obviously, if you don't have enough artists to do the work, you can't expect multiple issues to come out quickly. Also, due to the QUALITY work, you've also got the problem of many multi-issue stories that slow the rate of new content because obviously you have to finish older storylines before moving on, right? I'm still waiting for the end to the Small Fortune story, which has been a mainstay since Shrink Fan Comics began years ago. But it isn't the only one, so it will have to wait until it gets put into the queue, right?

Personally, my biggest problem has been that while there ARE sites out there with shrinking content, we just don't know where it is. Look at the Shrinking Websites link at the top of our group. When was the last time it was revised to remove all the dead content, and add all the relevant content? Hell, Minimizer's ORIGINAL website, which has been dead for years, is STILL listed. Perhaps it's time we updated THAT information, so we could have an idea where to go to frequent sites with our favorite fetish.

As for stories, I speak as one of the original story-writers of the SW Forum who used to pump out story after story for free for folks to enjoy. I've still got all of them in my computer, by the way. There are some folks who have basically decided to publish their work on Amazon's Kindle site and sell their stories for a few bucks per copy. There are some quality offerings, like those from SciDram - Let the Chips Fall and Short Time for example. Minimizer has one of his stories there from what I saw. But for the quality stories we see, there are DOZENS of average or even BAD stories from folks just pumping out crap to try to make money. I've read a few of them, and sad to say, some folks need to come up with some fresh ideas, good story-writing, and better plots than some of the stuff I saw.

Now I'm going to put this out, and I hope I don't come across as being arrogant, but I've been working on ONE story for a long time now. We're talking about years in the making. Mercutio / TIE Defender, if you're still out there, you know the one I'm talking about. DARE TO DREAM has been a story near and dear to my heart for some time, and I've struggled to get it finished. No, scratch that. It IS finished, but it isn't ready. Someone told me that if you're going to truly publish something, you can't publish the first draft...or the second draft. You have to be willing to go through it, line-by-line and cut out stuff that doesn't work, rewrite stuff that doesn't flow properly, be willing to even cut stuff that you personally loved, but it just didn't make the story the best quality it could be. THAT is what I've been doing for the past year or two, in between being a father, a husband, a provider, and just a guy wanting to relax some times. The story is ALMOST there, and I promise each and every one of you who are reading this, if you ever read some of my work in the past (TDLAmador...Toobin' Down the River, sound familiar? Or maybe Always Follow the Directions?), the story I'm trying to finish is NOT one of these 20-40 page Kindle jerk-fest things that you may have seen. We're talking 66+ Chapters, and over 1,000 pages of story, which looks to be a TRILOGY when it is finished. Not a 5-minute read. Not even a 5-hour read (unless you're a speed-reader). This is a story that you can enjoy for days, with shrinking, with dialogue, with a plot that I guarantee will keep you wanting more.

Now I admit, I just spent time tooting my own horn. But where are the other folks who used to be here announcing themselves to the group? Where are the stories? Where is the content? I hate to admit it, but I used to enjoy the one-page artwork from LBH...but even he stopped posting new content (I miss your stuff, it was fantastic!). Yes, there may be content out there, but we either don't communicate its existence to everyone else...or we just don't know where it is. Yes, there used to be some stuff on PornHub. SOME of it was good. Some old SW content has up and vanished, and no one knows where it went to. Some of it has even gone behind a paywall and is expensive to purchase. I used to find the Shrinking Bride clips, but that disappeared. The Office Space video was good, but that disappeared (Red Parrot Productions, I believe?). If we don't communicate where it can be found, and perhaps update the Links for Shrinking Women sites, all we've got are the dead links that lead us nowhere.

TDLAmador / Troy

Last edited by Marauder727; 03-26-2021 at 09:13 PM.
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