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Unread 03-09-2019   #3
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Posts: 73
Re: A Midsummer Night's Dream (SW, fairies, shrink potion)

Originally Posted by Captain Ash View Post

for your first shrunken women story, it was great.
And if Disney's Gorgoyles could play with Shakespears works, then so can you.

The beginning was a bit hard to read because it is too descriptive.
Later when the fairies were alone with Puck and had their conversation with him, it became interesting and fun to read.
I wonder what the fairies are going to do with this potion?

Thank you for sharing this story with us.

Captain Ash
Thanks for the comment, Captain Ash! Lol, yeah, I think I got a bit carried away with the "world building" there at the beginning, but now that we're into the story I'm not gonna be tempted too much in that direction anymore <3

I hope you enjoy this next part! <3 <3

Chapter Two: The Shrink Potion

The four fairies stood silent for a moment, all eagerly crowded around the glass vial that Peaseblossom held carefully in her hands. The jet-black contents sparkled mysteriously as the potion swirled lazily around in its container. The four watched it moving, mesmerized.

“So,” said Peaseblossom carefully after a few moments, her body quivering with excitement, “who gets to try it first?” They all looked around at each other, exchanging impish glances and wide eyes. But pretty soon, Peaseblossom, Cobweb, and Mustardseed were all looking at Moth, who immediately began blushing a deep and adorable shade of red.

“W-what…m-meee?” she asked her compatriots, barely able to contain her excitement. “No, no, come on, you guys, at least let one of you go before me —” But she was cut off by her friends. Cobweb had lovingly put her soft and dainty fairy hand over Moth’s mouth.

“Shhhhh,” she cooed into Moth’s ear, as Mustardseed swept in behind her and secured both of her arms in a gentle but vice-like grip. Mustardseed tugging Moth backwards, so that she tottered on her feet a moment before falling; Mustardseed caught her as she fell and wrapped an arm around her ample fairy chest, securing her from behind in a half-standing, half-falling position.

“Oh nnoooo!” squealed Moth in jest through Cobweb’s hand, playfully attempting to squirm free of Mustardseed’s grip. “No! Not me! Don’t shrink me! Don’t shrink me pleaasseeee!!”

“Oh we’re gonna shrink you, all right,” said Cobweb lustily, “we’re gonna shrink you down so small that you won’t be able to understand what we say to you anymore.” She aggressively took two of her long fingers and shoved them into Moth’s snatch, which was already dripping visibly in anticipation. “Our words will sound like thunder to you.”

“Nnooo!!” cried Moth, unable to disguise her glee and her arousal, playacting terror as Peaseblossom advanced on her with the potion, shaking the vial back and forth flirtatiously in her face.

“Oh yes,” breathed Peaseblossom vigorously as she stared intensely into Moth’s eyes, “You’re gonna get tiny, Moth…teeny teeny tiny…so tiny that when we drop you into this stone fountain here,” — and she indicted to the fountain Puck had emerged from hours before — “you won’t be able to see from end to end. It’ll be like an ocean to you.”

“Oh please, oh please no! No, I don’t want to be that tiny! I don’t want to, I don’t want to!!”

“Too bad,” said Peaseblossom, uncorking the vial. She wafted the vapors toward her nose with an exquisite hand, and her eyes rolled back in her head as she shivered in pleasure. “It smells like dewberries,” she told the others, holding it up to each of their noses to sniff. She turned once more to her captive friend. “It’s happening Moth,” she said. “Cobweb, if you would be so kind?”

Cobweb gripped Moth’s mouth firmly, forcing it open. Moth tried to struggle and spit and close her mouth, but Cobweb and Mustardseed both held her firmly, mocking her halfhearted attempts to escape.

“Bottom’s up!” said Peaseblossom with a wink, and swiftly poured a swig of the black viscous potion into Moth’s mouth.

“Woah, woah! Enough there!” said Mustardseed immediately, seeing how much Peaseblossom had poured in. “That’s too much!” Her voice carried no hint of jest — she was actually concerned.

“Close her mouth, close her mouth” ordered Peaseblossom to Cobweb, ignoring Mustardseed’s concern. Cobweb did as she was told, forcing Moth’s mouth shut. Peaseblossom re-corked the vial and quickly pinched Moth’s nose shut, forcing her to swallow the entire contents of the potion.

“There we go, there we go…get it all down,” said Peaseblossom. Moth was twisting left and right, fighting with more energy and spirit than she had before…it appeared like she was fighting for real now. Her eyes screwed up in her head and rolled back left and right as her body thrashed back and forth violently.

“Ok, ok!” shouted Mustardseed, “She’s swallowed it all — she got it all! Let her go — let her go!” And all at once the three released her. She spun out of their grasp on uneven feet and stumbled around for a few steps before she regained her footing, gasping for breath the whole time as if she had just come up from deep underwater. She turned to look at Peaseblossom, utterly outraged. All sense of play had vaporized.

“What did you do??” she cried at Peaseblossom, panicking. “That was way too much!”

“Yeah, Pease,” said Mustardseed cautiously, looking at Moth with real concern in her voice, “I think that was way too much.” Cobweb stood silently, waiting to see what would happen.

“W-what are you talking about?” asked Peaseblossom uneasily, shrugging her shoulders, “what I gave her was fine!”

“Fine?!” yelled Moth indignantly, stamping her foot on the forest floor, “Fine??” You made me drink like 5 swigs of that stuff!! It’s gonna make me way toooooooooo……” — but her words were suddenly coming out in a much higher pitch, and her eyes flashed around in a panic. She only had time to give her three friends a look of horror before she suddenly and quickly began to shrink. She yelled out in a high-pitched scream, attempting to run towards her friends, but as she shrunk she tripped over her own feet and fell right beside the toadstool Mustardseed had been sitting on earlier. Her prostrate form shrank rapidly and incredibly before their eyes; in a matter of seconds she shrank to the size of a child, and then a cat, and a pinecone, and a raspberry, and more and more until they couldn’t see her anymore.

The fairies rushed over to their friend, all of them concerned, but Peaseblossom especially so. She was wringing her hands and muttering, “Oh no! Oh no! I fucked up — oh gods above, what have I done??”

They reached the spot where they had seen Moth seemingly shrink down into nothing, and they all stopped a safe few feet away, making sure that they didn’t crush their unseen friend. The three fairies stood there silently for a few moments, staring hard at the spot where Moth was a few seconds before. From their perspective, it looked like she had disappeared entirely.

“Well,” said Cobweb slowly after a minute or so, “does anyone see her?”

“No,” said Mustardseed, looking hard. Peaseblossom had stopped looking and was pacing back and forth, her hands twisting around each other in anxiety. “Would you knock it off?” said Mustardseed to her after a few moments, irritated. “It’s not like you killed her or anything.”

“N-no,” said Peaseblossom, sounding like she was about to cry, “b-but what if w-we lost her and she gets eaten by…by some insect or s-something?”

“That won’t happen,” said Mustardseed firmly, gripping her friend and giving her a shake. She pointed next to the toadstool. “We know she’s right there. Right. There. We just need to find her.”

Cobweb was bending down carefully over the spot Moth was last seen, and she ever so slowly arched her graceful neck and bent her ear down to the ground.

“W-what are you —” said Peaseblossom, still a blundering mess, but Cobweb cut her off.

“Shhh,” she said. “I’m listening.” They were all silent for a few seconds, then a minute, as Cobweb kept her ear to the ground, slowly scanning this way and that. Mustardseed was still holding Peaseblossom, who had buried her face in her friend’s shoulder.

“There,” said Cobweb suddenly, pointing with her finger. “She’s right there.” The other two fairies rushed over to the spot and looked at where she was pointing.

“W-where?” said Peaseblossom after a few moments. “I can’t see her.”

“Neither can I, you twit,” said Cobweb. “But she’s there. I can hear her.” The other two bent down carefully where Cobweb had been, and lowered their ears to the ground. At first they heard nothing but the ordinary sounds of the forest, but then, as their ears grew more trained, they realized that there was something else…the tiniest hint of another sound…the merest inkling of a high-pitched cry. If they hadn’t been listening hard for any clue of Moth’s whereabouts, they wouldn’t have heard her, even if their ears were as close to her as they were.

“Here, give me that,” said Cobweb to Peaseblossom, gesturing for the vial. Peaseblossom hesitated a moment.

“Come on!” said Cobweb forcefully, “apparently you can’t be trusted with that!” Peaseblossom had to admit she was right, and reluctantly handed over the vial.

“Just…please reverse it slowly,” she said nervously. “I don’t want her growing back to her full size until she forgives me.”

“Or bigger…” put in Mustardseed.

“What?” said Peaseblossom in alarm.

“I mean,” said Mustardseed, arching her eyebrow, “what if it works that way? What if you can reverse the shrinking and grow bigger than you were before?”

“Can it do that?” asked Peaseblossom, worried. “Is that how it works? Oh, please Cobweb, do it slowly, won’t you? I don’t want her to grow too big — she’ll kill me!”

“No she won’t,” said Cobweb, carefully preparing the vial, “but I wouldn’t blame her if she’s pissed.” She leaned over the spot where Moth was and whispered, slowly and quietly:

“Hold your breath, Moth! This’ll only take a second!”

“There’s no way she can understand you at that size,” said Mustardseed.

Cobweb shrugged. “Doesn’t hurt to try.” Then she bent to her work, the other two watching her intently. Ever so gently, she brought the vial close to Moth’s spot on the ground and tipped it with the slightest touch, depositing a single drop onto the ground. It made impact and slowly sank into earth, leaving a tiny dark stain. The three crouched close and waited. After about half a minute there was no change. Peaseblossom was trying to steady her breathing as she stared with increasing anxiety at the stain on the ground.
“Give her another drop,” said Mustardseed, and Cobweb did. A minute passed, with still no apparent change. Cobweb was growing anxious herself, and poured another drop. A few seconds later…

“Aha!” said Cobweb, her mouth spreading into a grin, “I see her!”

“Where?” asked Peaseblossom and Mustardseed in unison, and their eyes followed to where Cobweb was pointing. And there she was…unmistakable against the backdrop of dirt, grass, and little flowers, they all saw Moth, who at this point couldn’t have been taller than a few millimeters. They all peered at her closely, overcome with joy (especially Peaseblossom). They could hear her little screams, and as their eyes got more trained to her size they could see that she was stamping her feet.

“A little more, I think,” said Cobweb, and she tilted the vial. But from her excitement at having seen Moth, she misjudged her momentum, and ended up dumping a healthy splash of the potion over Moth.

“Cobweb!” chided Mustardseed, “Come on now!”

“Whoops!” cried Cobweb, “too much there!” They all kept looking at Moth, who had been knocked to the ground by the force of the potion splashing over her. A few seconds later she was growing right before their eyes. She grew to the size of a thimble, a walnut, and a turnip, finally stopping when she was the size of a husk of corn.

“There we go!” said Cobweb, “See, that was actually the perfect amount!” They all three breathed a collective sigh of relief. Peaseblossom was overcome with emotion and started crying from relieved happiness.

“Oh Moth!” she sobbed, “I’m so sorry!! You’re ok now — you’re safe!”

Unswayed by Peaseblossom’s show of contrition, Moth had made a direct beeline for Peaseblossom with her little feet, and once she reached her comparatively giant friend, she had starting kicking her in the shin and peppering her shapely calf muscle with her tiny fists.

“You. Fucking. Idiot!!” she yelled in a slightly more high-pitched voice, laying into Peaseblossom for all she was worth. Peaseblossom laughed through her tears and looked down at Moth’s assault, smiling at how cute she looked when she was that angry and that tiny.

“I’m so sorry,” repeated Peaseblossom, laughing as she wiped her eyes and snorted away the snot of her anxiety. She reached down and picked up Moth in one hand, her fingers easily going all the way around her friend’s body. Peaseblossom brought Moth up to her face and smiled at her lovingly, her eyes still sparkling with tears.

“I got carried away,” she continued, holding Moth a few feet from her face to avoid her fists and feet, since Moth kept punching and kicking out at her. “I’ll be more careful next time.”

“Oh sure you will,” snapped Moth sarcastically in midair, giving up on her assault. “Now grow me back all the way. I’ve had enough of being small for one day.”

Peaseblossom looked at Moth with love in her eyes, and then turned to Cobweb and Mustardseed, her eyes becoming mischievous. They returned her look in kind.

“Ohhhhh no,” said Moth emphatically. “Oh no. No you don’t. Don’t you three even dare.”

“What’s the matter, Moth?” asked Cobweb, her voice like syrup, “Don’t you like yourself at this size?” She took her finger and started rubbing the tip of it gently over Moth’s exposed breasts.

“Stop it,” said Moth, starting to breathe hard. “Stop it, Cobweb, you fucking bitch!” Her nipples had already responded immediately to Cobweb’s teasing touch, and in a few moments were quite obviously rock hard.

“Look at her little nips!” cried Mustardseed delightedly, rounding on Moth and touching her breasts with her own finger. “They’re as hard as those little buds of Indian Corn we pick in Autumn!”

“Fuck you all!” squealed Moth, her body gyrating involuntarily in pleasure. “Fuck you all to the moon and back — make me bigger!”

“But we like you at this size,” said Peaseblossom, who had fully recovered her emotions. She felt Moth’s hands and feet with her fingers, squeezing on them gently, testing them for size. “Look at this!” she continued, “Look at your little hands! And your precious little feet!” Moth tried to pull her hands and kick her feet away, but she was too small. Her three friends easily combined to overpower her. And she couldn’t hide her own arousal anymore…not only were her nipples sticking out in plain view, but her pussy had also begun to ooze down her leg.

“Oooo look at that,” said Peaseblossom, and licked her tongue all the way down Moth’s leg, easily lapping up her gooey pre-cum.

Moth gasped in pleasure, throwing her tiny head back as she surrendered herself to her determined friends.

“Pry her legs open, Peaseblossom,” said Mustardseed, licking her lips and extending out her tongue as Cobweb “ooo’d” and “aaah’d” in anticipation. “I wanna really taste what’s inside her.”

A Midsummer Night's Dream:

The Training of Jeff Stintum:


Last edited by joyce; 03-09-2019 at 11:53 PM.
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