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Unread 01-30-2014   #2
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Re: Monster Hunter 3 is $20 on 3DS (until 2/3)


The game is amazingly fun when you get into it, which can take some time, but once you do it's so worth it. The demo starts you off with HORRIBLE gear compared to what you are hunting, but if you play it naturally by the time you fight the things on the demo you will be better equipped. Demo also feels like they beefed the monsters up as well, as that bunny is NOWHERE near that hard in the full version. He is one of the more laughable monsters.

Once you fight a monster once or twice you learn their patterns, where they appear, where they run to, where they nest. Basically I'm at a point right now where I can enter a hunt and simply KNOW which one or two areas on the map they will start at. Once you paintball it the hard part is over.

Also, you need to learn WHERE to hit them. You can't just whack on em willy nilly. Each monster has spots on their bodies that are weak to certain types of damage, as well as spots that simply take MORE damage by being hit. You also need to learn their tells, so you know when they are going to use what attack so you can avoid it. Nearly EVERY attack monsters do can be either dodged or avoided in some ways (examples: If Rathian/Rathalos fly in the air, use a flash bomb to blind them and they fall down giving you about 10-20 seconds of free hits. If Queropeccu starts to sing, throw a sonic bomb and he will get stunned. If Diablos tunnels, throw a sonic bomb and he will pop up, stunned. If you see Agnaktor pop up then click his beak really quickly, it means he is going to shoot his lava beam best dodge!)

The best part of the game is the new gear. As you hunt and get new gear you start to really notice yourself getting stronger. In my current gear, I can kill the monsters you saw on the demo in seconds. But then again, those are low rank monster and I'm on G rank (highest difficulty).

Overall the fights are pretty epic. If you love fighting HUGE monsters, skinning them, and making armor from their flesh, this is the game for you. It has no traditional level up system and yet the progression curve is fairly natural and you REALLY feel a difference when you forge new gear. This is also a game about knowing your enemy, you need to know what to take on the hunt, what sort of gear will help (It's not always about pure armor, sometimes you need to have the right bonuses on gear for a certain monster. It helps but is not 100% required.)

Weapons in the game are widley different from one another. No two plays exactly the same, and EACH ONE has a benefit and a flaw. There are no best weapons in terms of what type. Want to attack fast, be quick, have some defense and do a lot of elemental damage quickly? Sword and shield is for you! Wanna do all of the above, but do MORE damage at the expense of defense? Dual blades! Want a hulking sword that can do MASSIVE damage, but at the cost of speed? Great sword! Want versatility, a mix of speed and damage? Switch Axe (my personal favie)! Want super insanely high defense, but low attack? Lance! Want the same as the lance but the ability to SHOOT?! Gunlance! Want to be slow, but able to stun/break things? Hammah time! Shoot things with many versitile (hard hitting) ammos at the cost of speed? Heavy bowgun. Wanna do less damage with ammo but have more speed? Regular Bowgun. Want a nice balance between speed and versatility (with less options for ammo, however)? Bow. Want to look awesome with a long blade that can dish out large damage so long as you can keep attacking constantly? Long sword.

...I think that's the basis of all the weapons.

When you play with friends the fun a lot. So if you have a WiiU I recommend you download the free MH tunneler program to allow you to play online with the 3DS version. Saddly this is the only way to play online with the 3DS version, why, I don't know but they did the same thing with the PSP version even though PSP and 3DS both have online abilities. Hell if you do, I'll even join you. I would love some buddies to hunt with!

Fear not, however, unlike other versions of the games this is the FIRST ONE to allow you access to all the online content while offline. So you do not miss out of anything other than other people to play with.

If you wanna see more, watch some Pro-Jared (he is playing the WiiU version, but they are the exact same game and you an even play with eachother. I own a copy of both so I can play with my friends locally. I let them use my WiiU while I play with them via my 3DS):

Last edited by Keile; 01-30-2014 at 05:12 PM.
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