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Unread 07-12-2006   #89
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The tough thing about the internet is this: how do you know if you're actually losing sales? If you've got numbers and can prove a corrolation between free availability and profit declines, that's one thing, but if you don't all we've REALLY got is speculation. I searched for the clips and found them and y'know what? I wanna buy this thing now.

Warlock, there's a fine line between promotional clips and, well, giving stuff away for free needlessly. You ever see those movies where the preview gave away the WHOLE story? Not really motivating people to see it. But then there are those previews where you know what's going to happen, but you just need to know HOW it happens. Yup, fine line. This situation goes beyond that because just over 1/3 of your production was made available without your knowledge...I'd be pissed too, but it's something to think about.

On a side note, Mood Boobs is too cool to just let fade into obscurity...I know it's NOT that obscure because many people seem to know about but I didn't and apparantly Allogagan didn't even have the site. Anywho, why not step up the promotional campaign? Get these clips off YouTube first, then start hitting up all Yahoo groups. You'd definitely be welcome over at The Ripping Zone, from what I've seen on YouTube anyway. As an artist (and the owner/mod), I'd like to help you close the gap you feel may have formed by these clips being made available to the public without your permission.

Hey...ever think about doing a GTS/growth thing? Maybe we can put our heads together...let's talk
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