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Unread 11-13-2013   #1
Marbas's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 7
New Female->Dragon story!

Hey everyone,

Thought I'd share a recent story of mine. It's about a young woman stumbling upon an ancient treasure hoard. As she begins to change, it's a race against the clock to get out before the curse completes. I'm trying to improve my writing in general, so please comment/critique

There's a pic to go along with it that you can see Here


The Maiden and the Dragon's Hoard

Carla knew this was a stupid idea the moment she left the group. The rambunctious blonde fidgeted as she crept down the ancient, cavernous room. With each passing moment, Carla could feel the dark and oppressive energies of these cyclopean halls trying to break her will and cause her to flee. Tapping her flashlight against her palm in a vain attempt to squeeze some life into it, the flashlight mocked her by flickering on and off in the death throes of a terminal set of batteries. For the tenth time, Carla cursed as she accidentally scratched and tore up her jeans on a jagged piece of rock. If only the tour group hadn’t been so damn bland, she wouldn’t have done this. It was a great opportunity, they said. No other girls’ home before had been able to take a trip to Europe before. You’re lucky they even let you go, since you’re 21 now. All bullshit.

Sure, the castles were cool…history had always been one of Carla’s favorite subjects…and seeing them first hand had been wonderful. Every time she walked around the castles, she would imagine them full of life and energy. The very thought of it made her smile. But that was all their group ever did…walk around the outside of the castles. Never once was she allowed inside. At every insistence, the tour guide would say it was getting too late…or he would say it was too dangerous…or her compatriots would complain about not getting back in time to go out on the town. So finally, she got fed up and snuck off from the rest of the group in search of something interesting to do at their latest castle visit.

Interesting would be one way to put it…after some searching around, she had found a small cellar door embedded into the inside wall of the ruined castle. With one last look over her shoulder to see if she was being followed, Carla pulled out her small flashlight and slipped inside to begin a real exploration of the castle.

The heavy wooden door settled into place with a soft thump and a cloud of dust, causing Carla to sneeze a few times as she descended the stone staircase. The cellar itself was a disappointing affair at best…aside from an ancient wooden table and some form of armoire flush with the back wall, Carla was met with little more than old dirt coating her worn out sneakers and cobwebs getting caught in her shoulder-length blond hair.

While mussing with her hair, trying to get the offending cobwebs out, a glint of metal sparked her attention out of the corner of her eye. There was something off about that armoire…as Carla moved in closer to investigate, she noticed that it was covering up some sort of metal door. Without moving the ancient piece of furniture, however, she had no hope of investigating further. Despite her small frame though, weighing in at a little over a hundred pounds and being on the short end of the spectrum, Carla was victorious over the armoire, shoving it to the side without too much trouble.

So sudden was this movement that Carla almost found herself face planting on the cold stone of the floor. It was almost as if the armoire wanted to be moved. The girl’s eyes lit up though when she saw what was behind the piece of furniture. Indeed, it was a metal door…but ornate beyond mere words. Looking as if not a day had passed since it was first created, a relief of dragons and knights waging eternal war adorned every inch of the heavy silvery steel. It also depicted a hellish looking cave with bars across the entrance with what looked to be a princess reaching through them to the darkness within. Finally, it showed a triumphant knight, standing over the corpse of a dragon on top of its hoard…but something was off about it. The more Carla stared, the more she saw that the knight seemed to almost be melding with the treasure. She blinked hard and figured it was just some wear on the relief. With a tentative touch, Carla caressed the raised portraits of battle, lingering on the dragon’s massive form. She smiled slightly and took a step back to enjoy the full picture. It was then that she noticed the writing along the frame of the door. It looked to be in some form old English…hard to truly make out. She was able to pick out certain words though that peaked her interest. Something about a sleeping guardian…time spent inside...a realm anew…a key to a treasure…a key to love…a maiden fair…and finally something about acceptance. The words puzzled around inside Carla’s head for a few moments. Although history had always been a favorite subject for her, reading ancient texts was a bit outside of her standard curriculum. However, she always liked the stories about the fair maiden…and that is what this must be…a story to go along with the picture.

With a grin of renewed excitement, Carla put her shoulder into the door to open it up. Just like with the armoire though, it seemed to almost want to be opened…sending Carla head over heels down a dark earthen tunnel that seemed to wind downward for at least a hundred yards.

When she finally came to rest, Carla let out a forced groan of protest as her banged up body began to report that, while she wasn’t seriously injured, that surely hurt like hell. Her jeans were ripped at the knees, and her shirt was slightly torn and dirty, allowing for the slightest bit of a lacy white bra to show through.

“Ugh…fuuuuuuck,” she groaned out, her voice echoing out across the dark, cavernous room as she picked herself up. Her flashlight, with a sense of things to come, almost immediately began flickering and dimming as she tried to turn in on. It gave out a dim but barely passable light. Slowly, she began walking, trying to find out exactly where she was. Stalagmites raising from the floor snagged and ripped her jeans on more than one occasion. Carla cursed under her breath as she condemned the stupidity of what she was doing. Pausing to shake some life into her flashlight, it was then that she caught the glint of metal out of the corner of her eye.

As she panned her flashlight around the dark, cavernous room, her eyes lit up with wonder. All around her gleamed precious metals and ornate artwork of a bygone era. Veritable mountains of treasure were piled so high that ancient scaffolding was needed to hold it all. Carla opened and closed her mouth a few times, not knowing what to do or say. The amount of wealth in this cavern under a ruined castle was staggering. How had this not been discovered before? If it had, whose is it? Finally though, a single nagging thought wormed its way into her mind: whoever owned all this wouldn’t mind too terribly if a few handfuls went missing. It’s not like they would miss it…there must be a few billion dollars’ worth of gold here alone, not to mention the paintings, sculptures, and other certainly priceless knickknacks strewn about haphazardly.

Carla was tentative at first, hesitating at the edge of the massive pile of treasure. Slowly, she reached out…her finger tips grazed across the metal coins, chilled in the dark cave air for who knows how long. As she grasped her first handful, the pile of treasure showed its precariousness and began to slip and slide down with the fury of a small avalanche, a chorus of delicate metal clinking and shimmering off of one another as they began piling up around Carla’s feet…ankles…knees. Carla gave out a short yelp of fright as she was forced backward and onto her pert, heart shaped ass even as the coins continued to pile up around her. Thankfully, the cascade settled before her upper body was covered. She was left with herself half-buried in a mound of heavy coins.

She sat there for a few moments, feeling the coins slipping under and around her clothing. A shiver ran up her spine as the treasure felt like it was almost slithering under her simple black panties, the chilled metal gently caressing her nethers as gravity forced the coins down and out through her pants leg. As she struggled to get up, however, Carla began feeling a creeping sense of dread wash over her. Her flashlight began flickering once more…dimming…dimming…blackness. The absolute darkness hit her like a freight train. All she could hear was the clinking of coins, shifting under her weight despite her best efforts to remain perfectly still. All she could feel was the treasure slinking over her exposed skin like a gentle caressing hand.

“Do not be afraid,” a voice suddenly rumbled in her mind. Carla screamed and scrambled away from the pile of treasure. This couldn’t be happening…there was no one there just a second ago. It sounded like it came from the hoard itself though. With panicked breathes, she got to her feet and backed herself into a wall.

“Do not be afraid,” the voice said once again. “You have partaken of my hoard, but I am not angry. For too long, I have been trapped here, a victim of my own greed. But you have made it through the portal…a kindred spirit with no place to call home…and unjustly cursed as I was so long ago.”

This was madness. Carla squinted her eyes, trying to see something…anything. A pressure built as she strained harder and harder…and slowly but surely, the once pitch black room began to take shape. It was dim…almost impossible to see anything in great detail…but she could now see the shape of the mountain of treasure…she could see that it was moving…almost pulsating with each word spoken in her mind.

“Join me…the changes have begun, and for that I am sorry. Only through acceptance shall we both find freedom,” the voice rang in her mind. The pressure behind her eyes began to spread to the bridge of her nose. The feeling of extreme sinus pressure began to build and build. All of a sudden, Carla yelped in pain as a loud pop cracked out from the cartilage in her nose and the pressure was suddenly released in that area.

“My face! What’s happening to my face!?” she cried out as her fingertips hovered just over her nose, frightened about what she may find if she should touch it.

“I am sorry,” the voice responded as the showering jingle of thousands of coins announced a large mirror emerging from the hoard. Slowly, Carla approached it. The once near blackness was slowly coming into focus despite her useless flashlight lying dead on the cold stone ground. She stood in front of the mirror for a few moments, squinting and trying to get a good look at herself. It was then that she remembered her phone. Fumbling desperately, she almost dropped it as she pulled out the smartphone and turned on the flashlight app.

With a flash of light that almost blinded her, Carla was suddenly greeted by the inhuman eyes of a reptile, shrunken to mere black slits by the sudden explosion of light. What she saw made Carla scream out once again, staggering backwards as her smartphone dropped from her shaken grip where it slowly sank into the treasure hoard’s golden depths. The face in the mirror…her face…it was inhuman. Large reptilian eyes, sunken into a swelling brow. The bridge of her nose had flattened and was still swelling larger and larger as she felt her nostrils start to get pulled to each side. Even as this was happening, she felt her lower jaw force itself out further and further, her lips being spread impossibly wide and thin as her teeth stretched out of her gums, turning her once young and feminine face into a monstrous maw filled with dagger-like teeth.

“No! NO!” she screamed out, her hands clutching at her broadening muzzle. She could feel the skin of her face start to thicken under her fingertips, ridged, plate-like scales pressing forth. Her panicked breathes started coming out as snorts from her widening nostrils, heavy and hot air being pushed through her still expanding nasal passages.

“It is too late…the curse has you now. The longer you stay, the tighter the grip. I am sorry,” the voice said, sadly.

“Stop saying that!” she roared out, the strength of her voice startling her. She looked around frantically for the exit. She had to get out. This place was making this happen to her. If she could only get out, this would all go away. Carla made it only two steps before a horrible cramping in her feet caused her to stumble to her knees.

Turning her head to look, Carla saw her ratty shoes beginning to bulge and swell. Pressing on the toe of her right shoe, she felt her own toes pressing back against her hand as the growing bones and flesh began to strain the weathered seams. Beneath the ratty material of her shoes, she could feel her once dainty toes press into each other. What was five points of sensation turned to four as the pressure began to become nearly unbearable. Still though, Carla was too afraid to pull off her shoes for what she may find underneath, she just watched as the fabric bulged bigger and bigger until there was a sharp snapping sound.

A quartet of ivory claws, each longer than one of her fingers and each nearly as thick as her wrist, began to worm their way out of first her left shoe, followed by her right. Reptilian eyes, wide with fright, stared unbelieving as the claws just extended further and further from the now tangled mess that were her four year old shoes. Finally, Carla snapped out of her shocked state, eyes once mesmerized by the sight of four thickening toes following the claws out of the fabric, now shining bright with panic. Frantically, she began pulling and tearing at what remained of her shoes, ignoring the sudden appearance of a stinging pain in her tailbone. The elastic from her socks gave her the biggest trouble after her shoes were thrown off to the side, the fibrous elastic clinging and tangling to itself and the hooks of her claws despite her best efforts to tear them off. While it took some effort, her left sock came off relatively easily compared to its twin. Carla didn’t notice at first, but with each pull and yank on the ragged remains of her right sock, the arch of her swollen foot stretched further and further out. With one final yank, she managed to rip her last sock off. What was left over was an inhuman paw with five inch long claws, extending from a very human looking ankle.

“Goddamnit, just STOP!” she screamed out as she paused for only a few seconds to stare at her misshapen toes curling and uncurling against the stone.

“It’s too late…too far gone…” responded the morose voice from the hoard of treasure. For a moment, Carla’s wide, frightened eyes darted around in feverish thought. Her jaw clacked loudly as her massive teeth gritted in frustrated panic. With a hot blast of air, Carla snorted through her reptilian muzzle as he features took on a resolved set.

“…Fuck that!” she roared out as she clambered for the tunnel once more, her massive claws digging into the earthen floor, leaving deep gouges with every push. At first, Carla was able to stand and the going was quick. However, it seemed that with each step, her spine began to hurt a little more…the flesh on her sides began to stretch as new vertebrae broke off and swelled larger and larger down her back. Her entire torso was lengthening, causing her already tight t-shirt to pull higher and higher up her body. It was barely noticed as fatty flesh began to develop right below her breasts, a second set swelling with each step up the tunnel. Unconsciously, she squeezed her thighs together though as nerves hooked up to the pert nipples adorning her new additions. Adrenaline kept some dirty thoughts to the back of her mind though…but like the weakening gates assaulted by a barbarian horde, that adrenaline wouldn’t last forever.

After only a dozen or so yards up the tunnel, Carla had to stop as her body convulsed with each passing moment. With a sickening sucking sound, she felt as her tailbone first began to loosen…and then push…harder…harder against the waistband of her jeans. Clenching her massive jaws tight, Carla’s eyes squeezed shut against the invading foreign feelings racing down her spine, even as the growing appendage swelled out past the breaking point of her jeans and flopped out of it with the sound of meat slapping against the ground. She felt something…something else…something that shouldn’t be there…a new limb that squirmed along the ground, fresh scaled flesh getting covered in dirt. She twisted her lengthened neck around and slowly opened an eye. There…thrashing slowly on the ground...what looked to be the tail of an alligator mixed with an iguana, colored an impossible ebony black. Heavy and thick with dangerous looking spines…trailing from the ground to her own body.

Carla reached back…slowly…slowly…and pressed a hand against the new flesh. It was warm…she could feel it…she could feel her hand on it…and almost as if by contact, when her right hand touched the thick hide, it looked as if the black scales jumped over to the flesh on her hand. Her skin began to pulse and bubble slightly as her pigment began to shift darker...darker…gleaming ebony plate-like scales rising out of a thickening black hide. Letting out a panicked curse, Carla was forced onto all fours, her lengthened body no longer able to stand in the claustrophobic tunnel.

She pressed forward, as fast and as hard as she could. Her back claws dug for purchase on the earthen floor, each press with her thickening thighs propelling her faster and faster toward the door. Even so, the changes began to progress. Shining silvery-ivory spines pressed out of her right forearm and elbow as the bones began to shift toward a more animalistic form. Her ring and middle finger began to press into one another, the flesh beginning to meld and stick together.

As she neared the steel door…Carla heard the voice one last time.

“Please don’t leave me…” it whispered out.

She knew she couldn’t think about that now…not when she was so close. The curse may have had him, but it wasn’t getting her. With one final push, Carla burst out of the steel door, tumbling head over heels over tail into the old cellar of the castle. She couldn’t believe she had made it. A punch-drunk giggle welled in her chest as she lay on the floor, lungs heaving for air despite her swelling laughter.

“I’m out!” she cried out, tears pooling in her eyes. “I made it!” she laughed. Carla quickly looked down her body, hope filled eyes searching to see if she would start changing back. Nothing. Her thick tail swayed on the ground, the gravel tickling the underside. “Out of the cellar…yeah…out of the cellar,” she muttered to herself as she stood shakily. Her hips felt wrong, and her spine felt weak as the weight of her upper body pressed down on her lengthened torso. With a wandering hand, she discovered the extra set of breasts hanging large, heavy, and unsupported below her original set which, while still cupped in her lacy white bra, had definitely swelled much too large and were spilling out of the rips and tears in her t-shirt. Carla shook her head, her hair catching on her elongated and ears and…horns? She reached up and realized she had horns. No…she had to get out. It will all go away when she gets out completely.

With a shaky step, her monstrous feet not meant for bipedal walking, Carla leaned against the wall for support. For what seemed like ages, she took step after agonizing step…she reached a hand out for the cellar door, her middle and ring finger stuck half-way fused at the knuckle…she blinked away that sight, focused on the door. A heave, a push, and a stumble, and Carla was out on the grass, crying hysterically and laughing at the same time.

It was night out, but the world was bright as day thanks to her changed eyes. She cried, she hugged the ground. She thought of what she would tell the chaperones…but that could wait. She giggled slightly as the feeling of grass on her tail tickled the underside. Grass…on her tail. Slowly, Carla opened her eyes once more and looked down at her hand. Why wasn’t it changing back?

“No…c’mon…I got out…I’m OUT! I’m free!” she exclaimed, whispers turning into shouts. Her jaws clacked a few times as she took heavy breathes, frustration rising higher and higher. “It’s not fair! Why me!?” she yelled as all the panic, frustration, and stress-filled emotions welled stronger and stronger in her chest. Clenching her whole body tight, she felt as if she was about to explode. Finally, with one surge of energy, Carla roared into the heavens as a pillar of blue-black flame spewed from her maw.

Collapsing into the dirt, smoke streamed from her nostrils and from the gaps in her toothy jaws. This was it then…she was stuck. Carla opened a slitted eye, staring down the length of her right arm. The palm had stretched somewhat since she had left the tunnel, the flesh looked puffy and almost paw like. The changes were still taking place…albeit at barely a crawl now that she was away from the treasure trove. Maybe they would even stop completely if she got far enough away. But something deep within her knew…within her heart of hearts…she would never change back. She would be stuck in this half-formed, awkward body for the rest of her days.

Carla squeezed back tears as an emptiness of despair welled up in her chest. She convulsed a few times, letting herself sob into the dirt and grass. She stayed that way for what seemed like hours. During that time, she felt her shoulders hunch with muscle, and her right hand grow heavy with the meaty weight of a claw. She didn’t care anymore. She reflected on her life…she had been in a girl’s home until she was 18, her mother abandoning her…she had been to juvi once when a foster parent faked an assault report in order to ‘teach her a lesson.’ She had no one…Carla was only allowed on the trip because the operators of the girl’s home had felt sorry for her. Her mind’s eye flashed to the steel door in the cellar below her. A powerful dragon…majestic…graceful. Stronger than her awkward human self…better than this malformed creature she had become. Would it be so bad to become one of the first dragons of the modern age?

“Maybe not…” she said to herself in a deep voice tinged with feminine undertones. She forced a small smile on her hardened lips and picked herself up. She could make it back to the treasure room…unite herself with the hoard. Her monstrous paws pressed heavily into the dirt and grass as she made her way back to the cellar. When she pressed through, past the silvery-steel door, she felt the dark energies that had washed over her before, welcome her with an almost comforting embrace. She felt warm…welcomed. Each step further brought on more changes…but they didn’t assault her senses this time. She felt her spine lengthen further…her vision press out further and further from her body as her neck stretched and thickened with muscle. Jeans…panties…shirt and bra lay discarded behind her like a shed skin as her body expanded larger and larger. She had to press and squeeze herself through the last bit of the tunnel, her body swelling too large for the opening.

With a soft pop, Carla freed herself from the tunnel and rolled to a stop on the floor. Her shoulders had shifted to fit a quadrupedal beast, silvery-ivory spikes jutting from elbows and knees. A regal set of permanent horns branching out like antlers adorned her bestial skull like a crown. Padding on all fours felt…better, she thought. Her body was a tightly coiled spring of power, and she knew it. With each step toward the treasure, her muzzle cracked longer and larger until all vestiges of her human face were lost to the draconian visage.

Carla paused at the edge of the treasure…there was no going back…but the energies she felt emanating from the hoard swelled with acceptance…compassion…love even. As she began to climb the mound, one last bit of pressure swelled against her back, her shoulder blades splitting and pressing forth. A set of skeletal limbs pushed out from her hide, quickly covering and stretching with black and ivory scales. Bright silver webbing stretched across the elongating fingers as they stretched with barely contained massively powerful musculature. The wings grew and grew, larger and larger, until she knew her heavy body could be lifted and dance the sky on laughter silvered wings.

A heavy tiredness spread across her colossal form as she settled on top of the treasure hoard, her two sets of massive breasts squished against the warming coins. ‘What would a dragon need with breasts?’ She wondered with a tired, rumbling giggle. Maybe she would find out in time…but for now, she felt tired…so tired. The energies of this cave had drained themselves and taken their toll…she felt content though…she felt right. Softly, the voice of the hoard spoke into her mind.

“Thank you for coming back,” it whispered out. “In time, we will be free.”

Carla’s deep rumble of acceptance reverberated through her new home.

Last edited by Marbas; 11-13-2013 at 03:52 PM.
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Unread 11-13-2013   #2
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Re: New Female->Dragon story!

I liked it.
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Unread 11-13-2013   #3
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Re: New Female->Dragon story!

Originally Posted by TF-Viewer View Post
I liked it.
Thanks for taking the time to read it It's a bit long, I know...but I think it's balanced well with setup vs plot vs process.

I'm hoping to get some tips/critiques so that I can improve my writing in the future. Anything in particular that you liked/didn't like?
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Unread 11-14-2013   #4
Tee Eff
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Re: New Female->Dragon story!

This was great! I liked the pic that went along with this as well Would love to see this as a sequence! Really nice job though and looking forward to more!
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Unread 11-17-2013   #5
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Re: New Female->Dragon story!

Good start to a longer story. Would like to see more.
Tasukete! I'm being held captive in Akihabara!
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Unread 11-17-2013   #6
magnus knight
Magnus Knight
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Re: New Female->Dragon story!

Nicely done story. I enjoyed it.

It had a nicely described TF, clothes tearing, and thst element of apprehension followed by acceptance of her TF. Nice.

Hope to read more from you soon.
What I write, is a bit intense for most.

The story is the moment. The turn on is imagination.

I create the story. I control the imagination. I am the Knight.

...the grOwth is out there.
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Unread 11-19-2013   #7
Obsidian Reaver
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Re: New Female->Dragon story!

Excellent story! Fantastic descriptions and a great main character.

Overall, well-written.
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Unread 11-20-2013   #8
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Re: New Female->Dragon story!

More! It was a good story.
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Unread 11-20-2013   #9
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Re: New Female->Dragon story!

Thanks everyone for their feedback! I originally meant the story to be a stand-alone one, but if people do like the setting I could probably add to it a bit.

And sadly, I don't have funds at the moment to turn the pic into a larger sequence. I'd rather get multiple one-shot tf pics to go with more stories than one long sequence for one story, yaknow?
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