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Unread 10-25-2013   #1
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Jimbo's intro and a story.

Hey there, I'm Jimbo. I joined a while back and never posted an intro.

but how about this I give you guys and a Story to boot too. to make up for the lurking.

I'm not very interesting as a person but I do draw and read a lot.

and try to write a little.

anyways here's my story.

some of you might have seen it on fiction mania under my other name "Gentleman Jim" before I tweaked it, could use some ideas for it since I get writers blocks a lot.

Playing both sides. By gentleman Jim

chapter 1:Changing on the train.

Rick sat on his seat in the back of the quiet train that was speeding on its way to the big city of London, the others on the train paid him no mind, sitting there in his plain clothes a pair of blue jeans, dark dress shirt, long brown coat, he was almost half asleep when it happens, just a faint itch but it was there and he noticed it he suddenly flashed awake.

"It can’t be happening now?"

He looked at his hands, they twitched a little,

"No can’t be!?" he muttered low under his breath

He then glanced at the other passengers. Most of them were asleep or busy reading this being a late night sleeper express train non-stop. Glad that no one was looking his way he went back to looking at his hands.

"I'm ok it won’t happen yet, not till tomorrow”

It always happened each month around the same time, he had always had the time to get settled somewhere before it happens, always had plenty of warning, no one ever saw or knew what he was, Rick forced himself to calm down, he stopped looking at his hands and settled back down trying to put it out of his mind, slowly he felt warmth creep into him, most of these new trains had heaters now days, but he knew that’s how it started, his skin starts to itch and he always got hot and restless then he began his “change” about half an hour later that was it.

Rick never wanted to be in public when he was ever close to it happening, he tried to be calm and slowly got up and walked to the restroom in the back of the coach, on the way he grabbed his bag from the luggage rack, there was no one about since it was so late at night still, he opened the door and got into the cupboard that passed for a toilet on trains, the light in there was dim, he set his bag down on the floor next to the toilet bowl, he stared at the mirror, he was in his mid-20's, 5”10” kind of short for a man his age, slim with short brown hair, pale skin, bluish eyes, "I'm fine" he said, what was he making
such fuss about?

he was going to forget about it and go back to his seat, he reached for his bag then the itch struck him again stronger this time, he pulls off his long coat and shoes then stared back into the mirror, the light flicker as the train goes into a tunnel white blur window becomes much darker, his hands shaking the telltale warmth comes racing back, his eyes widen "it’s happening and I'm in public stuck on a train, they will wonder where I came from and why I have someone else’s punched ticket, this can’t happen now, I can’t just hide here till the train gets to the station.”

He could feel little pulls start all over his skin, still nothing shows yet but he knows what’s going on, he puts his hands on the counter and waits for the transformation. Then the pulling gets a little stronger his mouth opens as he starts to breath heavy, it’s started..... He loosens his shirt collar to make breathing easier, looking at the mirror his whole body warm now then it begins, his back started to pull slowly forcing him upright.
pinches tugged at his face, the corners of his eyes hurt as they open wider and took on a more almond shape, the irises looking much bigger and striking, he rubbed them with his shaking hands as they stung, he blinked there was no stopping it till he was finished.

He watched as his thin face began to slowly fill out, his cheeks taking on a soft apple like shape, the skin nipping and smoothing out and tightening, the bones making slight clicking sounds as they pushed into new places, feeling a little numb before it felt normal again, watching closely as his hair line moved and pulled forward noticing that his fringe was sticking up looking a little fluffy.

his nose also tweaked becoming small and upturned, his mouth still open as he was breathing, started get numb, his mouth hanging open, the jaw changed shape rounding and smoothing out like his cheeks did, his lips felt dry he licked them then, they started to puff up and feel moist, they nipped at the sides started to pucker and took on a slight pout look, the bottom lip becoming plump.

His body shuddered as it pulled tighter, he reached up and undid the rest of the buttons on his shirt, he was sweating, the light damp patch showing round the neck line as it fell open, his collar bones slowly sliding a little higher on his chest while his nipples were slowly stretching and widening and darkening as he breathed in and out, his shirt was starting to bother him, he shrugs it off and lets it fall to the floor next to his bag, looking back up at the mirror seeing himself topless, the fat deposits round his face have settled and bones shifting finished, his ears had moved a little to match his hair line.

Now his neck was feeling prickly like it was being pricked by pins and needles. he felt the need to swallow as he does, his Adams apple pulls in and smoothed out his neck and tightens causing his gasping to become higher pitched, knowing the next time he speaks his voice wont sound anymore, reaching up to his sore thin neck with a uneasy hand and rubs at the dull pain.

Behind him out of sight his shoulder blades start to pull inwards adding to his already slim frame. At the front he can see while he breaths deeply his ribcage as it draws in, while it is happening he catches a glimpse at his nipples that have become very wide and fat, in the middle of them, hard pinkish brown lumps are poking out.

"I hate this part" he said putting both hands on the counter again,
his upper body starts to shake a little he takes in a deep breath, then huffs and breathes out heavily, as he does the flesh round his big hard nipples starts to move and push out and swell, he leans forward over the little sink, the numb feeling building, his breaths coming in little gasps.
"I forgot how big these things are" he says in quiet huffs.
It starts again, he breathes harder this time rocking a little as he shakes, his chest bulging out and hanging down into a pair of full, large, firm and heavy breasts, mushing against the sides of his arms slightly, he gropes himself a little.

"Still a little sore but I do miss them now and then" he said panting.
Looking up, he sees the tops of his shoulders narrow and arms slimming giving him thin wrists.

the contour of his arm pit matching the outside of his breasts. Holding up his hands shaking, watching some of the lines on his palms fading as the finger nails grow out into shiny pointy ones before his eyes, he rubs them together as the numbness goes away they feel softer than when he felt his breasts with them before.

Looking back at the mirror to watch his belly flattening in and pull tight with a slight roll of fat, the waist looked small since he had such big breasts.
"Half way there” he breathes.

His hair was starting to look bushy and a bit darker and the ends seemed to be curling, covering his ears a little, undoing his belt and jeans with his slender fingers letting them slide down his legs to the floor, his underwear was starting to get tight he pulls them down quickly.
Sitting down on the toilet, his pelvis started to pull outwards at the sides, the top starts to stick out higher up on his waist, then his buttocks began to grow and merge with the sides of his hips as they popped out into different places on his pelvis with a low sharp crunch sound, then his Thighs widened as his legs grew shapely and womanly with tight slender muscle, his feet small and narrow,

“Almost there” he said in a soft whispered voice.

His penis started to rock and get very hard so did his balls as they bunched up under his penis feeling them suck into his body and they moved slowly to each side of inside his pelvis where his opening was forming behind the base of his penis, he started to breathe hard again slowly his penis pulled up into his body with an inside out motion, the foreskin stretching into a pair of vagina lips, as his opening became longer down the middle, the clit hood poking out just a little at the top, his pubic hair sprouted around it into a curly brown bush, his labia squished together as they finished thickening, Rick breathed out.

“That feels much better”

Rubbing his crotch, pushing fingers into the moist slit a little and bending down to get a bottle of water from his bag. Gulping down half and wiping his sweaty face with its pouty lips on his shirt. he looks at the mirror his hair has become even bushier and hid his ears more with its curled tips, it started to rustle and turned a deep chocolate brown shade, he shook his head as it fluffed out and fell down into bouncy shiny hair that covered most of his neck and shoulders, Rick stroked his hair and rubbed his breasts, he looked at the watch that was now loose on his wrist.

“I better get dressed before someone comes knocking”
Feeling much more relaxed now, he stepped out of his discarded jeans, underwear and socks, grabbed his bag and flipped it over. He had a large bag for a man. but then he unzipped a hidden flap in the bottom of it, he took out a small metal box with clip locks on it, and set it on the side next to the sink, then undid another pocket inside the hidden compartment of the bag and pulled out a pair of black panties and a large matching bra.

Stepping into the panties and pulling them up on his hips over the flat little mound of his crotch with a little snapping noise. Next Rick picked up the bra and put it on backwards doing up the hooks with no fuss then spun it round and put his arms into the straps, making sure his long hair never got stuck in them as he flicked his head a little and squeezed his soft full breasts into cups of the big underwire bra, Hooking the straps over his shoulders and moved them into comfortable places with his hands, giving him a cleavage any man would beg to bury his face in. as he squashed his breasts together.

Then he reached into the bag takes out a pair of tight fitting black jeans and eases into them, next he got out a small red top with a low cut front.

“Will have to do for now” he said.

Just then there was a knock at the toilet door, Rick looked up in a slight shock.

“Give me a moment I’m still doing my make-up” he called back in his feminine toned voice,
There was a quiet groan outside as he finished pulling on the top as it clung to his breasts.

He opened the little metal box, taking the needed tools and with quick practiced skill made up his face and put on a silver necklace that rested on his chest, along with a couple of rings and a small pair of simple hoop earrings, lastly he grabbed a hair brush and a pair of black heeled shoes from the bag, slipped them on his bare feet and brushed out his hair with a few quick passes with the brush.

The knock at the door comes again a little harder this time, closing up the metal box and stuffing it into his bag and zipping the flap, and turning it over, rolling up his male clothes and shoving them into the top side of his bag, he turns to taking one final look in the mirror making a strong pouting expressions.

“Back to being the other me for a now” he said a slight smile on his full sensual lips.

chapter 2:Her name’s Rebecca.

The man in his mid-30’s was waiting outside the toilet tapping his foot on the floor he was 6”2” well built with short middle parted black hair and light stubble on his chin, wearing a dark colour suit. There were 2 toilets on this train and 1 was out of order and pad locked, the other had some woman taking for ages in there.

they always messed about when it came to toilets and bathrooms, not that he’d had a girlfriend or wife to put up with for a while, this was getting silly now he’d been in there for close to 20 minutes now, no more he went to knock one last time as he did, the door pulled open with a quick jerk and he jumped back a little with eyes wide, out stepped a woman with long dark hair wearing a brown coat with the sleeves rolled up, holding a large bag over her shoulder.

“sorry I was so long in there” she apologized, ”I needed to change clothes, it was just too long to wait for the train to get into London” she said with a smile, he looked at her face “that’s ok it’s my own fault for drinking so much on a long train ride, Miss?”

Her thin arched eyebrows rose slightly
”my name’s Rebecca, Rebecca Robbins, Mr.?”

”Jones, Nick Jones” He blurted out, he was trying not to look at her large breasts peeking at him from the open baggy coat, Rebecca saw that he was staring not that she minded.

“I’ve kept you waiting long enough Mr. Jones, let me get out of your way, I’m sure we can chat more after you have taken care of business”
She slid to the side out of the door way into the corner clutching her bag strap with both hands.

“No harm done, miss Robbins.” He said with a faint smile
“Please call me Rebecca” she chuckled.

He quickly went into the toilet closing the door behind him.
“It’s been a couple of months but I still got it!” she said with a little giggle as she brushed a few strands of hair from her face.

Inside the toilet Nick couldn’t stop thinking about how turned on Rebecca made him, he looked in the mirror making sure he looked tidy, it had been a while since a woman had made that effect on him, he was a bit hot and bothered, he paid most other women no mind, he was thinking as he washed his hands, glancing at the little brown hairs that seemed to have been shed on the counter top, then going to dry his wet hands with some paper towels.

Rebecca was back in her seat, she had taken off the coat, the numbness of her body was going away, and she was sipping on a can of cola, the feeling of dehydration was one of those little side effects after her “change” since some of water in her body now made up other new parts. Right now she just wanted to go crash and sleep for a while.

Just then she saw Nick poke his head round the door of the entrance to the coach, she knew the look in his eye after he spotted her, the sort that looked like hunger, not the type for food. But the sort of lust or wanting and she knew it well, since she had seen it many times before and most of the times she saw it, she knew what came next.

Nick came shuffling up the middle of the coach trying not to wake the other passengers; some of them with their legs sticking out in the aisle, as he stepped over them. He reached her seat and smiled as he spoke up, his eyes starting to wander south of hers.

“Hello again Miss. Robbins” He said in a slightly uneven voice. “Hi again Nick, I said it was ok for you to call me Rebecca, You seem like a gentleman” she said with a faint smile. She could see that he was nervous. “Why don’t you join me for the rest of the journey into London” sure that was what he wanted her to ask him.

“If that’s alright, you don’t mind do you?” Nick gasped a little, sitting down and trying to straighten out his suit.
“Well it’s the least I could do after holding you up at the toilet for so long” taking another quick sip of her cola.

After he was settled in his new seat Nick began the usual talk most had with her.
“So? Where are you from?” he asked
“Oh just a little place out of the way, plain and very hard to find on the map and not much to tell about it” she nodded.

“I find it very hard to believe!” Nick butted in, “that such a lovely girl like you came from a bland town” he was coming on so strong, but Rebecca had seen it all before. Why shoot him down when it was trying so hard to hit on her? She grinned a little.

“Ok Nick, why don’t you tell me where you are from?” Rebecca jumped in.
“That’s easy I live in London, east London” he shot back, trying again not to stare at her chest.

“Oh that’s nice you’ll have to show me after the train stops a nice place to get a coffee”
For the next hour and a half they chatted about London and what Nick did for work. He was in the shipping and sales department of his company.

Meaning he was never face to face with his buyers most of the time. Rebecca saw this might be the reason, that he was not so good at talking to women and seemed a bit edgy. But he was a good guy none less for his age.

She was enjoying how he looked so happy just talking to her, she smiled back at him looking into his eyes, he struggled to keep eye contact out shyness.

Glancing down at his tie and brushing off his knees with his hands. He felt flustered and awkward, but that was not putting Rebecca off, like she understood that it was harder for some men to talk to a pretty woman like herself.

Going for drinks

As the train pulled into the station, the driver called over the P.A. system “we have now arrived in central London, please remember to take all your belongings with you.” The other passengers were collecting things and putting on their coats.

Rebecca stood up and put her own coat on. Nick wondered why such a small woman like herself wore such an oversized one.
“That looks like a warm one” he said as he tried to help her on with it his hands unsteady.” but looks a bit big…”
“It belonged to my brother” she grinned a little” having it with me, reminds me that he’s not so far away.”

“What’s his name? Do you not see him much?” Nick asked, “His name is Rick; he comes around every month or 2” Rebecca replied as she reached up to get her bag from the luggage rack that was just inside the door next to her seat at the back of the coach, she turned round as she got it down just in time to see Nick standing behind her with a playful look on his face.
“You sure you don’t need a hand with that? Don’t tell me that belonged to your brother too?” he said a little bashfully.

“Well, we do share it sometimes it’s a good traveling bag with lots of room.” She smiled
“Knowing women like you, it didn’t take long to fill it with outfits?”
“I always leave lots of room for if I see something new I like!” she said as she tapped his arm, and swung the bag back over her shoulder.
Both them stuck close together as they and the rest of the passengers got out of the train, the station was not very crowded and most of the shops and kiosks were shut due it the time it was at night. As they got to the turn styles Rebecca clung to her bag strap with both hands and moved closer to Nick with a mild panic trying to hide it from him.

The rest of the crowd started to get out their ID’s and Tickets, with her rush in the toilet she had forgotten to swap her papers over. The ones in the front pocket of her bag had Rick’s details and photo on them not hers! as they got to the gate where the guards were checking tickets, she discreetly opened the front of her coat and unbuttoned the top 2 buttons of her red top, her heavy breast causing the fabric to part slightly showing the edge of her bra underneath.

Nick was too busy getting his tickets out to see, they reached the guard as he dug them out and flashed his papers hearing them say “ok next”, then guard was about to ask Rebecca for her ID and ticket when she jumped and took hold of Nick’s arm.

The guard was silent for a moment as his gaze was drawn to the cleavage she was now sporting “ok next” he mumbled with eyes that seemed to be going out of focus. Waving them passed. She half dragged Nick out the gate as her bag was too big for the turn style. And she turned away from him quickly to re button her top.

There was a small bar still open the sound of droning music coming from it.
Nick spoke up “fancy a drink then?”
“Aren’t you tired from the long haul on the train?” she asked back with a slight look of concern.

“A little something to relax me is just the thing I need……. you look like you could use one too.” there was that look again.

“Oh, go on then, you twisted my arm!” Rebecca replied with a coy look.
They broke away from the crowd of passengers that headed for the exits and headed into bar and both sat down in an out of the way corner. the bar looked like it was as old as the station with old black and white photos of what the place had looked like back in the day.

that's about all for now. just need some ideas.....
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Unread 10-26-2013   #2
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Re: Jimbo's intro and a story.

An interesting story. I enjoyed the transformation sequence, and I like the fact Rick / Rebecca is prepared for the eventuality.

There are some grammar issues, but I'm intrigued. One question I would ask is, where is the conflict? What is at stake for Rick / Rebecca?

I know it's not a fleshed out story, but we as human beings need something to be resolved over the course of the story or we loose interest.

That being said, I wish you all the best in your future writing.
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Unread 07-25-2014   #3
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Re: Jimbo's intro and a story.

so yeah still working on my story, its going well but I keep getting writers block, so did a lot of research and profiles for a my cast.

also did few illustrations

and asked Grumpy tg if he'd mind doing me a cover page when he's not so busy.

anyways wish me luck. also some ideas might help.
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Unread 07-26-2014   #4
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Re: Jimbo's intro and a story.

Not a bad start. Needs some proofing, and you especially need to watch your tenses, but with a bit of TLC it could be a great little story.
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Unread 07-26-2014   #5
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Re: Jimbo's intro and a story.

I was thinking about changing some of the names, also I wanted to set it in the 80's. But not of that has come up yet.
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Unread 07-28-2014   #6
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Re: Jimbo's intro and a story.

still have no good ideas for the story but got some new drawing stuff sunday and did quick of the mid transformation, might get a scanner for better photos of my art when I got time and money for it. the mirror effect was hard for me not that I think it lines up very good anyways, still try hope I get better.

Last edited by Jimbo; 07-30-2014 at 08:37 AM.
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Unread 07-28-2014   #7
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Re: Jimbo's intro and a story.

Excellent stuff - lots of potential!
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Unread 07-29-2014   #8
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Re: Jimbo's intro and a story.

Done a ruff storybord of the change too, will upload it later on. Like I said I'm a little rusty and somewhat shy. Thanks for the kind words.
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Unread 07-29-2014   #9
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Re: Jimbo's intro and a story.

hey as promised here is the storyboard I even colour and inked it. sorry again for the crappy photo's my Blackberry takes.

I may take it beyond this and do the part where Rick gets his female stuff out the bag and make himself up into Rebecca. anyways hope you guys enjoy the process. made under wear rip thinking about changing that in the story. who don't love rippage.
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Unread 07-29-2014   #10
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Re: Jimbo's intro and a story.

Wow nice artwork! Have you considered setting up a DeviantArt page?

Really looking forward to where the story is headed!
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Unread 07-29-2014   #11
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Re: Jimbo's intro and a story.

I have one. 7 years tenyer, won't be much on there from the book till I get me scanner. But do feel free to drop me some ideas. Might post the cast profiles, foucusing on the process since that's what its about on here.
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Unread 08-01-2014   #12
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Re: Jimbo's intro and a story.

just a small update on the storyboard

wont be anymore for a while going to my friends birthday party for the weekend.

anyways some feed back would be night.
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