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Unread 04-10-2015   #1
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 21
Witch School Final Exam

Hi there -

I know this is a longshot, but I wrote this story... any interest in shooting it as a custom video or as a comic? It combines two of my favorite fetishes, shrinking and weightlessness... I thought it was fun. Anyway, enjoy!


Witch School Final Exam

Scene: Interior Apartment/House, with a couch, coffee table, ordinary household objects on the coffee table (stacked books, a soda can, a straw, a TV remote, and a ball of string.)


- Kara: Asian female, average height, wearing a school uniform sweater, pleated dress, colorful knee high socks
- Emi: Asian female, average height, wearing a school uniform sweater, pleated dress, no socks
- Stacy: Asian female, average height, wearing a mini dress

1. Kara is seated on couch, reading a magazine. Emi comes in from outside the shot, holding a container with some sort of liquid in it and sits down next to Kara. They appear to be about the same height.

Emi: Hey, Kara, what’s up!
Kara: Not much, just procrastinating for the big final exam tomorrow.
Emi: I know, me too… have you been practicing?
Kara: Yeah, a little bit, but I’m still not quite sure if my proportions are quite right…
Emi: Oh, I’m sure we’ll both do fine. Say, did you want to practice with each other? That might be the best way to make sure we’ve both got it right. I mean, this is our final exam in school – if we pass, we’ll get to be real witches!
Kara: I know, I’m so excited! Hmmm… well, I told Stacy I’d go out with her to the mall soon, but… sure, I guess I have some time before she gets back.
Emi: Great! Let’s do it!

2. Kara grabs a container with liquid in it from off screen. Emi puts her potion on the coffee table close to the couch.

Kara: So, here’s mine…be careful, don’t drink too much at first. Take it slow.
Emi: OK, well, who should go first?
Kara: Hmm… do you mind if you do mine first?
Emi: OK, what’s the effect?
Kara: Ha, you’ll see. I don’t want to ruin the surprise.
Emi: OK, I won’t tell you mine either. Haha, I think we’ll both be in for a surprise!
Kara: Haha, can’t wait! OK, down the hatch, girl!
Emi begins to drink from the container.
Emi: Hmmm, nothing yet… are you sure you’ve got the right mixture?
Kara: I thought so… shoot. Well, just give it a few minutes. It definitely worked before, I know that.
Emi: Wait, I’m starting to feel something… yes, definitely tingly. Are you [begins to moan slightly in pleasure] whoa, that was… [sighs] that was intense.
Kara: [smiling] Haha, good, I think it’s finally kicking in!

3. Emi begins to shrink slightly…very subtly…from her current height to about 75% of her previous height. Emi does not notice the shrinking but her clothes begin to look a little baggier, one size too big. She is now definitely shorter than Kara on the couch. Her voice becomes slightly higher as well.

Emi: Whoa, I feel a little dizzy… do we have anything to eat?
Kara: Sure, what do you want?
Emi: I don’t know, I just… feel a little lightheaded. What is this potion supposed to do, anyway?
Kara: Oh, it’s just doing some temporary changes to your cellular structure, but it wears off after a bit. Do you want some more?
Emi: Can I stop for a second, I just… [begins to stand up] [stands up, looks at her clothes]. Huh, what’s the deal with this uniform? Feels like it got stretched out or something.
Kara: [giggles] Sure, I’m sure that’s what it is.
Emi: What? What’s so funny?
Kara: Nothing… well. Anyway. You haven’t figured it out yet?
Emi: Figured what out?
Kara: Here.

4. Kara stands up and is back to back with Emi. Suddenly, the height difference is clear and Emi is shocked.

Emi: How did I get to be smaller than you?
Kara: Haha, it’s the potion, silly!
Emi: Wow! I didn’t know you’d been studying size change spells…
Kara: Oh, yeah, I was going to make it my specialty but I guess I’ve been so busy, I forgot to mention it…
Emi: It’s really well done, and I… [moans a bit] oh… it feels good. I think it’s kicking in again.
Kara: Oh, good. Yeah, I linked it to blood flow so you should be getting a nice blood rush from it. But don’t worry, all your internal organs are working perfectly and aligned. There’s just a temporary size change effect.
Emi: I think I need to sit down again…

5. Emi sits back down on the couch, and is slowly visibly shrinking once more. Her clothes go from being one size too big to four sizes too big. Her voice also gets moderately higher during this time.

Emi: Oh, I just [moan]… I just feel so flushed right now.
Kara: Haha, don’t worry, it’s temporary. But I can’t wait to try yours! Hopefully it’s something cool!
Emi: Yeah, mine is… [moan]… well, you’ll see. It’s a similar concept but … [moan]… just executed differently. How long is this good for?
Kara: Oh, well, it shouldn’t last too much longer. You should see the first time I tried it! I shrunk myself down to two inches and had to wait in my room for hours for it to wear off. I’ve diluted it a lot since then.
Emi: Oh, so… [moan]… that’s where you went that one weekend! [moan…]
Kara: Yeah, sorry I didn’t tell you… I was trying to keep the project a secret…
Emi: Well [moan] …good job… [unnhh]…
Emi ends up being about two feet tall, but her clothes are useless at this point. She keeps trying to put her clothes back on but they keep falling off.
Emi: What the… girl, if I’d known you were going to shrink me today I would have brought a jumpsuit or something. What am I supposed to wear?
Kara: Here, take one of my friend’s toddler’s swimsuits, I think it should fit pretty well. [hands Emi a bikini swimsuit]
Emi: Thanks…[puts on swimsuit] I was just thinking my boobs weren’t big enough and now this!
Kara: Relax, it’s temporary…haha…
Emi: Well, so what do you think? Is this about what you expected? [Emi stands up on the couch and turns around so Kara can see her whole body]
Kara: Yeah, I think so…looks good so far anyway! Would you mind having a little bit more, just to see the effect?
Emi: I don’t want to shrink more! I was supposed to have a date tonight!
Kara: Oh, honey, I didn’t tell you, this probably won’t wear off until the evening… your date better bring a child seat with him! Hahaha!
Emi: Very funny… alright, I guess I’ll cancel… but you have to try my potion next, you promised!
Kara: Don’t worry, I will… I’m really looking forward to it!

6. Emi takes another sip and begins to feel the effects. The swimsuit gets two sizes too big, and then falls off completely, leaving her naked. She ends up about six inches high. Her voice gets even higher than before.

Emi: [moan] Oh, I can feel it again… oh it feels good… [moan] Oh, Kara, you’re going to be rich from selling this! People will love it! Imagine an on demand shrink potion…
Kara: Ha, yeah… that was the goal…
Emi: [moan] Oh, I’m honored to … [oh] … be one of the first… [moan] to try it…
Kara: Well, thanks for being so cooperative! Not everyone is enamored with the idea of shrinking…
Emi: [moan] They should… [moan] try it before they… [moan] complain… really clears the head.
Kara: Now you’re talking!
Emi is now six inches high but naked. Kara picks up Emi and puts her on the coffee table.
Emi: Oh gosh, I didn’t even notice my swimsuit falling off!
Kara: Here, let me help you… [holds out hand, Emi climbs on]
Emi: Oh, be careful! I don’t want to fall!
Kara: Don’t worry, honey, I’m not going to hurt you…
Emi: Oh, you’re so kind… thank you!

7. Kara puts Emi on coffee table, next to soda can for height comparison

Kara: So, how does it feel to be so small?
Emi: Wow, I feel really good! Really… light and free. [Dances around] But I’m a little cold… do you have anything to wear?
Kara: Here why don’t you wear these doll clothes in the meantime… [hands her a doll’s sundress]
Emi: Oh gosh, thanks! You thought of everything! [puts on sundress] Ah… this feels so nice!
Kara: Good, I’m glad. I think it’s a temporary euphoria from the size displacement but it should wear off gradually with the size change. You can expect to be back to normal by nightfall, I’d say.
Emi: In time for my date?
Kara: Ha, well, I don’t know about that… but we’ll see…
Emi: I can think of so many uses for this, Kara! I think you’ve really got something here! And really, it’s funny, because I can’t wait for you to try mine!
Kara: Why is that funny?
Emi: You’ll see! Ok, your turn!

8. Kara takes a drink from Emi’s container next to Emi on the coffee table.

Kara: Ok, down the hatch. [takes drink]
Emi: I don’t know how long it will take to work either, I also had to dilute mine down. I accidentally left the fan on in my room when I was working on it and I hit my head on the ceiling!
Kara: What?
Emi: Oh, you’ll see…
Kara is still sitting on the couch with Emi on the coffee table.
Kara: OK, now I’m feeling…hmm, I don’t know. It’s not a weird feeling, but it’s definitely different.
Emi: Good! I think it’s about to kick in!
Kara: I feel… warm… is it getting warm in here?
Emi: Yes! That’s the feeling you should be getting!

9. Kara takes off her uniform top to reveal a bra underneath

Kara: Ooh… I’m just… a little warm, that’s all. I’d ask you to turn on the A/C, but, you know, you’re shrunken down to six inches.
Emi: Haha, I need a lift to get to the thermostat!
Kara: OK, so what is this going to do?
Emi: OK, stand up. Now, try to jump, just do a normal jump.

10. Kara stands up and tries to jump. Instead of just jumping normally, she slowly rises off the ground, staying in the air for about 15 seconds. Then, she slowly floats down to the ground.

Kara: OK… [jumps] Oh my gosh! What’s happening!
Emi: Do you like it!
Kara: Uh, what is my body doing?
Emi: You should weigh about 80% of what you used to weigh…at least as measured here on Earth. So really its like you went to the moon!
Kara: Wow! This is… this is awesome!
Emi: I know! Like I said, I tried it and I almost hit my head!
Kara: Haha, you would do that… klutz!
Emi: Try again!

11. Kara does another jump and the same process repeats itself.

Kara: Oh, it feels so… [moan] good when I jump. Like a little thrill going through my body… [moan]
Emi: Oh great! Yes, that’s the way it should feel…
Kara: Oh, Emi… this is really good… better than mine!
Emi: No, I think yours is good too!
Kara: Oh… Emi… can I have some more?
Emi: Uh… I’m not sure that’s a good idea…
Kara: Oh, but this feeling…
Kara has another drink, a bigger one this time.
Kara: Oh… I don’t feel so…
Emi: Yeah, I wasn’t sure about that… I think you overdid it!
Kara: Let me lay down… now I feel really hot… [lays down on couch, takes off her skirt to reveal panties underneath]
Emi: Here, grab me, I can help! [Kara grabs Emi and places her on her stomach]
Kara: Oohh… [moan]
Emi: Just try to relax… don’t think about anything stressful…
Kara begins to rise up off the couch, floating, completely weightless.
Kara: Oooh… [moan]
Emi: Kara, you’re… I mean, we’re floating!
Kara: Oooh… [moan]
Emi: Kara, be careful! Don’t tip over! I don’t want to fall! [Emi hangs on to Kara’s bra]
Kara: What… what’s happening…
Emi: You took too much of my potion! Now you’re weightless and I’m trapped on top of you! Help!

12. Stacy comes in from outside.

Stacy: What the heck are you two witches up to???
Emi: Stacy, help! We took too much potion and now I’m six inches tall and Kara’s weightless! Just get me down from here!
Kara: Oohhh…[moan]
Stacy: You guys are always up to something weird. Why did I want to be roomates with you again?
Emi: Stop complaining and get me down!

13. Stacy picks up Emi from Kara’s stomach and places her back on the coffee table. Stacy is standing next to Kara, who is still floating obliviously above the couch.

Emi: Stacy, help me get Kara down!
Stacy: So, what’s her deal, she’s weightless, like a balloon or something?
Emi: Yeah! But she wasn’t supposed to take this much! I haven’t seen this effect yet!
Stacy: Cool… [pokes Kara very lightly, Kara goes floating up higher towards the ceiling]
Kara: Ohhh… [moan]
Emi: Oh great, now we’ll never get her down.

14. All we can see of Kara’s legs are her panties and legs, floating near the top of the shot. They’re sort of dangling there.

Stacy: And what about you? What happened to you?
Emi: I took Kara’s potion! I was supposed to shrink to just two feet tall, and then Kara said to have more, so I did… and now look at me…
Stacy: Shrinking potion and a weightless potion? That sounds like a good idea… mind if I try?
Emi: Oh god… really, Stacy? I thought you said us witches were too weird for you?
Stacy: I know, but you’re so damn sexy and smart, I can’t help myself. Ok, which one is the shrinking and which one is the floating? Ah, never mind, I’ll just do them both.
Emi: But we don’t know what the effects will be of combining them!
Stacy: You let me worry about that, little one. [pats Emi on the head]
Stacy drinks from both potions, and drinks large amounts of each.
Stacy: Here goes nothing.
Emi: Sheesh, I don’t want to be held responsible for what happens…

15. Stacy begins to shrink in a similar fashion as Emi did, eventually out of her dress and naked. Her voice grows higher as she shrinks.

Stacy: Ooh… is it supposed to feel this way? Oooh… this feels GOOD! Oh you guys should share your schoolwork more often!
Emi: This wasn’t a good idea…
Stacy: Oooh… [moan] oh god… [moan]
Emi: I knew it! No one listens to me!
Kara and Stacy: Ooh… [moan]
Emi: Why am I the only one who’s totally alert right now?

16. Stacy is on the couch, six inches tall, and naked, Emi is on the coffee table and Kara is still floating above the couch.

Stacy: OK, now what?
Emi: You’re asking me? I don’t know! It’s Kara’s potion!
Stacy: Weird, I don’t feel the weightlessness part…
Emi: Maybe my potion cancelled it out…
Stacy: Wait, I’m starting to feel something… my skin is getting warmer…
Emi: Oh, that must be it. Try to jump over here!
Stacy: OK, here goes…

17. Stacy takes a running jump and leaps off the couch. She does a somersault in the air but ends up flying over the coffee table, over Emi, and onto the floor below.

Stacy: Whoa!
Emi: Whoa!
Stacy: [in the air] Look out!
[Emi ducks]
Stacy: [on floor] Oops! I guess I missed!
Emi: Haha, I guess so. Try again!

18. Stacy jumps from a standing position from the floor and onto the coffee table. She lands perfectly next to Emi, like an Olympic gymnast.

Stacy: Here I go!
Emi: Wow!
Stacy: Tada! What’s my score?
Emi: Definitely a 10 out of 10…
Stacy: Thanks. Where’d you get those doll clothes? I could use some…
Emi: Yeah, Kara gave them to me… I don’t think she thought we’d have two test subjects!
Emi and Stacy stand near each other on the coffee table, with Kara still floating above the couch.
Stacy: So, this is really perfect, these two potions together. With the shrinking and the near weightlessness, I feel I can do anything. Just give me a pair of motorized wings and I could be a fairy!
Emi: That is a good idea… it sounds like we need to work on getting the proportions right… you know, you could be a witch yourself if you keep this up!
Stacy: Ha, you think so? I never knew you guys did such cool stuff!
Emi: Well, this is our final project. Most of it is just studying witch history and ethics and junk.

19. Kara begins to float back down onto the couch, still kind of dazed.

Stacy: So what should we do with her?
Emi: I don’t know, I’m inclined to just get a rope and tie her down, let her sleep it off. Clearly she’s had too much.

20. Kara begins to wake up.

Kara: Wha? What’s going on?
Emi: You had too much of my potion! You’re completely weightless!
Stacy: Kara, I know you were trying to lose weight for summer but this is ridiculous!
Kara: Stacy? Is that you? How did you get like that?
Stacy: I had some of your potion. It’s great! Nice work! But I also had some of Emi’s, so watch this!
Stacy takes a running jump and jumps from the coffee table to Kara’s stomach, landing perfectly.
Stacy: How do you like that? Tada!
Kara: Wow! Cool! Well, sounds like we’ve got the makings of something here… Emi, how long until this wears off?
Emi: Should be a few hours… but you weren't supposed to have so much!

21. Kara, still floating, takes Stacy and puts her back down on the coffee table.

Kara: Well… sorry, it just felt so good… it’s your fault for making such a great potion! You’ll get an A for sure!
Emi: I hope so… I just wish I was normal before my date tonight…
Stacy: Don’t worry, guys like to be the taller one in the relationship, haha.
Emi: That’s enough out of you, shrimp!
Stacy: Who are you calling shrimp?
Emi: Haha, watch this!

22. Emi takes Stacy and lifts her up, throwing her up in the air. Stacy does several somersaults before coming back down to a perfect landing on the table.

Stacy: Whoa! Emi, hold on!
Emi: [throws Stacy in the air] Try to land on both feet, like a cat!
Stacy: [landing perfectly] Woo! Nice.
Kara: Girls, really, let’s not fight. Hmm… maybe I should try the shrinking potion too… what Stacy’s doing looks fun. I’m too big to do anything cool with my current state…
Emi: Don’t you think at least one of us should stay normal sized in case something happens?

23. Kara begins to drink some of her own potion.
Kara: Haha, nope!
Emi: Why do I even bother…
Stacy: You’ll love it, Kara! This is a great feeling!

24. Kara begins to shrink in mid-air. Her clothes begin to fall off one by one on to the couch – first her colorful socks…then her bra…and finally her panties. Her voice begins to get higher as she shrinks down to the same size as the other two girls. But she is still weightless.

Kara: Ooh…I remember this feeling… [moan]… oh yeah… here we go.
Emi: Wait a minute, if she’s still weightless, how is she going to be able to move once she’s shrunk? She didn’t think this through at all!
Stacy: Oh that’s a good idea, I want to be weightless too!
Emi: No! Don’t! At this rate you guys are going to get blown out of here by a powerful wind or something as soon as the door opens!
Kara: Emi… [moan]… stop being such a downer… we’re going to pass our class and be witches for sure… [moan]
Stacy: I’m definitely getting more of your potion, Emi. I want to be weightless like Kara!
Emi: Ugh, fine. Don’t come crying to me later…
Kara: Oooooh… [moan] this is fantastic… [moan]…

25. Kara is now six inches tall, but floating above the coffee table, naked. Emi is standing on the table, folding her arms. Stacy is grabbing the straw (giant sized compared to her) and placing it in Emi’s potion and taking a big sip.

Stacy: [after taking a big sip] Oh yeah… I can feel it coming on…woo…just a little more… [moan]
Emi: [scrambling on top of the books to try and grab Kara’s foot to drag her down to the coffee table] Come on, just a little higher… [Kara’s foot dangles just out of reach of Emi]
Kara: Sorry, honey, you’re just not big enough! Haha!
Emi: Argh! You are the worst!
Stacy: Uh … [moan] … I feel weird…
Emi: I told you! Now you’re going to float away like Kara and I’ll be stuck here on my own!
Kara: Don’t listen to her! It’s awesome once you get the hang of it!

26. Stacy jumps up to try to aim for Kara, does so, and ends up holding on to Kara in a weightless embrace.

Stacy: OK, here goes nothing… [jumps up next to Kara, who catches her]
Kara: Oof! I got you.
Stacy: Hey, girl.
Kara: Hey, lovely.
Emi: How are you guys doing up there?
Kara: Awesome!
Stacy: You need to try it!
Emi: No way! Someone is staying grounded while we wait this out.
Stacy: Ok, Emi, let’s try something. Throw me that string! Then we can have something to hold on to so we don’t float away.
Emi: Good idea! Now you guys are finally thinking.
Emi grabs the string (which would look like rope to us) and throws it to the two girls. Stacy and Kara tie around each other.
Emi: Here goes nothing! [throws rope, caught by Kara.]
Kara: Good job! Now pull!

27. Emi pulls the rope down and Kara and Stacy are now floating just above the coffee table.

Kara: OK, I think we’re safe now. Now we can really have some fun with this!
Emi: What do you mean? I think we just all just calm down and wait for the—
Stacy: Yeah, now we don’t have to worry about floating away! We can do anything we want! The first thing I need to do is get some of those doll clothes that Emi has. Where are they, Kara?
Kara: In the bedroom… and I think I need that too. OK. Off we go! Let’s jump together!

28. Stacy and Kara jump off the table, out of the shot, tied to the ball of string, which eventually travels with them. Emi is left alone on the table…

Emi: Those guys never learn… sigh… what am I supposed to do while I wait? I guess I’ll watch TV… [goes to TV remote and jumps on the “power on” button.]
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Unread 04-10-2015   #2
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Re: Witch School Final Exam

nice job.
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Unread 04-10-2015   #3
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Re: Witch School Final Exam

It's interesting, I'll give you that. Would you like good news/bad news?

Good news: I could see myself adapting this into a comic.

Bad news: That will be a long time down the road, considering what I'm already working on.

Still, if you're interested, I'll give you a shout sometime later on if nobody else picks it up. Not sure if it would really be doable as a video, though it'd be fun to try.
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Unread 04-11-2015   #4
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Re: Witch School Final Exam

Hi there -

Thanks for the comments! Yeah, I know this might not be everyone's cup of tea, but it is mine... the best shrinking video I ever saw was Missa's "Shrinking Sex" video, which featured a woman who was excited to be shrunk. (The fact that she was a beautiful Asian woman also helped a lot.) So, I figured why not multiply that times 3 and add in my own special kink, which is weightlessness, which is a lot about being helpless...

But notice the characters are excited by the changes, not scared (well, only Emi is slightly concerned about the practicality of it all). I think we could use a lot more of that kind of transformation fiction, where the women are empowered by the changes and embrace it willingly as an experiment that they choose, not something forced on them.

I could see this being a series, where these witches-in-training get into a lot of interesting situations because of spells/potions gone wrong... anyway, that's just my 2 cents.

Thanks for reading and again if anyone is interested in taking this to the next level, I am certainly willing to work with you on it... with $$ involved...
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Unread 04-12-2015   #5
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Re: Witch School Final Exam

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Unread 04-14-2015   #6
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Re: Witch School Final Exam

Hello - I made a story which uses the same three characters again with different transformations including shrinking... please check it out!
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