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Unread 11-06-2008   #1
Tieing a Knot Or two
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Breaking Down The Walls Of Your Imagination.
Posts: 19,660
A Day in The Life (Complete)

"What are we going to do!?!"

"I don't know, but we'll have to think of something fast!"

Both Sofie and Jen were trapped under the couch and didn't know how they could escape Jinkers the cat who seemed to think they were it's playthings. Being under 8" tall they couldn't do a thing to stop him from clawing them to death.

"Sofie I have an idea, but you may not like it."

"Whatever it is I'll do it. As long as it doesn't involve me being bait."

"Well, um I told you that you wouldn't like it."

5 hours earlier....

The day started out as normal as can be. Sofie woke-up, cooked breakfast, and got ready for a typical Saturday morning of doing chores. Before she knew it she had already finished the laundry, dishes, and was vacuuming the upstairs bedroom when her telephone rang. She hurried downstairs and picked up to a very excited voice.

"Sofie!! You've got to come over to my house. My brother Ryan just finished his new invention and you have to check it out."

"Jen I'm sure that it's real cool and all, but if I don't finish up my chores today then I won't have a real day off tomorrow."

"Come on he will only be gone for a few hours and I know that he doesn't want me to touch it so it has to be something really amazing."

"Yeah I know what happens when he tells you not to touch something."

"Those doctors were able to remove those tails easily so it's not like we were left with any lasting effects."

"Speak for yourself. I still have a scar on my tailbone that won't go away."

"I think that it looks sexy. It really shows off your nice ass."

"It doesn't matter what you say. I'm not going to let you drag me into one of your stupid misadventures again."

"I'll pay for lunch."

"I said no."

"We could go to anywhere you want."

Thirty minutes later Sofie was driving over to Jen's house telling herself how stupid she was for agreeing to this. Ryan's inventions usually worked, but they didn't always have the desired results. She had once wound up with a monkey's tail, she had grown a third eye, and had even been turned purple once. Ryan was usually able to fix her eventually, but after the monkey's tail incident she didn't even want to tempt fate again. She pulled into Jen's driveway and thought about going right back home, but before she could even turn over the engine Jen was walking out the door to meet her.

"Sofie!!! I'm glad that you came. I just know that this time were really going to have some fun."

"I'm not so sure about that. We always run into problems when your brother's inventions are involved."

"Not always. Don't you remember that his mammary enhancer gave us both these E cup breasts?"

"But that was after he reversed most of it's effects so we could actually walk around."

"You can't tell me that you never imagined what it would be like to have tits the size of a VW Beetle."

"I never did and thanks to you I never will."

"What about those chocolates that made us instantly orgasm when we bit into them?"

"You mean the ones that turned me purple and you red?"

"Okay that was a bad example."

"Oh yeah, there was that one time when his new shampoo made our hair grow all the way down to our asses."

"How can I forget having to get a haircut three times a week for two months. Are you trying to talk me out of this, because if you are you're doing a good job."

"No. It's just that this time I have a really good feeling about this one."

Jen lived in a large three story house that over looked the ocean. Her brother Ryan had a complete lab set up in the basement that he fully funded with his experiments. He didn't always make things that could be released to the general public, but the items that he did really set him and his family up well. Ryan always locked his lab up tightly, but he wasn't the only smart one in the family. Jen could always find a way in. When they arrived at the basement door Jen typed a code into the electronic lock.

"Invalid. Invalid." spouted an electronic voice.

"I can't believe that he changed his password again. It's almost as if he doesn't trust me." She says while pulling a handheld device out from her cleavage.

"I wonder why he would think that Jen?"

"I have no idea." Jen opens up the cover of the security system and plugs in a cord from the handheld. After about thirty seconds of frantic typing she quickly unplugged the device and replaced the cover.

"That should do it."

"Access Granted." Cooed a female voice from nowhere.

The door slid to the side revealing an intricate lab that any scientist on Earth would have a wet dream over. Jen walked over to a cluttered counter top and picked up a stainless steel ray-gun with a dials and switches along the side.

"Wow that looks pretty complicated. Do you know what it's supposed to do."

"He said it was a matter re-arranger."

"You do know that we are made of matter right."

"Of course I do."

"Well could you at least not point that at me until we know what it dose."

"Oh, right." Jen says as she points it toward the ground.

"What are you going to use to test it on?"

"I'm not so sure yet."

Jen led the way back out to the living room looking all around her as she did.

"Oh Jinkers!! Come here kitty kitty."

"No don't use it on Ryan's cat."

"Okay." Jen said sadly. The duo walked toward the kitchen looking for a suitable subject. Jen eyed a basket of fruit and picked an apple off the top.

"This will do."

She sets it on the counter and turns the black dial on the gun to 3. Jen pulled the trigger releasing a volatile neon green beam of light. The fruit was engulfed immediately.


"Holy Shit!!"

Jen let go of the trigger and the beam instantly disappeared. The apple still held it's neon green glow though.

"Hey you've just invented glow in the dark fruit." joked Sofie.

Just as soon as the glow started to fade the apple began to grow. It swelled up to the size of a softball and then up to a basket ball finally stopping about the size of a beach-ball. The two girls stood there amazed at what had to be the largest apple on Earth.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" posed Jen.

"As long as you don't make us too big."

"You've been 5' 1" your whole life you don't want to see what it would be like to be over seven feet tall?"

"I'm sure that would be cool for a while, but..."

"No buts you are always complaining about how short you are and I certainly don't like being 5' 4" so I'm definitely doing it."

Jen adjusted the dial on the gun back to 1 and handed it to Sofie.

"Shoot me."

"Are you sure? It might not work the same way on you."

"I'm sure it will. Why wouldn't it?"

"Okay if you really want me to." Sofie pulled the trigger painting Jen in a neon green glow. She let go and watched to see what happened. Just like the apple Jen's glow began to fade and with it came her growth spurt. She shot up quickly in seconds reaching 6' 6" almost instantly.

"Whoa I'm feeling a bit dizzy." she steadies herself on a chair as she levels off at 7' 4". After growing a full two feet in height Jen looked very imposing to Sofie. This girl was only a few inches taller than her mere seconds ago and now she towered over her.

"Jen you're a giantess."

"Here hand me that so you can be one too." Sofie surrendered the gun, but was still transfixed by the site of Jen's tits that were now quite enormous.

"Lets see what it would look like if we increase the power on this sucker."

"No wait!!" warned Sofie, but she was too late Jen had already shot her with the fourth setting.

The petite girl started out her day at 5' 1", but within seconds she was 5' 9", then 6' 5", then 7' 4" staring Jen right into the eyes. She wasn't stopping there because she was 8' even before Jen could blink her eyes. Sofie had to kneel down because her head hit the ceiling.


"Sofie oh my god!!"

when Sofie opened her eyes she was looking Jen in the eyes once again. She was taller than Jen while she was on her knees. She had to be over ten feet tall.

"Jen you better hope that you can reverse this."

"I didn't think that you would get that big."

"Jen I won't even be able to fit through the door to my house. Here give me that thing so I can find a way to return to normal."

"I'm sure that I can figure it out."

"All I need you to do is test that thing on me again." said Sofie as she reached for the ray-gun.

Sofie and Jen both tugged over the device turning it's dials and flipping it's switches in the process. All of a sudden the gun flew out of their grasp and landed on the floor misfiring. The girls looked up just in time to see themselves get swallowed by the beam of light.

"Look what you did."

"Me it was you that tried to take it from me."

"We're probably going to tear your house to shreds."

The two girls waited for their growth to continue, but were almost relieved when they began to shrink. In no time at all Sofie shrank back down to 8'. Jen shrank right along with her back down to her old height of 5' 4".

"Oh man I liked being tall." to her surprise her shrinking didn't stop there bringing her down to 4' 8". "This doesn't look good I'm still shrinking."

"I am too. Look I'm not even seven feet tall anymore." in fact Sofie was 6' 7".

Jen kept seeing the world around her getting larger. She couldn't even see over the counter top and was still getting smaller.

"This is pretty crazy. I'm almost three feet tall; it's like I'm a kid again."

Meanwhile Sofie caught up to and passed her old height continuing to shrink even more.

when Jen shrank down to 2' 4" she started to get scared. "Just how small are we going to end up?"

"I don't know, but our shrinking couldn't last too much longer."

Sofie was wrong and didn't know how wrong she was till she was 2' 9".

Jen was under two feet tall and getting smaller by the second and was now hoping that they would still be able to pick up the ray-gun when their shrinking stopped. But to her dismay her shrinking showed no sign of stopping bringing her down to 1' 5", 1'2", 10", 8", and finally stopping at barely over 5" tall. Her house looked like an alien world with mountain sized chairs and counters that went hundreds of feet into the sky. She was able to spot a tiny figure in the distance walking toward her and seen that it was Sofie.

"Jen are you okay?" Sofie yelled out across the valley of hardwood.

"I think so."

"Where is the shrink-ray?"

"I think that it is over toward the living room."

Sofie approached Jen and noticed that she was quite a bit smaller than her indeed. Sofie was seven and a half inches tall and little Jen's head didn't even come up to her breasts.

"Wow you are pretty tiny."

"We both are."

"Yeah, but you're still like a midget compared to me."

"Are you really trying to take pride in being the smallest giantess on Earth."

After a little more teasing they decided that they were tired of being doll sized and it was time to make their long walk to the ray-gun. It seemed like they had been walking for over a mile before Jen could see a flash of light shine off of the steel body of the device.

"I can see it!"

"So can I. It's not too much farther."

AS they were approaching their destination a sound ripped through the air like thunder. It sounded like the roar of a very large lion. that was when Sofie noticed Jinkers coming towards them with curiosity in it's eyes.

"Oh shit it's Jinkers run!!"

"Where to?"

"The couch should be around the corner in the living room just hope that we can make it."

The tiny girls ran their asses off with Jinkers coming up behind them fast. At the last second Sofie and Jen plunged under the couch escaping Jinker's ounce by mere inches. Jinkers tried to sweep it's claws towards them thankfully with out scoring a hit. They seemed to be just out of his reach. Under the couch was a world all to itself. Even though they cleaned regularly there was plenty of dust and dirt all over the carpet. Jen also noticed a red M&M that had escaped her a few days ago. At her new size it looked like it was a little bit larger than a football.

"What are we going to do!?!"

"I don't know, but we'll have to think of something fast!"

Jen looked over at the M&M and back at Sofie and inspiration hit her.

"Sofie I have an idea, but you may not like it."

"Whatever it is I'll do it. As long as it doesn't involve me being bait."

"Well, um I told you that you wouldn't like it."

She walked over and tried to pick up the piece of candy. She could barely lift it because it was so heavy.

"Shit I forgot that I was eating the peanut kind. Sofie take this please."

Sofie took it from her with ease and marveled at how much stronger she was compared to Jen.

"All right we are only going to have one chance at this. What I want you to do is when I peek out the side of the couch and get Jinkers' attention creep out the other side and toss the Candy toward the kitchen floor. Hopefully Jinkers will run over there to it and I will be able to run over to the ray-gun."

"What good will that do with me under here?"

"I'm thinking about shrinking Jinkers."

"Let's just hope that it works because I don't think that we have any room for error."

After composing herself Jen thought that she was as ready as she would ever be. She came out on the front side of the couch and stomped around wildly.

"Hey Jinkers get your ass over here."

This part of her plan was working perfectly because Jinkers came strait for her. After another narrow escape Jen motioned for Sofie to do her part. She crawled out and readied herself for a wild toss. The candy flew out of her hands and made it all the way to the hardwood floor of the kitchen skidding across the slick wood.

At once Jinkers' ears perked up and he darted for the kitchen. Jen took her only chance and ran as fast as she could over to the device. Jinkers reached the M&M and batted it between it's paws trying to figure it out. Jen peered down the barrel and noticed that Sofie had put Jinkers at just the right trajectory for her shot. Jen pushed with all over her might at the trigger and it wouldn't budge.

"Shit!!" she exclaimed positioning herself better to get more leverage. The trigger was about one-fifth her size and it was like trying to push a boulder. Eventually she could feel it give and the gun shot it's beam out across the room barely hitting the cat Which was surprised so much it jumped in the air. When Jinkers landed he had already started shrinking and was as small as a kitten.

"Yessss!!! Woooooow!!" exclaimed the tiny marksman.

"It worked Jen!!! Your plan worked!!!" Sofie walked over toward her and they jumped in each other's arms embracing for about a minute.

"Now how about us returning to normal?"

"Great idea. But I'll have to go first because I don't think I could push that trigger again even if I had to."

Jen walked into the line of fire while Sofie examined the settings on the ray- gun. The dial had been turned all the way up to 9 and the switch was set on the setting marked decrease. She flipped the switch over to increase with a little bit of strength and walked over to the trigger.

"Are you ready?"


She was easily able to push in the trigger hitting Jen dead on with the neon green beam. A minute later there was a giantess peering over her and grabbing up the device.

"Stand still there little one. I don't want to miss."

Jen didn't want to take the chance of Sofie crashing through her roof so she turned the dial to 8 and fired away. Sofie grew before her eyes climbing up and up. Before too long she was knee high, then up to her waist, growing further she was up to her boobs. The ray-gun returned Jen to 7' 4" and didn't know what height Sofie would stop at, but she knew Sofie wouldn't grow as large as she was before. Sofie's growth finally stopped at 7' 9" and was content with that.

"Wow, we're back to a normal height."

"Yeah and I want it to stay that way so put that thing back where you found it."

"You can't tell me that you didn't have fun."

"We shrank down to under a foot tall, walked a few miles to find the ray-gun, and were chased by a gigantic house cat. You have a real fucked up idea about fun."

"The day isn't over with yet."

The End
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Claire's Project

Last edited by LOD; 11-06-2008 at 04:49 PM.
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Unread 11-06-2008   #2
Tieing a Knot Or two
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Breaking Down The Walls Of Your Imagination.
Posts: 19,660
Re: A Day in The Life

I didn't post this in the shrinking forum because of the very few growth elements to it, but I was going to post the sequel so I thought why not. Look for "Trouble Before Twilight" coming soon. It will have lots of different sizes and a shrink ray rampage.

Claire's Project

Last edited by LOD; 11-06-2008 at 04:46 PM.
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