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Unread 10-26-2014   #1
Mytransformations's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 81
Post Elixir (AP)

Elixir by Mytransformations. A short AP story - enjoy!

Anthony was finishing up his shopping at the outdoor market when he saw the new table. He had just finished buying some sweet rolls when the shiny vials caught his eye. A man wearing a black trench coat manned the table, over which a banner hung reading “AP elixir.” Under that, another, small sign read “free samples.” Anthony, always a sucker for anything free, wandered to the man and grabbed one of the vials from the table top.

“AP Elixir, huh?” Anthony asked. “Never heard of it.”

“It’s a new product, that’s why we’re giving away samples as part of this special promotion,” the man replied in a deep, low voice. Anthony detected the trace of a foreign accent but couldn’t place from where the man might have been born. He shrugged, put the flask of swirly, purple liquid into his pocket, and began to walk home.

When he arrived in his apartment, he took out the vial and gave it a second look over. He was about to take out the rubber stopper and try a taste, but then realized he had neglected to ask the man what the substance was.

“Probably some kind of energy drink,” he said to himself. “Well, don’t want to be up all night. I’ll just try it later,” he said as he put the drink away in the refrigerator. He gave the drink no further thoughts until several hours later.


“I’m home, honey,” Jillian, Anthony’s girlfriend, announced as she opened the door. Anthony was on the couch, watching a re-run of “Nip/Tuck.”

“Hey, babe. I went shopping,” Anthony replied.

“Thanks, after that workout, I’m starving,” Jillian replied. “I tell you, being an aerobics instructor really does tire you out.”

“Well, help yourself to whatever you’d like,” Anthony replied. Jillian, a diet nut, rummaged through the refrigerator for celery stalks and carrot sticks. She stopped for a moment when she saw the “AP Elixir” drink on the shelf.

“Probably just a new brand of energy drink,” she said without a second thought. “What the heck, I’m pretty beat today,” she said as she reached for it.

Jillian brought a plate of veggies over to the sofa and sad down next to Anthony. Her lean, ultra thin body was so lithe that her spandex almost appeared to blouse up. Her blond tresses framed her skinny, diamond shaped, youthful face.

“That new energy drink is fantastic,” Jillian said, after letting out a small belch and looking embossed. “You have to get more of that ‘AP Elixir.”

“Is that what it is, then, an energy drink?” Anthony asked.

“How should I know? There was no label…wait, why did you buy it if you didn’t know what it was?” Jillian replied.

“Well, actually, I didn’t buy it. I got it for free as a sample,” Anthony explained. “I just forgot to ask what it was. I just assumed it might be an energy drink, or…something. Do you feel more energetic?”

“Kind of. I feel really…tingly. It’s a good kind of tingle, though. Like a warm little shiver is going up whole body,” Jillian said. “And I’m really hungry, too,” Jillian added. “Did you pick up anything at the market other than veggies?”

Anthony paused before replying, a little suspicious of his girlfriend’s unusual behavior. “Well, I did get some sweet rolls with frosting…”

“Oh, give me some of those!” Jillian said excitedly. Anthony rummaged through the kitchen and produced the pastries, which Jillian eagerly consumed, bits of frosting smearing on her cheeks and lips. As soon as she polished off the last of them, she grabbed the shocked-looking Anthony by the back of the neck and pulled him into a deep kiss.

Anthony could taste the frosting on her mouth, making the kiss sweet. She tongued his mouth furiously and ran her hands up his shirt.

“I’ll definitely get more of that drink tomorrow,” Anthony thought to himself.


The next morning, he awoke to find Jillian preening into the bathroom mirror and making whining noises.

“I look awful today, Anthony. I didn’t party or anything last night…I just don’t get what’s going on?” she complained.

Anthony pulled himself out of bed, and took a look at his girlfriend. He suspected that nothing was really wrong, as Jillian engaged in this sort of behavior often. When he looked into the mirror, however, he was surprised.

Jillian’s face certainly looked a little different. Very slight bags appeared under her eyes when none had existed previously. Her cheeks were a little puffier than they were normally, and her chin was beginning to get the faintest beginnings of doubling. Faint laugh lines decorated her cheeks. Jillian was only 21, but now she looked like she was nearly 30.

“Why didn’t you tell me I had gained this much weight?” Jillian said, staring down at her body. “Come on, you must have noticed,” she said, pointing to her slightly puffier upper arms and the beginnings of love handles on her waist.

“No, I didn’t, really,” replied Anthony, shocked.

“Well, I should just learn my lesson,” Jillian replied. “No more pigging out on sweet rolls. Don’t buy any more of those, ok? They just tempt me.”

“I seriously doubt you could have put on a noticeable amount of weight with one little binge…” Anthony began, but was cut off.

“Well, how else can you explain it, Anthony? Please, no more of those, ok?” she said in a panicky voice.

“Ok, ok.” Anthony said quickly. He looked into the mirror again, taking in his girlfriend’s new look. The more he thought about it, the more he found he didn’t mind the changes. They gave her more mature, distinguished look. And the weight didn’t hurt, either. She looked much healthier, much more like a woman that wasn’t afraid to cut loose and enjoy herself once in a while.

“If this gets worse, how will I even be able to do my job? I can’t be an aerobics instructor and be out of shape. That’s like being a dentist with bad teeth,” Jillian said.

“Hey, it’s not all bad,” Anthony said. “Look, your breasts are starting to get bigger, too. They barely fit in your bra.”

“Yeah, but I don’t want them to get too big. They might get soft and saggy. I’m way too young for that to happen,” Jillian said.


“So, your girlfriend enjoyed the AP, I take it? I can tell by looking that you weren’t the one to drink it,” the mysterious man with the strange accent replied when Anthony arrived at his booth at the market.

“What does it do, exactly?” Anthony asked, still not putting it together.

“Come on, buddy. You can’t fool me. You’re the kind of guy who reads the stories online, who thinks about when your girlfriend is out of town, come on. AP.”

“Age Progression,” Anthony said, slightly blushing. “Alright, well, how much for more?”

“Two hundred buck a pop,” the man said, his face breaking into a big grin.

“That’s outrageous,” Anthony said. “They were free yesterday!”

“Would you have paid that much for something that you didn’t know would work? Something that you hadn’t had a chance to see in action with your own eyes? Come on, this is my business model. Are you in or not?” The man asked impatiently.

“All right, all right,” Anthony conceded. “I’ll take two more.”

The man opened up his trench coat and produced two more vials filled with purple, fizzy liquid. “Have a good time,” he said as soon as the money was in his hand.


“Ugh, today was the worst,” Jillian said as she entered the apartment. “I was so tired, and felt so out of shape. I hope you got some more of that AP Elixir stuff. I really need some right now.”

“Uh, well, actually…” Anthony said, feeling a little guilty. Maybe, he thought to himself, he ought to explain what exactly AP Elixir did before she had more of it. She had the right to know what exactly she was getting into.

“Oh here it is,” she said excitedly. “Bottoms up!”

“Wait!” Anthony shouted. But it was too late: Jillian had already finished guzzling it down.

“Well, that was great! Really hit the spot,” Jillian said. “What’s wrong, Anthony? Why do you look so shocked? You bought them for me, didn’t you?”

“Uh, yeah, I did…” Anthony said after a few moments of hesitation.

“Well, come on then, I feel great now. My body feels all tingly,” Jillian said with a smile. Anthony now knew that the tingling was likely being caused by her cells preparing to age rapidly. “Stop staring at me like that, Anthony, you’re scaring me.” She leaned into her boyfriend, pressing her fleshier, softer body up against his. Anthony felt exhilarated by the feeling. As he started to imagine was happening to her, and what was going to happen, he could feel himself become rock hard.

“Let’s make love all night,” Jillian whispered in his ear as Anthony smiled.


It was Saturday the next morning, and both Jillian and Anthony had overslept. Anthony awoke first, his head partially buried in Jillian’s blonde, messy main of hair. He was surprised for a moment to notice a few strands of grey amongst the yellow, and knew that Jillian was bound to notice herself.

For a moment, he entertained a frantic idea of breaking or covering up every mirror in the house, but knew that she’d find out eventually. He only hoped that she wouldn’t be too angry at him over what he’d done. He figured it would be best for him to just come clean.

“Jillian – I’ve got something to say, and you’re probably not going to like it,” Anthony began.

“What is it, lover boy?” Jillian said as she roused herself and gave Anthony a little kiss on his forehead. She kept her lips planted for a moment, then swirled her tongue seductively.

“I found out what the AP stands for in AP Elixir. It’s age progression,” Anthony said nervously.

“Age progression?” Jillian asked. “What a minute…is that what happened to me yesterday?”

“Yesterday…and…today. You had more of that drink last night, you remember?” Anthony said.

“More? I guess I better be brave and take a look at the damage,” she said, pulling herself out of bed and giving Anthony an eyeful of her new body. Her breasts were certainly larger, but looked a bit softer and sagged a little towards her tummy, which was now quite poofy. It also sported some generous love handles, and would have created quite the muffin top if packed into tight jeans. As Jillian raised her arms up to play with her new gray hairs, Anthony could see her upper arms slightly jiggle with that distinctive “old lady arms” effect.

“Well, I’ve got to say,” Jillian began, “knowing what’s going on does take a lot of the stress off it.” She turned around to face him, and Anthony noticed a few more lines etched into her face. She looked like a woman who was clearly in her mid 30s. “So this is what I’ll look like when I’m older. I think I look good for my age.”

“Yeah,” Anthony said excitedly. “You’ve aged really well.”

“Wait, you said you found out what AP stood for yesterday. When yesterday?” Jillian asked.

“When I bought more of it,” Anthony replied sheepishly.

“So the guy who sold it explained it to you, and you bought more of it. Why?” Jillian asked, puzzled.

“Well, to be honest, when I saw the changes yesterday, I kind of liked them,” Anthony began. “I’ve always kind of liked older women. I think the look really suits you.”

“You do?” Jillian asked, sounding surprised. “Well, what about this excess weight? I guess older gals’ metabolisms do tend to slow down some.”

“I don’t mind that at all. You wear the pounds splendidly,” Anthony said. “So…you aren’t mad at me?”

“Well, I wish you had told me what was going on earlier, but no, I’m not mad,” Jillian said, eying her new looks in the mirror. “I am a pretty sexy older lady, aren’t I?”

“Yes you are,” Anthony said.

“Well, in that case,” Jillian said. “I just have one question for you.” She walked back onto the bed and wrapped her new, fleshy thighs around Anthony’s torso. “I noticed two potions in the refrigerator last night. I’m guessing dating a woman in her 30s isn’t exactly the end of your fantasy, now, is it?”

Anthony didn’t reply, merely gulping and shaking his head.

“Thought so. Why else would you have got two?” Jillian started to grind her new, softer torso up against his. “Let’s see. From what we’ve observed so far, each drink seems to add nearly 10 years. Would you like to add another 10 years to my body?”

Anthony nodded again, too consumed with lust to speak.

“Would you like me to be ten years older? Ten years flabbier, ten years fatter? Ten more years of mature lines on my face? Ten more years of gray hairs to bury your face in when we make love?” Jillian whispered seductively, and Anthony groaned in approval.

“I’m going to go drink some right now!” Jillian said, and ran down stairs. Anthony followed her, and he could see her hands shaking with excitement as she downed the last AP Elixir. Jillian’s body tingled furiously and her rounder cheeks sported a wide grin.

They made love, right on the kitchen counter, and after a few hours of waiting, the potion took its toll.


Jillian was definitely a woman in her mid 40s now. Her face was lined with crow’s feet, deep laugh lines, and tiny forehead wrinkles. Some of the wrinkles on her face, though, were clearly being hidden behind the new roundness of her face. Jillian’s cheeks were round and chubby, and she sported a double chin.

Her shoulders were wider and rounder than they had been before, leading into some beefy, very soft upper arms and jiggled with the slightest provocation. Her overall skin was slightly softer and had a little more give under his probing fingers, with just a few hints of age spots. Jillian’s breasts, once small and pert, were now large and sagged low on her chest. Under them was a large, proud potbelly that would stick out of any clothing. Jillian noted that “women her age” often start gaining weight around the middle.

Her hips were wide and thick, giving her the appearance of a woman who had pushed out her share of kids. Her thighs were round and incredibly soft and creamy, just heaven to be squeezed behind. Her hair now had significant grey spots.

“Anyone who sees us together will think you’re some big cougar hunter, if they don’t think I’m old enough to be your mom,” Jillian said playfully.

“You technically are, now,” he reminded her.

“Oh, hush,” Jillian said, her voice now even sounding a bit more mature and husky.

“Are you worried about your aerobics classes?” Anthony asked.

“Screw them,” Jillian said. “I think I get enough of a workout right at home,” she said seductively. They leaned close and shared a passionate kiss.
Visit My Transformations for more of my stories.
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Unread 10-28-2014   #2
Mr GorpThorp
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Re: Elixir (AP)

I don't know much about old-age APs but this was a pretty good story, thanks for sharing
Gorp. Thorp.
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age progression, tranmsformation, weight gain

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